Home > Join the Facebook page in solidarity with the people of Greece "Can’t (...)

Join the Facebook page in solidarity with the people of Greece "Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay"

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 9 May 2010
1 comment

Movement Europe

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"On May 5, there will be a general strike in Greece. It would be a good idea for the European movements to make of this day a day of solidarity to the Greek people and international resistance to the IMF-EU neoliberal policies."
Yannis Almpanis (member of the Network for Political and Social Rights)

Forum posts

  • Wow! Seems like deterioration is virtually universal now. Hey Nero, share that fiddle with the rest of will ya? In about a year or so this site has descended into sheer mediocrity, as the left itself has, which is a shame. I take no joy in saying so, but, indeed, it should be said.

    Take for instance this story, or the mere reference of a videoas opposed to an actual narrative. Oh, I get it; that’s too old-fashion, right? The EU is collapsing, banks and industries are steadily being nationalized, the IMF provides only temporary relief for Greece with Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Ireland to follow, not to mention the Eastern Eurpean nations that will, likewise, fall. And the message is, Support the Greek citizens?

    The West is headed into a viscious storm and the best anyone can do at this moment is list a video sympathetic to the people of Greece, who were guilty by ommision in their own demise, as are most Americans. Again, wow!

    Yeah, ignore the austerity measures, don’t pay the debt, continue to dream about a utopian socialist state, and guess what? You’ll soon be supporting the lastest version of a small man with a mustache who promises to protect your interests. OK you may have to wear a modern sort of swastika, exterminate a few million scapegoats, conquer indefensible lands, but, hey, a guy’s gotts make a living right?