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Bastille Day - from French heroism (1789) to Sarkozy France-complicit, US-imposed Afghan Genocide (2009)

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 16 July 2009

Wars and conflicts France History

By Dr Gideon Polya

On 14th July 2009 the French celebrated Bastille Day 220 years after the storming of the Bastille on 14th July 1789 by the heroic French people in the French Revolution.

However what is forgotten is that while the French gained their freedom from oppressive aristocratic rule in the French Revolution, the economic Establishment of France continued its policies of denying non-Europeans their freedom throughout the world.

“Liberté, égalité, fraternité” did not apply to the hundreds of millions of people subject to rapacious French colonialism and slavery from the 17th century to the present day in France- and US Alliance-occupied Occupied Afghanistan that is currently still being devastated by the New Vichy France under pro-Zionist, neo-Bush-ite, neo-con Nicolas Sarkozy and his US Alliance collaborators.

For a summary of France’s inglorious history of racism, slavery, wars, occupations, theft and genocide see “Bastille Day 1789-2009, France, Occupation and Indigenous Genocide” on MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/318... . For a summary history of all the countries invaded, occupied and devastated by France in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Pacific over recent centuries see my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”: (see: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ and http://mwcnews.net/Gideon-Polya ).

For a brilliant analysis of the “intellectual” basis for French and European racism, colonialism and genocide up to and including the Nazi era see Sven Lindqvist’s “Exterminate All the Brutes” (Granta Books, London, 2002).

The carnage from French imperialism is best adjudged by “avoidable mortality” (excess mortality, excess deaths, avoidable deaths), the difference between the actual deaths in a country and the deaths expected for a decently-run, peaceful country with the same demographics. The excess deaths associated with French imperialism ran to hundreds of millions over the centuries. However a more precise estimate can be obtained for the period after 1950 from demographic data of the UN Population Division (see my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ and http://mwcnews.net/Gideon-Polya ).

Summarized below is 1950-2005 excess mortality/ 2005 population (both in millions, m) and expressed as a percentage (%) for each country occupied by France as a Major Occupier in the post-1945 era and for France itself. The asterisk (*) below indicates a major occupation by more than one country in the post-WW2 era (e.g. France is involved in the genocidal occupation of Occupied Afghanistan but is a minor player in the US-led US Alliance; the UK and Apartheid Israel joined in the invasion of Egypt by France in 1956). Note that excess death doesn’t stop when the colonial power leaves the devastated country. In Africa, the only formerly French-occupied countries or territories with Western-style excess mortality rates are Mauritius (French colonized but ruled by UK from 1810-1968) and Réunion (an overseas Department of France). The following data (and related data for other imperialist countries) is available here in the detailed notes for a 2008 lecture on Global Avoidable Mortality: http://globalavoidablemortality.blo... .

France [3.275m/60.711m = 5.4%], Algeria [7.167m/32.877m =21.8%], Benin [3.267m/7.103m = 46.0%], Burkina Faso [6.810m/13.798m = 49.4%], Cambodia* [5.852m/14.825m = 39.5%], Cameroon* [6.669m/16.564m = 40.3%], Central African Republic [2.274m/3.962m =57.4%], Chad [5.085m/9.117m = 55.8%], Comoros [0.204m/0.812m =25.1%], Congo (Brazzaville) [1.085m/3.921m = 27.7%], Côte d’Ivoire [6.953m/17.165m = 40.5%], Djibouti [0.265m/0.721m = 36.8%], Egypt* [19.818m/74.878m = 26.5%], French Guiana [0.010m/0.187m = 5.3%], French Polynesia [0.018m/0.252m = 7.1%], Gabon [0.504m/1.375m = 36.7%], Guadeloupe [0.025m/0.446m = 5.6%], Guinea [5.185m/8.788m = 59.0%], Haiti* [4.089m/8.549m = 47.9%], Laos* [2.653m/5.918m = 44.8%], Madagascar [7.098m/18.409m = 38.6%], Mali [6.808m/13.829m = 49.2%], Martinique [0.022m/0.397m = 5.5%], Mauritania [1.294m/3.069m = 42.2%], Mauritius [0.064m/1.244m = 5.18], Morocco* [8.202m/31.564m = 26.0%], New Caledonia [0.017m/0.237m = 7.2%], Niger [6.558m/12.873m = 50.9%], Réunion [0.047m/0.777m = 6.0%], Senegal [4.457m/9.393m = 47.5%], Syria* [2.198m/18.650m = 11.8%], Togo [1.950m/5.129m = 38.0%], Tunisia [1.582m/10.042m =15.8%], Vanuatu* [0.037m/0.222m = 16.7%], Vietnam* [24.015m/83.585m = 28.7%], total = 142.291m/430.678m = 33.0%.

Unfortunately, the New Vichy France continues to subjugate, disempower, dispossess and ethnically cleanse Indigenous People through neo-colonialism in Africa; continued .occupation of a swathe of countries around the World (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion, French Guiana, New Caledonia and Tahiti are overseas Departments of France); and its obscene participation in the continuing US-imposed Afghan Genocide.

Pro-Zionist, war criminal French President Nicolas Sarkozy is an undignified, craven puppet of US imperialism and has committed French forces to the continuing Afghan Genocide (post-invasion excess deaths 3-7 million) as well as diplomatically and financially supporting the ongoing Western occupations of Palestine and Occupied Iraq (post-invasion excess deaths 0.3 million and 2.3 million, respectively).

