Home > American Reporter Needs Help Understanding Why The World Hates Bush

American Reporter Needs Help Understanding Why The World Hates Bush

by Open-Publishing - Friday 27 May 2005

Media-Network International USA UK

Last week, I spent a few days in London giving a series of lectures on American foreign policy.

My audiences were American and generally supportive of what the Bush administration is doing in fighting terror and spreading freedom.

The Europeans, on the other hand, were a different story. The British media were full of stories pounding the president and his policies. Since I couldn’t get MSNBC in London, I was stuck watching the BBC, with its nightly onslaught against the U.S.

The day I left London, I saw a screaming headline in one of the big British papers, "President Bush’s failures."

By the end of my trip, I was drowning in anti-Americanism.

The British and European press can say whatever they want about us- but the truth is that without the United States, the world would be a far more dangerous place. Thanks to the leadership of the Bush administration, members of Al Qaeda are being hunted, captured and killed. 50 million people have been liberated in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Libya, long a terrorist state, did not want to face America’s wrath, and offered up a preemptive surrender of its WMD programs. Syria is leaving Lebanon. Democratic elections in some form or another have happened in places they were never imagined possible- Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia- and pressure for them is building in Egypt and Syria.

American pressure on the international community is leading it to deal with the nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea. This is all because of American leadership, not European leadership.

Maybe the Europeans suffer from superpower envy. Maybe it’s just a difference in political values and approach. But whatever the reason for their anti-Americanism, deep down they know that they would not want a world without the United States. Because if the Europeans were threatened in any way, the first call they would place would be to Washington.

And guess who would be there, right away, to lend a helping hand?

I know the answer... and you know something? So do they.

E-mail MCrowley@MSNBC.com

you better email Ms. Crowley, I might ’go off’ on her a bit too much. lol- is there an easy way to break it to her?

(half-way down page)

Forum posts

  • PLEASE....someone else explain it to this bimbo. This soldier’s mother is far too angry....thank you. Truly "Supporting your troops" is appreciated.

  • If she is so blind not to see the truth and too stupid to turn the channel to ITV, CNN, SKYNEWS if the truth hurts her.

    I have no time for her, I’ve given up on informing the blind and ignorant (they choose to be and don’t want to know) and won’t waste my time on them anymore. When their ivory towers fall, even then I will not deal with them.

    If on the other hand they ask is this true? I’ll spend hours with them, telling them what I know and direct them to good sites so they can decide for themselves.

  • Well, she is an American - and let me make the distinction here when I say, "an American"... She is a White American. And please keep in mind this important qualification. When I use the term, "White", I am NOT merely speaking of her skin; but am talking about "the celebration of people like her who ’think’ in the same terms as she does". My usage is meant to describe in a comprehensive way what it means to be "White".

    Persons who have fair skin who do not celebrate being "White" are simply that... People of fair skin.

    Now, those who have fair skin are ’white’ but to be ’White’ covers visible and not-so-visible attributes. For one thing, I am sure Monica Crowley is not fully aware of the history of Iraq — let alone the fact that the U.S. lead an invasion under false pretense. I am sure the excuse of Iraqi WMD is no longer IN her mind. Being White, she is simply limited to the celebration of the 3-second memory — anything past that which is not to the advantage of the celebration of being White is totally forgotten.

    It is rather a complex thing to describe in totality but I am sure most readers of this post will get my general drift.

    To people like Ms. Crowley, something like voting in Iraq, no matter how staged, or how effective, or whether voting is needed or not over normal daily sustainence of an Iraqi is the ONLY thing that is of import. I doubt that she even understand how ineffective her own vote is in her native land. But I digress.

    In her life, she will also be ignorant of her own history and 30 years from now when world histroy will show how the U.S. staged this invasion and American troops are still present in Iraq; she will have another skewed prespective of why it all happenned. By then it would be too late for most of us — and another generation of "Whites" will take in all of those current excuses.

    Oh well, as I get old I find that I cannot influnce anything beyond my own self...

    • I Posted this email

      Your article was posted on a European site, so I take the few minutes to
      respond. Needless to say there was not one positive comment on the site
      to your article.

      Thanks to the leadership of the Bush administration, members of Al
      Qaeda are being hunted, captured and killed.

      If you would care to watch The Power of Nightmares, you would
      understand that there is no Al Qaeda as such. It is an invention of Bush
      and the U.S.

      Terrorism is not one but many. And since the U.S. has become what
      it is today, terrorism has not diminished but multiplied. Terrorism will
      continue to flourish due to your policies, but not as one entity.

      Deep down they know that they would not want a world without the
      United States.

      That is certainly not so. Except for a brief moment during and after WWII
      the United States has been a rogue state, practising terrorism in Asia, in
      South and Central American, and now in Afghanistan and Iraq.

      The U.S. refused to accept Jews from Europe during and after WW II,
      yet has paid for them to live and take over the Palestinian land.

      Because of US money, Israel has been established as the most
      racist and dangerous nation on Earth, the most racist and dangerous
      nation next to the U.S. that is.

      (But you will continue to isolate yourselves until you
      destroy every vestige of freedom you have.)

      I could go on but you have probably stopped reading.

      I should have added: You rape and pillage the rest of the world for you own needs.

      Your military organised purely to defend these needs.

      And like all Empires who have done similar, note, times they do a change.

    • The Power of Nightmares should be compulsory viewing in as much as it reveals Al Quaeda to be a total fabrication of the Washington regime.

      Just as States need a certain amount of crime to justify the police, courts, and judicial system, which are in essence solely there to protect the rich, the Global Policeman of the US needs to create global terrorism to justify its military adventures and taxpayers spending.

      The spin off of this activity is that they actually create rebellious cells, completing the circle of violence and misery on one hand, and untold riches for the likes of Haliburton and the Military industrial complex shareholders on the other.

      The rest of the world just stares open mouthed and increduously at the concept being reality. The concept of the leader of the Western world being a rare retarded primate, of which their so called elected leaders fawn and grovel at press conferences, and are coerced into endorsing the Washigton and AIMAC policies.

