Home > Arsenal of Hypocrisy

Arsenal of Hypocrisy

by Open-Publishing - Monday 6 December 2004

Wars and conflicts Sciences USA

The glory days of NASA are over! Today the Military Industrial Complex is marching towards world dominance through Space technology on behalf of global corporate interest. To understand how and why the space program will be used to fight all future wars on earth from space, it’s important to understand how the public has been misled about the origins and true purpose of the Space Program.


The Space Program and the Military Industrial Complex

Arsenal of Hypocrisy features Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space Coordinator Bruce Gagnon, Noam Chomsky and Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell talking about the dangers of moving the arms race into space.

The one-hour production features archival footage, Pentagon documents, and clearly outlines the U.S. plan to "control and dominate" space and the Earth below. The video spells out the dangers of the Bush "Nuclear Systems Initiative" that will expand the use of nuclear power in space by building Project Prometheus — the nuclear rocket.

Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon, warns that a war in space would create massive bits of space junk that would create a mine field surrounding the Earth making it virtually impossible to launch anything into the heavens. Mitchell calls space a fragile environment that must be protected.

Noam Chomsky talks about how the U.S. intends to use space technology to control the Earth and reminds the viewer that the U.S. refuses to negotiate a global ban on weapons in space. He also speaks about the role of the media in suppressing this important issue.

The video contains archival sound of President Dwight Eisenhower in 1961 warning the American people about the power of the military industrial complex.

Arsenal of Hypocrisy has been accepted into the New York Independent International Film Festival and will be screened in April.


Forum posts

  • America is out of control! It is very important that the world community deals with this evil country.

    Bush started a new arms race! At the same time America expects other countries to disarm, or
    get rid of their nuclear force.

    Once the world is disarmed and helpless the uncivilized Nazi forces of the United States will
    ambush in order to steal whatever ressource America is in need.

    The scientists who helps to develop this weaponary should recall the regrets Albert Einstein
    had after the nuclear bomb was constructed. I doubt he was an intelligent man.

    Raise an embargo on America!

  • It never ceases to amaze me how many paranoid people there are in the world. People, get a life.