As of 2009, in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories post-invasion non-violent excess deaths total 0.3 million, 1.0 million and 3.2 million, respectively; post-invasion violent deaths total about 10,000, 1.3 million and up to 4 million, respectively; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.2 million, 0.6 million and 2.3 million, respectively; and refugees total 7 million, 6 million and 4 million, respectively (with a further 2.5 million Pashtun refugees from NW Pakistan generated under Obama) – this constituting a Palestinian Holocaust, an Iraqi Holocaust and an Afghan Holocaust and a Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention and egregious war crimes due in part to Occupier war criminal non-supply of life-sustaining food and medical requisites demanded unequivocally by Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (for detailed documentation of sources see the MWC News articles “Iraq invasion 6th anniversary. 2.3 million excess deaths”: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/293... and “Obama’s Afghan War – who is the worse terrorist, Obama or Osama?”: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/295... ).

What can decent people do in the face of this continuing, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, pro-Zionist, New Vichy French neo-con perversion of the French Revolutionary “Liberté, égalité, fraternité” ? Decent anti-racist folk must (a) inform others and (b) have no avoidable business dealings with any countries such as New Vichy France and the racist US Alliance (US, UK, NATO, Apartheid Israel, and Apartheid Australia) who are involved in the invasion, occupation and ethnic cleansing of other countries.

Outstanding Jewish American scholar Professor Jared Diamond (author of “Guns , Germs and Steel” put it very succinctly in his book “Collapse” (Prologue, p10, Penguin edition) when he enunciated the "moral principle, namely that it is morally wrong for one people to dispossess, subjugate, or exterminate another people" – a profound injunction being grossly violated by New Vichy France and its genocidal US Alliance allies in Occupied Afghanistan and by Sarkozy-supported Apartheid Israel in Occupied Palestine. The “annual death rate” is 7% for Occupied Afghan under-5 year old infants as compared to 3% for the Nazi Buchenwald Concentration Camp and 10% for Australian prisoners of war of the Japanese in World War 2 (see “Afghan Genocide: an Open Letter”: http://www.countercurrents.org/poly... ) .

Forum posts

  • I forgot in the passionate flow of indignant prose and horrendous statistics to put my name to the article: Dr Gideon Polya

    • Now this is a hateful post. All of the world’s power have some dirt in their backyard. This post doesn’t really suggest something interesting to do improve the situation, and towards what?
      It’s easy to take a country and put an emphasis on whatever it did wrong in its history. I could make any country look evil this way.
      Instead of criticizing, be original and suggest something that would be good for everyone, but you can’t right? you just like hating those you don’t really know.

    • No, not hateful but truthful. Well at some point one could say with great generosity of French colonial crimes that we recognize that great wrongs were done but, assuming the French recognize their crimes and are repentant, then that’s water under the bridge.

      Unfortunately New Vichy France under pro-Zionist, Zionist-beholden, Bush-ite-beholden Sarkozy is still doing it TODAY in France- and US Alliance-occupied Occupied Afghanistan - over 800 under-5 year old infants and over 1,300 Occupied Afghans in total die avoidably EACH DAY in Occupied Afghanistan due to war criminal French and US Alliance refusal to supply life-sustaining food and medical requisites unequivocally demanded of Occupiers by the Geneva Convention.

      Suggestions? The New Vichy France should get out of Afghanistan; prosecute war criminals including Sarkozy; apologize; provide billions of dollars in compensation; and declare that after centuries of butchering Indigenous Peoples that France will now in the 21 st century stop doing it.

      In 1945 the formerly Nazi Germans adopted a Protocol summarized by the acronym CAAAA (C4A) involving Cessation of the passive and active killing; Acknowledgement of the crimes; Apology; Amends ; and Assertion "never again to anyone".

      Until such time as the New Vichy France, NATO, the US, UK , Apartheid Israel and Apartheid Australian act on the CAAAA (C4A) Protocol, decent folk should (a) inform everyone they can about these crimes and (b) apply Sanctions and Boycotts, avoiding any avoidable dealings with these racist, genocidal, "democratic Nazi", nuclear terrorist rogue states.

  • Further documented and quantitative comments re WW2 Vichy French and Nazi war criminals and present-day New Vichy French and US Alliance war criminals.

    During World War 2 the Vichy French collaborated with the Nazis in the detention , transportation and thence murder of 65,000 Jews out of a pre-war Jewish population of 300,000 (see p52, Chapter 4, Gideon Polya "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://mwcnews.net/Gideon-Polya and Gilbert, M. (1982), Atlas of the Holocaust (Michael Joseph, London)).

    This corresponds to a 1941-mid-1945 annual death rate for French Jews under the Nazi Germans and Vichy French collaborators of 65,000 people x 100/(300,000 people x 4.5 years) = 4.8%.

    The annual death rate of under-5 year old Occupied Afghan infants in New Vichy French-and US Alliance-occupied Afghanistan is 7% - as compared to 3% (inmates of Nazi Buchenwald Concentration Camp), 5% (French Jews under Nazis and Vichy French collaborators) and 10% (Australian prisoners of war of the Japanese in World War 2). For the latter 3 war crimes some of those responsible were arraigned, tried and punished

  • I’m still waiting for the results of the investigation into Sarkozy’s Mossad connection.

    .....guess that one got swept under the rug.

  • Well France like Germany isn’t really amongst the genocidal forces in Afghanistan, that honor comes to US/UK/Canada/Denmark, but it is pity than any civilized European nation supports US fascism and murder.