    • "A total fabrication of the Washington regime?" Then all those Iraqis who died because of terrorist suicide bomboers are all illusions. Well thank goodness!

    • No, the Iraqis killed by the car bombers are real -it’s just not your Al Quaeda, love OK ?, (although I did hear it was Libyans on mopeds).

      Insurgents, rebels, people, who just about sick and tired of the US and their stooge puppets decide to fight back. Fox et al call them ’terrorists’ To others they’re extremely brave Patriots.

    • Hi, I’m an Iraqi "wannabe" suicide bomber.
      I woke up this morning and thought, I know what why don’t I kill myself and a load of other people, just for a laugh, I haven’t got anything else to do. PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN ABUSED WILL ABUSE BACK. Despair will drive you to do things you wouldn’t normally do.
      Hatred of Americans has increased throughout the world especially the muslim world, since the invasion of Iraq. The heavy handed approach and disrespect to people who have already been oppressed through warfare and sanctions has made the threat of terror much worse that it was before.
      SPREADING FREEDOM—wot the fuck are you on about, it aint butter
      more like...
      SPREADING BULLSHIT--- to cover peoles eyes/ears from the truth
      100,000 people dead for a lie, in bush’s world good is bad and bad is good

    • And they are fighting back by killing ordinary Iraqis in the marketplace. Yeah, that makes sense.

    • People who have been abused will abuse back? Now I know you are totally ignorant. How did Iraqis under Saddam abuse their government back? Mohammed Atta and his cohorts were all well off, they weren’t abused and yet they killed. Face it, Anti-American sentiments is basically self-hatred and anger misplaced. Focusing and indulging in anti-americanism is an expression of your powerlessness and failure. Governments, instead of making their civilians productive try to stop them from focusing on their ineptitude and failure by anti-americanism. America with all its excesses and imperfections dominate the lives of non-citizens around the world and make it obvious how little they have. That’s why they hate America and Bush.

    • You must of missed this article

      Suicide Bombers or Psy-ops to incite Iraqi Civil War

      Many in the world have been suspecting this for quite some time now, because when you look at it, who benefits from the suicide bombers? How do the Iraqi rebels benefit from blowing up an Iraqi marketplace? They don’t, but it’s great propaganda for US tv viewers, "See, look at those terrorists, willing to blow up innocent shoppers, that’s why the Iraqis need US troops to stay."

    • the US is behind the car bombings calling is Pys - Oos ... Iraqi’s are not doing it ... but i am sure you will not research that

    • My dear fellow,seems you missed on the following Quote
      :is certainly not so. Except for a brief moment during and after WWII
      the United States has been a rogue state, practising terrorism in Asia, in
      South and Central American, and now in Afghanistan and Iraq.

      The U.S. refused to accept Jews from Europe during and after WW II,
      yet has paid for them to live and take over the Palestinian land.

      Please read up on Coward Wilson-Twin brother of Bushite.In 1915, Russia and Germany wanted to end the war,Wilson mustard 3254million from the Hebs in USA and secretly give it to Russia to continue.WWI only became when USA declared war in 1916 after the liar Wilson got elected.Bush said in Iran Invasion-just wait!
      About the Jews,bothWWIi WWI-had to do with a homeland for the Jews—read Wilson notes.Now , in the 40’s USA, all the Jewish senators a congressmen voted not to allow the Jews into NY harbour—guns drawn.Sent back to Germany—Why? Cause the Fuk Hebs wanted them to settle and overwhelm them arabs- in Palestine-that is why.forget about USA being fair and all that crap during and after the war,
      UNITED STATES of ISRAEL—what a mess!

    • Yet another instance of an American ’terrorist act’ in Iraq

      Ever stop to think that if Saddam had really been the evil tyrant we were told he was that the Iraqi people could have treated him exactly the way they are treating the US occupation?
      Frankly, I have had my doubts that the stories of mean ol’ Saddam were any more accurate than the stories of WMDs ever since I saw that video of Saddam getting up on top of a car to wave at a spontaneous crowd with guns clearly in the hands of the people. No Lexan, no body searches to get near the leader, no barbed wire, no "free speech zones". The Iraqis waved at Saddam and he waved back, in the open, an easy rifle shot from any building in the area.

      Contrast that with the way in which US leaders hide behind bullet-proof everything when they go out in public. Contrast that with the way the Iraqi people have reacted to the US occupation.


    • It is said that ’Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel’. In the case of this reporter she is proof that ’Blind Patriotism is the last refuge of a Fool’; enough said.

    • Yes! The CIA is doing the car bombings in IRAQ. They are also supporting the oposition groups in order to create a civil war there. The US troops are there just for show. When the civil war gets going, the US troops will be shipped to IRAN while the Iraqis begin to self destruct. Hand to hand combat is something the US military doesn’t have the will to do, so they will get the Iraqis to kill themsleves. Expect the Kurds to become 1 of a 3 part civil war in this country.

      When the smoke clears, and everybody is dead, the southern part of Iraq will be annexed by Israel to form their "Greater Israel" as envisioned by Theodore Herzl in 1904. For more info, go here:


  • Yes, brilliantly said, poster above. And on Sunday, when the French finish gutting the so-called EU Constitution, that’s the end of Europe, once and for all!! We won’t have to listen to that bloody bastard Jacque Chirac talk endlessly about " la gloire de la France."

    And for the black person above, who is obsessed with "white" people, how do you answer regarding Condoleeza Rice, and Colin Powell? Two of President Bush’s TOP advisers, and both black, OK? Tell me something, how many people of color does Tony Blair have in his Cabinet? How about Jacques Chirac? What about Gerhard Schroeder?? How many blacks do they have for all their "diversity" and "multiculturalism?" I don’t know of any. So please give us a break.

    Monica Crowley is one of the most brilliant and sensible people around. I listen to her every week, and wish she’d run for public office.

    Isn’t it amazing that the people who hate President Bush and America the most are not Iraqis. They are WHITE EUROPEANS! Go Figure!

    • What a dit brain. You probably are infatuated with her: sex sells, brains don’t.

