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667 US Afghan War deaths, 4-6 million Afghan excess deaths, 100,000 dead so far in Obama’s War on Terror

by Open-Publishing - Friday 20 March 2009
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Wars and conflicts International USA

As summarized in the title, 667 US soldiers have died so far in the Afghan War as compared to 4-6 million violent and non-violent Afghan excess deaths. So far, in the first 2 months of the Obama presidency, non-violent Indigenous Asian excess deaths and under-5 infant deaths in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories total about 100,000 and 70,000, respectively. Obama could stop all 3 holocausts tomorrow but he simply won’t - "yes we can" clearly doesn’t extend to cessation of the passive mass murder of Arab, Muslim, Asian and non-European infants by the racist, genocidal US Alliance.

Tragically, a tenth courageous, young Australian soldier has died in the line of duty in Occupied Afghanistan and the Australian Federal Government has offered the following fatuous justification for this utterly unjustified, seemingly endless and genocidal war against a remote and fiercely independent country: “I remind Australians we are there for a very real purpose — to ensure terrorists don’t use Afghanistan as a training ground or launching pad for attacks on Australians.” [1].

According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), US Alliance occupation of Occupied Afghanistan has restored the largely Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from about 6% of world market share in 2001 to 92% in 2007, “the area under opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan rose 17% in 2007 to 193,000 ha” and “over two thirds of the opium poppy cultivation was located in the southern region of the country.” [2].

About 0.1 million people die world-wide each year from opiate drug-related causes and according to the NSW Department of Health “In 2006, there were 132 opiate-related deaths in NSW (73% in males and 58% in those aged 15-44 years)”, this corresponding to 392 Australian opiate-related deaths annually. [3, 4].

While only 4 Australians have died from terrorist attacks within Australia in the last 30 years (and none were due to Muslims), according to UN Population Division data, in Occupied Afghanistan post-invasion non-violent excess deaths (non-violent avoidable deaths) total 4 million, post-invasion violent deaths may be 2 million (if the violent/non-violent excess death ratio in Occupied Afghanistan is half that in Occupied Iraq), post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 2.1 million, and refugees total about 4 million (including 0.3 million refugees from US robot-bombed NW Provinces of Pakistan). [5, 6].

There being no plausible justification for the invasion and sustained war and occupation (arrest of Osama bin Laden for alleged involvement in the 9-11 atrocity that many believe involved the US and Apartheid Israel?), the violent Afghan deaths are clearly war crimes, and so too are the 4 million post-invasion non-violent deaths from deprivation. Thus under Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, an Occupier is obliged to supply life-sustaining food and medical requisites to the conquered subjects “to the fullest extent of the means available to it”. However, consulting the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that the “total expenditure on health per capita” in Occupied Iraq is a homicidal and paedocidal $29 as compared to $6,714 for the occupier country, the US. [7, 8].

Further, the “annual death rate” of under-5 year old Occupied Afghan infants is 6.5% (from UN Population Division data) as compared to 10% for Australian prisoners of war of the Japanese in World War 2 (for which crime Japanese generals were tried and hanged). The carnage in Occupied Afghanistan is an Afghan Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention. [5, 9].

A total of 1,111 US Alliance soldiers have been killed in Occupied Afghanistan (667 US soldiers and 444 other US Alliance soldiers), this yielding an “Indigenous Subject”/ “Occupying foreign soldier” death ratio of 4-6 million/1,111 = 3,600 -5,400, this death ratio being about 360-540 times greater than the reprisals death ratio of 10 ordered by Adolph Hitler in March 1944 and executed with the Nazi murder of 335 Italian men and boys in the Ardeatine Caves Massacre in retaliation for the killing of 33 German soldiers by Italian partisans in Rome the previous day. [10, 11].

According to UN Population Division data there are about 440,000 non-violent excess deaths from deprivation in Occupied Afghanistan every year i.e. about 37,000 every month. Accordingly, there have been about 74,000 such non-violent avoidable deaths in Occupied Afghanistan during the first 2 months of Obama’s presidency. About half the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan populations (post-invasion excess deaths 0.3 million, 1 million and 4 million, respectively) are children and about three quarters women and children – and thus the Bush (now Obama) War on Terror can be seen as a cowardly and racist War on Women and Children and, more specifically, a War on Arab, Muslim, Asian and non-European Women and Children. [5].

One can estimate from UN Population Division data that annual under-5 infant deaths among America’s Muslim “slaves” in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories total 3,000 + 98,000 + 314,000 = 415,000, this corresponding to 415,000/0.7 = 593,000 non-violent excess deaths annually or about 50,000 per month. In the mere 2 months after the inauguration of President Barack Obama, non-violent excess deaths alone of America’s “slaves” in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories have totalled about 100,000. [5].

