Home > Thinking of Emigration...

Thinking of Emigration...

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 3 November 2004

Elections-Elected USA

...anyone thinking of emigrating, please make sure wherever you go is at least 400 feet above sea level - otherwise you may find yourself swimming in a few years considering the powers that still be.

What a cold, dark, heartless day this has become.


Forum posts

  • Dan, I volunteered for Kerry and Edwards. I cannot tell you how many people are talking about their "get out plan". I thought I would feel this way if we lost but I didn’t realize how bad it would feel and unsure everything would seem. A women told me today that see was going home and filing for emigration status to canada. Where do you think the administration will begin? Any insights?

  • All you people who want to leave because President Bush has been elected for four more years, do so by all means. Life’s too short to live in one place that you constantly whine about and there’s a long list of people who do want to live here that are more than willing to take your place.

    • Typical RUDE Republican to express your selfish (not to mention stupid!) opinion w/o asking another to explain further why he/she may be thinking of emigrating. Why not strive to learn from another and seek to make things better for ALL rather than repeatedly remain in an egotistical bubble! Take time to probe deeper you may find truth. Why in the world do Republicans believe they can do no wrong. WAKE UP!

    • The only RUDE rube is you. You’re the one who started calling people stupid and selfish. As for the reasons that anybody leaves the US, that’s their business not mine. The last thing I want to hear is more whining just because people didn’t get what they want. If you want to take the time to psychoanalyze somebody go right ahead BUT DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, YOU WUSS.

    • If you really can not stand the idea of the country being controlled by the Christian Right then by all means you should leave. Or if you stay accept the fact that this is a theocracy and help to have the "Separation of Church and State" removed from the constitution....at least we will all feel better about living here in this closet Christian nation. It would be so refreshing to have some honesty for a change in our government, and think of the savings in time money and emotional distress if we did not have to be subjected to this phony voting crap....already more than half of the eligible voters do not participate, another 25% (Dems) can be assured that they will NEVER win an election again since it is too much trouble to actually count the votes or let people honestly participate...now if you are so disgusted that you feel you want to leave this country but can’t find anywhere to take you, help get the government changed to a true theocracy like it really is and I think you will feel better, what is really bothering you is the dishonesty factor....let us come together with our "Christian" communities and give them a free hand to rule the country like they are now doing in an underhanded and sneaky fashion...at least you will feel better. Contact your "elected" "representatives" today and ask them to get started on a bill that would eliminate the "Separation of Church and State" ammendment from the constitution, that would be the first step toward honesty in government.....

  • I don’t think I can leave. This is home, however bad it gets. I don’t even want to guess what this administration will do next . I have no doubts that four more years will open some eyes, and close many many mouths. A lot of them probably forever.


  • No Canada safe haven for Democrats

    Wednesday, November 3, 2004 Posted: 2:48 PM EST (1948 GMT)

    OTTAWA, Canada (Reuters) — Disgruntled Democrats seeking a safe Canadian haven after U.S. President George W. Bush won Tuesday’s election should not pack their bags just yet.

    Canadian officials made clear on Wednesday that any U.S. citizens so fed up with Bush that they want to make a fresh start up north would have to stand in line like any other would-be immigrants — a wait that can take up to a year.

    "Let me tell you — if they’re hard-working honest people, there’s a process, and let them apply," Immigration Minister Judy Sgro told Reuters.

    Asked whether American applicants would get special treatment, she replied: "No, they’ll join the crowd like all the other people who want to come to Canada."

    Full story... http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/11/03/canada.us.reut/index.html

  • I’ve been asked to explain why 400 feet above sea level; here goes:
    Sea levels are predicted to rise 300+ feet over the next one hundred years due to global warming, primarily as a result of using coal and oil for power. Scientists are starting to say those estimates are too far out, the pace of warming is accelerating for several reasons, and levels may rise that far within fifty years. Considering the difference between Bush energy policy vs Kerry energy policy, it is likely to be sooner rather than later. Especially considering how many people in the Bush administration currently are directly tied to oil interests and somewhat to coal interests. Many island nations already are being forced to evacuate, and will disappear altogether. Florida will be gone. At least Jeb will lose his job - unless he is going to govern several thousand square miles of sea water. Memphis will be flooded, over 100 miles out into the ocean. The Gulf of Mexico will expand nearly to the Southern tip of Illinois. So if you plan to move, go where it’s at least 400 feet above the ocean. The good news is that most of the states that will be flooded voted Republican...