    • im american and 100% against war. america only gets involved when theres profits to be made. look at the sudan......war has been raging there for awhile but since its not " profitable" to occupy sudan, the us gov doesnt care. the proper response to 9-11 would have been investigate and track down the guilty ( too bad they sent all the destroyed evidence to china for more $$$).....not to go occupy countries that could benifit the major corporations like halliburton and unocal.
      i think that all the people who are willing to kill 100,000 because someone killed 3000 of us is retarded and completly insecure. all bush does is speak of fear. without fear the people in this country would laugh his cowboy ass right out of office and into prison where he belongs. nero and hitler would be proud of georgie boy and his campaighn of fear.....he learned from the best

    • Americans are the most ignorent nation on the planet, well most anyway. I live here and I can say that people here don’t know nothing because they are told nothing. They are fed lies, propoganda and alot of deceptions to suck the tax money and support out of them to fight a false war for a foriegn government (Isreal). The American "Middle East policy" is nothing more than an isrealie plan to get rid of the countries that pose a threat to them, to weaken their infrastructure so they can be invaded and included into Isreal, The policy is nothing more than a Zionist plan and the U.S. government is conrolled by Isrealie lobby groups that control most of the dicisions made by the U.S. government. This ditsy blonde is for sure unaware of that fact or she is and she’s part of this lobby groups that support Isreal over top of American benifits.
      Americans should wake up and find out what their government is doing, and how they are only interested in regime changing in oil rich countries only. I never heard of the U.S. trying to help helpless and poor people under opression in Africa, or the far east, or south America, unless we are talking about Venzuilla which infact has oil and does catch U.S. interests.
      America under Bush is sliding down hill, and it will keep going that way under the effects of foriegn lobby groups controlling the media, and politics.
      Americans, just do what the government wants you to do, stick to MTV and follow up on who Jennifer Lopez is dating or divorcing. Or start digging for the truth, look beyond the mainstream media which is all lies and half truths to help the American policies.
      if interested in THE Truth, check this great site that I can’t get enough of:


    • Monica sweetheart. A rogue nation is one that conducts aggressive, destructive wars against other countries on the basis of lies. Do you get it?

    • Stupid poster—Condo and Pow Pow are half blacks from JamikaKa and only fronts-bag men for the real king makers—Jews stupid!-they are nobodies doofus

    • Ms. Rice and Mr. Powell are "whiter" than most. If you are too ignorant to get the gist of a post, please keep it to yourself.

    • I don’t think anyone ’hates’ America, but most of the world despises their arrogance and small-mindedness. For instance (I’ll only give one, bear with me) the conception that the U.S. ’saved’ Europe is a lie everyone knows except, apparently, Americans. Germany was already well on it’s way to losing (while all the while doing brisk business with the likes of Ford, IBM, the Bush family etc). FDR manouvered the US into the war by placing Japan into a position whereby they had no choice but to attack, at which point Roosevelt had all the ships lined up in Pearl Harbour in neat, perfect little rows. The US entered the war in Europe, a war that threatened them in no way, purely for political & financial gain. It’s all a matter of public record, feel free to look it up.
      Now...try explaing that to an American (even the likes of our esteemed columnist Monica Crowley) and you’d best be ready to duck an incoming punch - either that or a glazed look while they tune out and recall a favourite episode of Oprah Winfrey to aid with their state of denial. I can’t really blame people for wanting to believe in their government though, the alternative is so humiliating and shameful that to admit the truth about their country and the effects of it’s rampant imperialism could be devastating to a person, not to mention SUV sales.
      I personally don’t hate America or Americans, if anything I feel sorry for them. I will feel even sorrier when their country collapses. It’s been bankrupt since the 1930’s and has been robbing Peter to pay Paul ever since. All it would take is a few more countries to follow Iraq’s lead and convert their oil trade to Euros and the US is finished, permanently. And then we will have people like Ms. Crowley bleating ’What did we ever do to deserve this!?!?’

      Bob Noel

      (I wrote this with the understanding that it’s quite possible Ms. Crowley really does know and is only trying to foment fear and the ’Us against the world’ attitude prevelant in the United States)


    • You intentionally listen to this moron Crowley every day ? You consider her brilliant and sensible ? How much acid did you drop in the 60’s ? Are you insane ? This self-absorbed little twit who ignored the Deerlove Memo but considers the Runaway Bride to be Big News is brilliant and sensible ? As compared to what ?

    • To the poster who thinks I am black... Sorry to burst your "White Thought" but I am of fair skin and of Scotish decent — my name is Craig... Your reponse is what I would give as an example of the celebration of being "White". Without any basis whatsoever your grometted thought was that I was black.

      As far as Colin and Condi... I would consider them to be "White" — And here again, I will try to make the distinction. Both Colin and Condi are celebrating what is meant to be "White" — again it is independent of skin color. As I have tried to point out in my original post. Persons of fair skin who do not share and celebrate the thoughts as Ms. Crowley are simply that, people of fair skin. Obversively, it can be said that people of non-fair skin share and celebrating "White Thought" are "White"... This kind of distinction is not often made and it may hard for you to grasp... But think of it over time and I think it start to make sense to you.

      As to their specific and real reasons as to why Colin and Condi are celebrating "White Thinking" is beyond my ability to know. Perhaps, as one poster sometime back said of Condi and Colin, that they are "Oreos". But I would not dismiss this as simply a one dimensional personal attribute... I suspect there are comprehensive sets of needs and wants from financial to desire for power and control that Colin and Condi have that cause them to dwell in "White Thought celebration" at the expense of other midigating issues.

      Good number of follow ups to this article; pity most posters are just venting and nothing will ever get accomplished from this blog.

  • If America is so benevolent, why doesn’t it give the reconstruction work to local Iraqi firms? Why didn’t they pay Saddam to leave the country rather than smashing it to sh*t and back? No, because they’ve got to look hard and give some poor little country, weakened by over a decade of sanctions a good kicking. Very brave. Why not try it on a bigger country like China, Russia or even North Korea. *does chicken gesture with arms*

  • Bush’s actions speak louder than his words. He is the anti-Christ. He is hated because he shows no compassion for life. He is hated because he has destroyed our country in such a short time. He is immoral, yet claims to be of a higher morality than those he is destroying. Monica, I am sure you must know why he is hated, its just that you are a whore for either fame or money, and being a whore, you will do anything for that payday. Its just like you are giving him a blowjob!

