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Terrorist attack in Ingushetia: President Jewkurow scents US, Britain & Israel interests behind

by Open-Publishing - Monday 17 August 2009

International Attack-Terrorism

Terrorist attack in Ingushetia: Republic Chief Jewkurow scents U.S., Britain and Israel interests

17 / 08 / 2009

MOSCOW, 17 August (RIA Novosti). The U.S., Britain and Israel are involved in a destabilization of the situation in North Caucasus interested. It said Yunus-Bek Jewkurow, president of the northern Caucasian Republic of Ingushetia, on Monday in the Russian radio station RSN.

In its opinion on the recent terror attacks in the inguschetischen city Nasran, where a suicide bomber on Monday morning with a car mined the building of the police administration of the city rammed, Jewkurow said: "I am far from believing that the Arabs are behind.

There are other, serious, forces. I have stressed again and again now: the West is continuing its efforts, the strengthening of Russia to the power of the former Soviet Union to prevent. The Arabs, in the North Caucasus, are mercenaries. We understand, however, whose interests are behind it: the U.S. and Britain, but also Israel. That is quite real "

President Jewkurow was on 22 June with an attack in the vicinity of Nasran been seriously injured. According to a medical treatment in Moscow, he is currently recovering in a sanatorium.