On US presidential election night in late 2008, famous US consumer advocate Ralph Nader queried whether Barack Obama would become an Uncle Sam and act in the interests of the American people or become an Uncle Tom, and be slavishly beholden to the warmongering American Establishment.

After 2 months of Obama rule we have our answer in 100,000 Indigenous non-violent excess deaths in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories. With 100,000 dead Muslim “slaves” under his belt already in just 2 months of his Administration, Obama can be seen more as a Simon Legree, the brutal slave owner who had poor, good Uncle Tom beaten to death in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. The only thing that can stop the continuing active and passive mass murder in US President Barack Obama’s American Empire will be resolute Sanctions and Boycotts against the US and the war criminal, genocidal democratic imperialist (democratic Nazi) countries of the Western Murdochracy US Alliance.

After the defeat of Nazi Germany in the 1939-1945 World War 2 conflict (that commenced with the Nazi German invasion of Poland in September 1939), the defeated Germans adopted a post-war and post-Holocaust protocol that can be summarized by the acronym CAAAA (C4A), specifically Cessation of the killing, Acknowledgment of the crimes, Apology, Amends and Assertion “never again to anyone”.

Unfortunately, unlike the Nazi Germans, the pro-Zionist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, imperialist war criminals of the US Alliance are comprehensively violating the 5-point CAAAA (C4A) protocol by continuing the War on Arab, Muslim and Asian Women and Children in Occupied Palestine, Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan (Zionist lackey Obama could stop all three catastrophes tomorrow if he chose to – but he simply won’t); refusing to acknowledge the horrendous carnage; declining to apologize; refusing to make amends; and making it clear that they will continue and indeed expand war in Occupied Afghanistan and the North West Provinces of Pakistan.

The late Harold Pinter castigated Obama’s predecessors in the War on Terror, Bush and Blair, in his famous Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech: “We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it ’bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East’. How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just that Bush and Blair be arraigned before the International Criminal Court of Justice.” [12].

How many Afghans do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? 4-6 million? More than enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just that Bush, Blair, Obama and other complicit US Alliance politicians be arraigned before the International Criminal Court of Justice.

Apartheid South Africa faced international Sanctions and Boycotts for denying one-man-one-vote to African, Indian and Chinese South Africans, most urgently after the Sharpeville Massacre in which 69 South Africans were killed by Apartheid South African police. The US Alliance state terrorists, including White Australia and Apartheid Israel, variously face international Sanctions, Boycotts and war crimes prosecutions before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for complicity in 4-6 million violent and non-violent post-invasion Afghan excess deaths and 9-11 million excess deaths in total in the Bush (and now Obama) wars (1990-2009). [6].

[1]. Brendan Nicholson, “Tenth [Australian] soldier killed in Afghanistan”, The Age, 20 March, 1999: http://www.theage.com.au/national/t... .

[2]. UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). World Drug Report 2008: http://www.unodc.org/documents/wdr/... .

[3]. National Drug Research Institute, “Tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs responsible for seven million preventable deaths world wide [annually]”, 2006: http://db.ndri.curtin.edu.au/media.... .

[4]. NSW Government, Department of Health, “Deaths from opiates, psychostimulants and benzodiazepines, NSW Heath, 2008: http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/public... .

[5]. UN Population Division: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ .

[6]. Gideon Polya, “9-11 excuse for US global genocide. The real 9-11 atrocity: millions dead [9-11 million] in Bush wars [1990-2009]”, MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/251... .

[7]. Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War: http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/92.htm .

[8]. WHO: http://www.who.int/countries/en/ .

[9]. UN Genocide Convention: http://www.edwebproject.org/sidesho... .

[10]. Coalition casualties in Afghanistan: http://icasualties.org/oef/ .

[11]. Wikipedia, Ardeatine Massacre: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardeat... .

[12]. Harold Pinter, “Art , truth and politics”, Literature Nobel Prize Acceptance speech, December 2005: http://www.countercurrents.org/arts... .

Forum posts

  • As always Dr., you’re right on. Obama is not his own man. He is a man owned by the elite of the world. The day after Obama received the nod as candidate, he went grovelling to AIPAC to kiss their feet.

    The zionists are in control in Washington. The war of anglo/israel against arab nations will continue until the lie has been exposed. The lie of 911, the lie of Israel and the lie of religion. All are manufactured by the same group.

    Obama makes no decisions on his own. He’s surrounded by zionism and it’s evil influence. The US is now controlled by zionism.

    Zionism: Because white supremacy has an even uglier sister.