    • It’s simple...the reason the "rest of the world" hates Bush is because their news media isn’t indirectly controlled by the administration in office. The supposedly "vile liberal (liberalism IS a mental disorder)" US media, which we are told has an agenda in opposition to the Republicans, amazingly doesn’t seem to report on events that would be damaging to our current leader. How many Americans got to read about what a certain George Galloway had to say about "the mother of all smokescreens?" Checking the official US Government site with transcripts on his speech, it records Galloway offered no testimony. I guess we’re into rewriting history now? How many Americans heard about 5 Mossad agents who had traces of explosives found in their van, being arrested while they cheered the twin towers going down? A few did before Fox News pulled the story, never to be seen again. Jeff Gannon news stories telling the truth about what’s going on the the US? Didn’t think so!
      Here’s a few simple facts to wrap your head around...the "liberal evil should have been thrown out of office for a blowjob" Clinton administration had much success in negotiating with North Korea so they had less ambitions to acquire nukes. Funny... that the same year Donald Rumsfeld said that North Korea should not be allowed to get nuclear technology he was on the board of directors of a company that sold some nuclear components to North Korea. When Bush got into office, he pretty much put it on the table that no concessions would be made to North Korea. His hardlined stance and labeling North Korea as one of the axis of evil ended up being a fantastic self fulfilling prophecy. Korea wants nuclear weapons to keep the US from invading, since we’ve already shown our willingness to change regimes of countries we don’t like. Just acknowledging these facts doesn’t mean you support North Korea, by the way.
      It’s been widely acknowledged OFFICIALLY, that Bush wanted a war with Saddam and "adjusted the facts" to justify an invasion. I thought we invaded Iraq to take Saddam out of power and find the WMD. Now we’re going to "stay the course" until the bitter end it seems.
      Before I go off and end up writing a novel here, ask yourselves these simple questions. Why didn’t the Secret Service on 9/11 whisk George Bush out of that school, which was publicly known as his destination that day, when the country was facing an imminent threat? Why did all of our defense infrastructure, which could and would have dealt with the threat, find itself virtually shut down that day? How were there people standing alive in the gaping holes at the WTC where planes impacted, when a fire so hot was supposedly raging there that melted the buildings’ support beams.
      The world hates Bush because they know his administration parallels the Nazi adminstration of Germany in deed.

    • To quote the great patriot Michael Rivero, host of whatreallyhappened.com:

      "With an unknown number of planes flying over the nation and crashing into buildings, with the President’s presence at Booker Elementary announced in the media three days in advance, and with an airport just 4 miles away, how did the United States Secret Service Protective Detail know for a fact that President Bush was safe as he sat there reading about goats? How did the United States Secret Service Protective Detail know for a fact that they did not need to move President Bush into his bullet proof limo and drive away to foil a possible inbound? How did the United States Secret Service Protective Detail know for a fact that by keeping the children in the same room with the President that they were not risking their lives as well?"

      I hate Bush and his criminal enterprise BECAUSE THEY MURDERED 3000 PEOPLE IN THE SEPTEMBER 11 HOAX.

    • How do you even respond to someone whose head is so completely buried in the sand? Hey Monica, "journalists" like you are hated just as much as Bush. If you honestly can’t see the problem, go to the hospital. You literally need to have your head examined. Maybe while you’re in there, if you can read, check out some history books on Napolean, Hitler, and other famous tyrants from history, and see if anything sounds familiar.

    • With an unknown number of planes flying over the nation and crashing into buildings, with the President’s presence at Booker Elementary announced in the media three days in advance, and with an airport just 4 miles away, how did the United States Secret Service Protective Detail know for a fact that President Bush was safe as he sat there reading about goats? How did the United States Secret Service Protective Detail know for a fact that they did not need to move President Bush into his bullet proof limo and drive away to foil a possible inbound? How did the United States Secret Service Protective Detail know for a fact that by keeping the children in the same room with the President that they were not risking their lives as well?

    • How can you not love a murderer of innocent children? What is unlovable about a man who has spread more nuclear waste around the world than hiroshima through the use of mini nukes and depleted uranium munitions? Women get moist and men get hard when they think of the awesome man in the whitehouse. He is a liar, a cheat a murderer a right wing neo-conservative fuckwit bent on destroying everything good in this world in exchange for profit and world domination. And he is in bed with the zionists, I mean.. what’s not to love about this worthless asshole? He has made America obvious to the world as the laughing stock that it is- it is not a democracy, it is not a benefactor of freedom of light. It is a terrible murderous empire looking for new colonies and new slaves. If you don’t believe this, you are one of the slaves it is happy to have converted over to it’s pile of stupid ignorant lies. Hundreds upon hundreds of thousands have died for this fucking idiots entertainment. Is that not love incarnate?
      I love you George Bush, you are the perfect example of how not to be, well, besides your fascist murderer cabinet.. I think Cheney has you beat.

    • It is really not a difficult concept.

      Bush and his cronies lied to go to war.

      The US is the leading purveyor of torture and prisoner abuse, according to Amnesty and the Red Cross.

      Terrorist acts have increased exponentially across the world since the ’War on terror’ began.

      Iraqis are bfighting to get rid of the brutal oppressors - why are they rising up now and not when Saddam was in power? Good question, isn’t it?

      The vast majority of the world see Bush as a dangerous fool, who is recklessly pursuing some insane agenda of endless war for profit of his corporate pals. Why is he hated indeed......one doesn’t need a slide rule!

    • Hey all First of all i must say that i love the states. I have been there several times and found it a wonderful country. I am from England.

      However when it comes to the bush adminstration i am appaulled. The inside job of 9/11 is a scandal. No way did a plane hit the pentagon check out WING TV.com and check out the video for yourself. The controlled explosion of the towers and world trade center 7. All of it is history repeated. Hitler burned the Reichstag to bring in a police state to control the population and so has bush with 9/11. It was all cooked up and the American people are now living day to day in a police state. Do we get more security and less terrorism? of course not we get less security and more terrorism and the solution give up more of your rights and liberty. I hope the americans wake up before it is too late.The phony evidence against Iraq in order to justify a war is well known and documented. Blair acted like a little puppy dog for Bush as all leaders of my country do.

