Home > CIA threats delay release of documentary detailing pre-9/11 malfeasance by CIA

CIA threats delay release of documentary detailing pre-9/11 malfeasance by CIA

by Open-Publishing - Friday 16 September 2011
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CIA threats delay release of documentary detailing pre-9/11 malfeasance by CIA analysts

Recent threats by the CIA prompt two freelance journalists to delay an investigative podcast naming CIA analysts - since promoted and granted cover - complicit in obstruction of key pre-9/11 intelligence. The podcast will present revelations from former top US government personnel, including Richard Clarke, Pasquale D’Amuro, Bob Baer, and Mark Rossini, who echo concerns of former 9/11 Commission Chair Thomas Kean.

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  • We can expect that in about 2040, we’ll see documents implicating Israel in 911. But of course, just as with Kennedy, it’ll be 50 years beyond and no one will care.