Home > Rebranding A Failed Product

Rebranding A Failed Product

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 30 August 2011
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Rebranding A Failed Product

by Frank Scott

"While Obama’s rhetoric is often of peace and nuclear disarmament, his military budget has increased by 20 billion dollars."

Creating a new label in order to sell an old product has long been a successful marketing technique, and our new president has developed rebranding methods with more finesse and as little substance as past administrators. While he plans to send thousands more troops to Afghanistan and spend billions more for weaponry, he has renamed the “war on global terror”. It is now called “overseas contingency operations”. That changes things, doesn’t it?

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  • The same way is why victims have become now perpetrators - f. e. those mean Iraqi children who got hand cuffed an murdered by US military heroes.

    NATO’s next attack will be on Algeria - those mean people own natural Gas!

    Forgive me the cynical remarks.