      Iran and North Korea is next. In the programme.



      WHICH of the above feels more correct when you apply it to the United States or IRAQ with their newly formed puppet goverment?

    • Simply put, people hate Bush because they know the truth. Those who do not, beleive in his lies because they live their lives in a lie. One truth: Americans love the innocent Iraqi’s childrens blood in there gas tanks —not seeing this(or believing this) makes so this one of the lies they live. Therefore, the great silence and lack of outrage. Staying blind and deaf keeps them in their cars.

  • Being Anti-Bush is not an automatic correlation to being Anti-American. The American media is the culprit in enforcing otherwise. The mistake lies in American media portraying their own belief system as "news", when it is merely opinion. The world doesn’t hate America, they despise the current group of human beings within the administration & their arrogant foreign policies. Yes, they are a formidable ally when called upon. Does that excuse all of the bad decisions they’ve made in their parade to pummel the cultures of the world into an alleged democratic population? No, it most certainly does not. To say otherwise, exposes a media bias that is blinded to any form of balanced thought. As an American, I wouldn’t even think of looking to corporate news outlets as sources of truth. Neither would a growing number of Americans. It’s all perspective. When the perspective of the rest of earth’s inhabitants is taken into consideration, it’s fairly obvious America has been put into a precarious feet-of-clay position by our leaderships’ continuation of an unfortunate approach in both fiscal and foreign policy. To pretend otherwise is naive & unfounded hubris.

  • Monica Crowley get an F-N clue you stupid bitch! Your whining about "Poor USA, the world is hating little old us!" is quite sophomoric. The world hates us for a REASON! The wars we have brought to other countries and our contempt for the rest of the world has engendered this hate. I also secont whatreallyhappened.com as a source for real news, notthe friggin pap we are spoon fed here in the good ’ol US of A.

  • If you look a little harder it is not Just Europe who hates Bush. It’s most of the world.


  • Unfortunately Ms. Crowley typifies the average Americans thinking or lack thereof. Blind obedience to the superficial religion called "Americanism" is dominant throughout this land I live in. In Americanism, the average voting woman knows next to nothing about politics except what she hears on the boob tube. The average male is only worried about his job, buying beer and the superbowl. Under the religion of Americanism the main leader is the US President, Christ ran a distant last. Under the religion of Americanism, the leaders can do no wrong and therefore its heresy to question them or murmer against them. Under the religion of Americanism, you give up your rights to think because God has given that right to the "leaders". Under the religion of Americanism if you decide to leave the flock of believers, you are ostracised, banned, jailed, beaten and sometimes killed. You can also be stripped of your wealth, health and family. Under this official religion, where dissent is stiffled, minds are closed, thinking is already done for you, fear of Gods government prevails, leaders already chosen, enforcers in place and crosses manufactured for martyrs, still its a wonder to its members that more people in the world don’t convert! Under the official religion of "Americanism" war is allowed to conquer the heathen unbelievers for their oil and other commodities. Under this religion, money is the god that is worshipped, with all its attendant perversities and conflicts. Under this religion, YOU, Ms. Crowley, are just a drone in the beehive of "Americanism" inflicted with a fatal disease called myopicus americanus.

  • America isn’t the problem, nor Israel or England. It’s Canada! There I said it, Phew! God protect me!! Canada is behind every death by bullet, bomb and beast in them chambers of lies and lacerations. Really and truly, the American peoples that were beating and killing those prisoners were made to do it by satanic ridden Canadian soldiers and our beloved peoples in all their feeling of guilt would cry and kiss them poor and helpless tortured persons between each blow. That women you saw smiling and putting her thumbs up over the dead Iraqi prisoner had a Canadian soldier pointing a rifle barrel at her. Yup, it’s true. That was fear in her eye’s and not joy. We are American’s and we hate blood and killing and stuff, right. Canada has blackmailed our politicians, threatening to reveal all photos and hidden movies of me and my fellow American politicians that engaged in elicit sex acts with young and I mean young adults and writing up bills behind closed doors supporting corporate contracts and such only because Canada made us do it! Canada is the one to blame for sending our kids to die halfway across the world not me so stop picking on my good Halliburton buddy. Does Cheney look like the kinda guy to commit a crime? Naw! Does any of my fellow politicians or people acting on my behalf look evil to you? Naw! Canada is the nail in our freedom coffin. Canada is indeed that which is pure evil and now that the cat is out of the bag we must hit that country hard and show zero mercy because they will attack this country! C’mon my fellow Americans let’s take out Canada and we’ll be safer and those poor Canadians that are under it’s brutal dictatorship we’ll hand us flowers and beers afterwards and probably let us have some fun with their daughters too! Or in my case, sons with shaved heads, tee hee hee. I’m George W Bush and I approve of instant everything.

