Home > End Game Democracy: America Sells its Soul & Loses the World

End Game Democracy: America Sells its Soul & Loses the World

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 11 November 2004

Movement Wars and conflicts Economy-budget USA

Bravo Zulu Bywyd 11-11-2004

An open letter to the world community:

" I say we had better look our nation searchingly in the face, like a physician diagnosing some deep disease."
—Walt Whitman, "Democratic Vistas"

Now we have come the End of the colonial experiment known as the "United States of America." It has ended as the founders had warned it would likely end, with concentration of wealth, corruption, and despotism despoiling its democratic foundations. Unfortunately, it has also ended with madmen and criminals holding an arsenal of planet-scorching weapons, a black-hole of an economy sucking down the world, and a murderous culture bent on revenge.

As a child of this colonial republic, a veteran of its military, a keeper of the flame of rebellion, I now see no hope of recovery for a dead horse poisonously floating down stream. America has been infected, subverted, polluted, corrupted, plundered, stolen by corporate raiders and warmongers. Its elections have been hacked, hijacked and sidetracked with partisan smears and lies, failed technology, and corrupted media. It has become mired in manipulations of terror, invasions and occupations of distant lands, and endless bloody warfare. It has been seized by the most hated men in history, with designs on running it into the ground while swindling the last of its treasure.

Therefore, I encourage the people of the world to resist this deadly corrupted regime at every turn. Challenge its false preachments of democracy. Boycott its bloody dollars. Invade it with music, media and magic. Shame us the way we deserve to be shamed. Do not allow your executives to support this war machine and its campaigns of extermination. Testify to the true Christian values opposed to murder, torture, theft and arrogance, which is what keeps the Bush regime afloat.

To my fellow Americans, I ask you to hold on to your principles, your power, your ideals. Do not sell your soul to the devils of terror and murder, regardless of how patriotically it is packaged. Do not see me as your enemy, but as your most idealistic countryman. I am not an alien occupying your outlands, I am not stealing your children’s inheritance, I am not setting the world on fire in your name. I am telling you that this experiment called "America" can only exist with truth, justice, and inalienable power vested in the People. When elections fail utterly, impeachment must be carried out. It is our civic duty, and the last hope for survival.

Democracy wasn’t meant to be sold to the highest bidder, wrenched away by the most ruthless backstabbers and liars, or given to wealthy media moguls as a plaything. Democracy isn’t meant to be "tyranny of the majority," as it has become in a hatefully divided America today. Democracy should reflect the representative values of the society in which it exists, not be imposed as vengeful "victory" of a vocal and reactive minority. America’s democracy has been broken, becoming a hulking monstrosity threatening the entire world.

The Bush regime’s (alleged) "victory" is not America’s victory. The only thing America won is greater scorn and shame, corruption and death, all laced with terror. What we have lost is our legitimacy, our respect, our ideals, our peace of mind, our hopes and our treasures. All given to an arrogant, sawed-off son of a spymaster with a fake cowboy accent and his calculating cronies. Oh yes, and the Bin Ladens.

One last torch to pass in the dark: Anyone well-versed in psychological warfare should clearly have keyed in that Bush and Bin Laden are coordinating their assault on the world. Do you think a strategist such as Osama Bin Laden would suddenly appear at a critical "surprise" turning point and tell Americans not to vote for Bush, if he didn’t want them to do just that? Think about it, America, that well-timed video was as golden to Bush’s future as all the treasure squandered on smear campaigns, and as crucial to his gaining power as the 9-11 attacks.

They’ve been mining the nationalist playbook "My Struggle," written by another sawed-off, power-mad little man a generation ago. And remember it’s always the "good" religious people that carry out these campaigns of terror, extermination, and vengeance, allegedly with the blessings of their "God." Beheadings for God, death camps for God, satellite-directed nuclear bombs for God, what’s the difference in the End?

Listen to the Planet crying. Your children deserve a true Revolution today— don’t delay!

"Your enemy is not surrounding your country. Your enemy is ruling your country."
— George W. Bush

May the Forest be with You...

Bravo Zulu Bywyd

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Forum posts

  • "Democracy wasn’t meant to be sold to the highest bidder..." Isn’t that what George Soros tried to do? Fortunately he didn’t succeed. I think a lot of democrats should recognize that their party is swimming in money as well. Terry McAuliffe raised a lot more money that Bush did. Not to mention all those millionaire entertainers that willingly came to trumpet the dem cause.

    • The world community is absolutely loving the Bush regime, they have never made more money sold more products or had their money worth more while we are focused on going broke...all of this Iraq war stuff has been great for business for them, while we are borrowing money from any country that will loan us some, our dollars are becoming like the confederate money of the former civil war and it is only through agreements by the other countries to prop up the falling dollar that is keeping us out of another depression. Meanwhile Wall Street in their usual fashion is cooking the books again with no worry from the present dictator to do anything about it again...because among other reasons they need to falsify the bottom line again to attract new suckers. But hey have a nice day.

    • You obviously don’t know a lot about world financial markets. Live in ignorance, waterboy. Ka-ching!

    • What a crock of crap from a professional Bush appologist....like we would believe that the GOP isn’t the all time whore for the military industrial complex....America has no money we are bankrupt and broke when it comes to anything except WMD...the only thing made in America is bombs, nukes, & misery aroung the world. We once were a great nation and now we are a country full of misinformed warmongers acting out our erectile disfunction...go take some Viagra and go back to watching your porn.

    • America has no money? You’ve been brainwashed by the libs. You may not have any money and if that’s the case that’s your own problem. As for what America makes, you are so blind it’s laughable. I don’t need porn I have the real thing and I’m fine without Viagra although I can definitely afford it. Go home little boy and leave the world to real men. Let the dems soothe your worries by having them cater to your every need to the point that you are like a drug addict, dependent on any handouts that the libs give you.