  • It’s simple...the reason the "rest of the world" hates Bush is because their news media isn’t indirectly controlled by the administration in office. The supposedly "vile liberal (liberalism IS a mental disorder)" US media, which we are told has an agenda in opposition to the Republicans, amazingly doesn’t seem to report on events that would be damaging to our current leader. How many Americans got to read about what a certain George Galloway had to say about "the mother of all smokescreens?" Checking the official US Government site with transcripts on his speech, it records Galloway offered no testimony. I guess we’re into rewriting history now? How many Americans heard about 5 Mossad agents who had traces of explosives found in their van, being arrested while they cheered the twin towers going down? A few did before Fox News pulled the story, never to be seen again. Jeff Gannon news stories telling the truth about what’s going on the the US? Didn’t think so!
    Here’s a few simple facts to wrap your head around...the "liberal evil should have been thrown out of office for a blowjob" Clinton administration had much success in negotiating with North Korea so they had less ambitions to acquire nukes. Funny... that the same year Donald Rumsfeld said that North Korea should not be allowed to get nuclear technology he was on the board of directors of a company that sold some nuclear components to North Korea. When Bush got into office, he pretty much put it on the table that no concessions would be made to North Korea. His hardlined stance and labeling North Korea as one of the axis of evil ended up being a fantastic self fulfilling prophecy. Korea wants nuclear weapons to keep the US from invading, since we’ve already shown our willingness to change regimes of countries we don’t like. Just acknowledging these facts doesn’t mean you support North Korea, by the way.
    It’s been widely acknowledged OFFICIALLY, that Bush wanted a war with Saddam and "adjusted the facts" to justify an invasion. I thought we invaded Iraq to take Saddam out of power and find the WMD. Now we’re going to "stay the course" until the bitter end it seems.
    Before I go off and end up writing a novel here, ask yourselves these simple questions. Why didn’t the Secret Service on 9/11 whisk George Bush out of that school, which was publicly known as his destination that day, when the country was facing an imminent threat? Why did all of our defense infrastructure, which could and would have dealt with the threat, find itself virtually shut down that day? How were there people standing alive in the gaping holes at the WTC where planes impacted, when a fire so hot was supposedly raging there that melted the buildings’ support beams.
    The world hates Bush because they know his administration parallels the Nazi adminstration of Germany in deed.

  • The American reporter doesn’t really need help understanding why the world despises Bush. The first thing this American reporter needs help with is to understand that there is a difference between reality and propaganda. It leaves us with two possibilities, either the American reporter knows the difference, which would make her a liar and an inasfar as she contributed to spread the propaganda an accessory to massmurder, or the American reporter has really not a clue and is as a lot of American reporters employed because of the shiny hair, the pearly teeth.

    The Bush administration is not fighting terror, it is fighting with terror as a means and as such it is spreading terror which even State Department can no longer cover up, it is recruiting and building something hideous for the future.

    The Bush administration is not spreading democracy, it is overthrowing democracies like in Haiti, Venezuela and it is supporting in word and deed insane dictators who make Saddam Hussein look like a choirboy like (the NATO friendly) Islam Karimov (like the EU, like Russia, like China) in a similar way like the US and like the EU always protected Saddam Hussein and armed him in his worst days and would do so again without hesitation, if it were politically oppertune.

    Bush administration itself is not democratic, it committed election-fraud in the American elections twice. And that even without the presence of an alternative.

    Any American reporter knows that, anyone in the world knows that. It is just not possible to sell this US liberator propaganda crap, because it is so damn obvious.

    Afghanistan is not liberated, maybe Kabul by daylight is liberated for foreign investors, maybe the trade in opium is liberated, maybe the warlords are liberated, but not much else is liberated except thousands of people of their lives and a few merchants in the nuclear industry are liberated of their stocks of depleted uranium. Afghanistan is a successtory compared to Iraq. Afghanistan has been turned into one huge continental Guantanamo Bay with more torture and less eyes to see.

    There is by the way no improvement in democracy in Saudi Arabia or any other places mentioned, there is however revealed the "democratic" hypocrisy of the US, UK, EU to the electoral successes of Hamas, Hezbollah, the crackdown of the favored Egypt dictator on Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt (like Uzbekistan, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Libia and so on) is where the US sends people to be tortured or to just simply "disappear" as Rober Baer put it. When the US worked togehter with the Shah’s secret police and taught them the latest on torturing techniques, they let people dissapear by dissolving them in acid, they had special tanks for that.)

    I suppose the Americans now demand the use of more sophisticated methods. But the trouble with history is that some things are recorded and cannot be denied. And things have a way of coming back to haunt you, like the Shah found out.

    Then the US supports terrorist sects like the Mujahedeen Khalq, the sole or in at least main provider of "intelligence" of Irans non-existant nuclear weapons program, with the press cover of referring to these terrorists - who by the way torture their own members who try to quit this insane personality cult in camps in Iraq under the watchful eye of the US - as "dissidents."

    We all know Iran has no nuclear weapons program or even anything remotely resembling it. Any American reporter might know it too. The easiest and most understandable way of doing that is to read through the articles of Dr Gordon Prather.

    Any American reporter worried about not loooking quite patriotic (ask not what your president might do for you, but what you might do for your president) might safely read him for his articles are printed too in WorldNetDaily.

    If an American reporter masters all the basic knowledge than an American reporter can whail her messiah leader is not loved by the evil, jealous or whatever big bad outside world.

  • Monica,

    Are you kidding?
    The man lied us into a war. A war that leaves Iraq far worse off, and our country no safer. What did Iraq have to do with 911? Nothing! The world is not safer because of the US. Its not Anti-American to call Bush what he is: A LIAR!

    This country deserves better.
    Supporting the president isn’t supporting our country.
    I real patriot would see the difference

    See for yourself ...

    Good luck
    You need it.

  • Where to start? ... First I would like to say, that I am an American, wait... Maybe I wouldn’t "Like" to say that anymore with what America has been transformed into. The reason why the world, and now, (if you look at the Poll’s) most Americans don’t like Bush are as follows,... 1. People don’t like to be lied to. This goes for the people of the world as well as the Americans. You see, when the lie costs 100,000 innocent Iraqi lives as well as 1,700 and counting American lives not to mention the thousands of permanently injured Iraqis and Americans who now are missing arms and legs, that makes people very angry. 2. On the subject of injury, when the Bush Administration circumvents International Law, and renders "quaint" the Geneva conventions, and systematically Tortures prisoners, that too upsets the world community as well as Americans... who aren’t getting their news from the U.S. Mainstream Media. 3. The use of weapons, such as Depleted Uranium, which should be illegal, are hazardous not only to the "enemy" but to the coalition forces, and surrounding countries. Of course, this inconvenient fact is denied and covered up. However, the fact is, DU is spreading throughout the region and causing physical and mental problems to those who are exposed, including reproductive problems such as; infants born missing limbs, internal organs, eyes, or a brain. Also, male soldiers returning to find that they have radioactive semen which burn their partner, or women soldiers returning with endometriosis so severe that they just keep bleeding. Men and Women in uniform have also returned with rectal cancer from sitting on ammunition boxes. This affects everybody, and is a problem that should be dealt with. 4. The fact that the president created what I like to call "Antonym Laws". These laws such as the "Clear Skies act", "Healthy Forest initiative" do exactly the opposite of what they are labeled. They instead open up our protected forests to loggers and loosen the laws designed to protect us from pollution. This hurts the world community when the president ignores the harm of "greenhouse gasses" and pulls out of treaties that may cost his friends some pocket change to alter their methods and stop hurting the environment. 5. The oppressing Middle East policy is also a disaster for this Administration. The NeoCon cabal in this administration clearly shows where their loyalty lies. The oppression and destruction of the Palestinian people are clearly ignored by this Administration. The fact that Israel is committing war crimes against the Palestinians makes no difference this Administration. This is during a time where AIPAC and Israel are once again being investigated for spying on the US. 6. The actions of this administration in Iraq and the rush to start another Illegal war with Iran have made the world a more dangerous place. Since this fraudulent "War on Terror" was launched, the US has acted in an inappropriate manner to say the least. Torture, slaughter of innocent Iraqis, targeting or reporters, killing of Italian agent, Deadly roadblocks, have not only inflamed the world with anger, but infuriated the Muslim community. The Bush administration has done what Osama could never do (even he really wanted to and wasn’t a CIA asset) that is create an incredible animosity toward the US and a fertile recruiting ground for terrorists. This administration has given them plenty of reasons why they should join when they otherwise wouldn’t. 7. Lies, Cover-ups, and deception, why on earth would this administration not cooperate with a 9-11 investigation? Why did they stone wall the fraudulent 9-11 commission that they were pressured into creating? Why didn’t the secret service rush the president out of Booker elementary on 9-11 when planes were in the sky and he and the children could all have been targets? Yes, lets go back to 9-11 and answer all of the unanswered questions. The American people and the world know that this administration has covered up and lied to prevent the truth of 9-11 from coming out. But the evidence has a way of coming out, even the absent evidence speaks to us... why was the crime scene cleaned up? Why was the metal shipped out to be destroyed before it could be analyzed? This is their reason for the "War on Terror" This reason should be looked at critically, without interference. The world doesn’t trust this Administration of deceivers and liars, nor do the smarter Americans. 8. America was once a trusted ally and champion of democracy, now it is the champion of hypocrisy. While the Administration changes the reasons from WMD to spreading democracy and freedom, we are systematically losing freedom here in America. The world sees through such blatant garbage as the Patriot act, and our "Free Press". They know the Congress which is ruled by the Republicans has been bought. America is in sad shape, and has been since this administration cheated its way into office. "We the People" are no longer running our government; it is a rouge corrupt power that needs to be stopped by Impeachment. Many Americans see this, the world sees this, and hopefully you see it now - "American Reporter" For a reporter… you seem to miss a lot of what’s going on around you... perhaps it’s time for a career change.
    "Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

  • This women must be living in a dream world. When I see the face of Bush I see the face of evil. This man is only truly happy when he brings death,pain and suffering to others. If he is not impeached soon he will bring about the destruction of the world. I think the last Pope was right he is the ANTICHRIST.

    • Hey Monica, you need help understanding because you’re not a journalist.

      You are one of those talentless, bimbo script readers that we have to suffer in this age of cute faces on TV.

      Let’s face it lady you wouldn’t know journalism if it drove a truck through your living room. The very fact that you need to ask the question is enough proof that your IQ is smaller than your shoe size.

  • I’m an American, and I know why the world and Americans hate Bush.
    It’s simple, he’s a LIAR, and he’s committing genocide.
    Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, Tennet, the Congress and Senate, should
    all be tried for treason. The guilty should be executed.
    We only can hope they are executed before they permit another 9/11.
    Nothing happens in the United States without the government’s knowlege.

  • Wow. Beauty really is just skin deep. I have never seen someone so pretty be so ugly. Those of you jingoistic paeons that can’t take just a little time to read up and find out that President Bush and his entire administration had been waiting for the "next Pearl Harbor" http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf
    to invade Iraq and decided just days after 9/11 to do just that:
    "Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy." (see the Downing Street Memo.)

    It’s all laid out bare for you, if you care. 1644 U.S. soldiers have died directly because of Bush’s lies. 100,000 Iraqis have died directly because of Bush’s lies. Terrorism has increased 6 fold because of Bush. Religions have been disgraced because of Bush. Innocent people have been tortured and murdered because of Bush.
    That is why he is hated by so many.

  • I cannot believe the the patriotic blindfold this woman is wearing!!! Wake up! Your government is the problem. The world doesn’t hate you because of your advancements in science and technology! We hate you because your government murders and lies because of corporate greed. Why did the Aboriginal people deserve to be murdered? Why did the Africian do to be enslaved? Why does the CIA overthrow "democratically" elected presidents? Why do your soilder beat and humiliate those in Abu Gharib prison? Why are you colluding with the zionists? You don’t know the answers to these because to you to trained to consume. Why does the American flag burn so well around the globe? Answer: because you treat patriotism like a religion. The stars and bars will not protect you on the Day of Judgement when you are asked why you supported Bush to murder innocent Afghani and Iraqi. You will burn in the hellfire just like your flag burns.

  • Oh she needs help, does she?

    Tell her to do some real research about the state of war in the world, and its ultimate effects on peace loving people who end up being driven past their breaking point in among all the evil and death being rained down upon friends and family throughout the world

    Tell her to do some research into the radiation tipped weaponry which has now poisoned several areas of our world.

    Better yet, you could tell her to smear her "little princess" makeup a little while doing this. But just a little. We wouldn’t want her to get too "dirty" by allowing her to see and report these kinds of things for herself, or upset her boss by trying to allow real news into America, so that the people can see these kinds of things for themselves.

    I mean, we wouldn’t want any TRUTH to actually emerge, would we? We don’t war to be regarded as EVIL, do we?

    So if miss little prissy pants can’t handle the actual truth, tell her to stay at the office, far away from the actual NEWS and FIGHTING and DEATH DEALING and DESTRUCTION and CHILDREN RIPPED APART AND DYING FROM BOMBS and JOURNALISTS TARGETED BY TROOPS FOR COVERING THE WAR and EVERYDAY REGULAR PEOPLE AND FARMERS BEING MURDERED FOR OIL....

    ...Where everything is nicely sanitized and pre-prepared for her, so that she can spout of her precious little opinions about nothing much at all.

    So stay at home, princess. The rest of the world doesn’t need journalists like you.

  • Ske must be joking?

  • Near the end of the article, the following interrogative is printed. "And guess who would be there, right away, to lend a helping hand?" Disregarding the fact that the sentence begins with a coordinating conjunction, which I regard as rather sloppy, I do have a problem with the following:

    I find exception to that interrogative statement because of historical fact. The First World War began in 1914, but the United States was not there "right away". The Second World War started in 1939, but the United States was not there "right away", and was, for all intents and purposes, very reluctant to become part of the hostilities at that time. Although they were instrumental in finishing those fights, the ’call to arms’ wasn’t answered "right away".

    I assume that these two minor skirmishes were not considered when Ms. Crowley made her erroneous statement.

  • Monica you dear are what I have come to expect from the American media, an award winning smile, sex appeal that would distract the pope, and the carisma to say exactly what is scripted on your teleprompter indicating intelligence all the while being able to smile as you descibe in detail the glory of the death toll in Iraq....

    The war in Iraq had and has nothing to do with freedom of that people. It has everything to do with MONEY and power. You if anyone should understand this as I am guessing your anual salary would probably support a small nation in Africa, and that is how the elite in the USA rate themselves to their level of success. How big is my bank account and who or what can it buy???

    This war on terror only creates more of that it pretends to be eliminating. The increase in animosity to the USA increases daily as the atrocities inflicted at the hands of the American war machine gain public knowledge. The anger toward the USA is not limited to the Countries in and around Iraq, it extends into Europe, it goes into Asia it is found in South and Central America and if you would understand it even exists with your closest neighbors. It is hard to support a bully.

    The more I read from independant news sources the more I understand the reality of what the US administration is trying to achieve. World domination and not the march for freedom. This present administration is using every means available to them to connect with and subvert those who stand against its agenda, even those within the confines of the USA.

    The Media as we know it operating in the full view of the American public is owned and controlled by those that are participating in this mass scharade. The reason is to gain financially, nothing less. It is through journalists such as yourself, with the award winning smile and the sex appeal that can pacify the american public into believing the trussed up spin the creators of a new world order would have them believe.

    My call is to the American public. Get off your collective A$$eS and find out the truth. The real truth not the crap the media feeds you. Find out and communicate these truths. There will be a day of reckoning, a day when there will be no turning back, no chance for recall. It is time for the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH so lets get it started...

  • She clearly is not too old to enlist.

  • Oh my, how can a country builit on the genocide of its native peoples be so hated? How can a country that started a war on false pretenses and slaughtered thousands of innocents in the name of truth and justice be hated? How can a country that doesn’t impeach the president who lied to his people to start that war be hated? How can a country that sets up dictatorships throughout the third world be hated? How can a country that allowed two elections to be stolen by some of the most evil people on earth be hated? How can a country that puts corporate wealth before all else be hated? How can a country that can’t be trusted by its allies be hated? How can I, as an American citizen hold my head up anymore?

  • Monica, dear girl ...

    Your child-like naievty would be charming if you weren’t a grown woman. In fact it’s downright dangerous as we know there are millions of adults in the US who think the same way: how else would George II have been re-elected? (I know the response to that from many readers would be: he cheated again :D)...
    Perhaps if you watched less US corprate media and actually explored some impartial world media, like reporters are meant to do, you could possibly get a handle on why the world distrusts, fears and loathes America more than it ever has. It’s not that people hate Bush, it’s just that he’s the guy in the Whitehouse so he naturally cops all the flak. Most people understand he’s an ill-read, poorly educated spoilt rich-kid who does what he’s told. Most people understand that George doesn’t read papers or watch the news and that Rummy, Wolfy, Dicky et al just tell him what the world is like and he agrees with whatever they say. How can he know what the world is like? He didn’t have a passport until Jeb snaffled him a ticket to Washington!
    He’s just the figurehead of a sinister cabal comprised of greedy multi-millionaires, religious extremists and power-hungry warmongers, all with ties to the Bin Ladens, the Saudi royal family, oil, weapons and military logistics companies - he just happens to be ignorant enough to believe everything he’s told.
    The world hates Bush because noone buys this "spreading freedom and democracy" b.s. that keeps flowing from Washington. We see stories and read about the tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians dead, the over 1600 dead US kids, the abuse at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, the recent Amnesty report slamming the US’ laughable human rights record, not to mention the trouble that Bush & Co. have inflicted on their own country: massive unemployment, income disparity at record levels, immense foregin debt deficits, hundreds of billions wasted on the illegal war(s), the PATRIOT Act - the most laughable title ever and one of the most dangerous documents to be printed since "Mein Kampf"...we see all this and wonder how America misses it...then we realise that Fox, MSNBC and most other media outlets in the US are staffed by people like you, with little or no idea what is actually happening as a result of your country’s benevolence. We see anyone taking a contrary position to the government being fired, censured, censored - even threatened - remember Valerie Plame? Her only crime was to be married to a man who had the guts to say that the "intelligence" on Iraq’s WMD was false! Not wrong, not misguided, but blatantly FALSE! The rest of the world understands this.. By the way has the White House actually bothered to try and find out who blew her cover? Does anyone care that her life and the lives of anyone she’ spoken to over the last 20 years could be in mortal danger?
    We remember that the entire country is populated, in large part, by people who don’t even care, because noone in the US gets taught about the world or its history..people who don’t care what happens as long as gas is cheap and noone says anything bad about America. Because anyone who does must be a commie, or a terrorist..
    We see that the US has consistently, for decades upon decades, held itself up as The champion of human rights, justice, freedom, democracy etc..all the while double-dealing, backstabbing, invading, stealing, bombing anyone who gets in the way. Read a non-US history of the world, you may learn something that’s true.
    Monica, please just grow up. You are part of the problem, don’t you see? The reason the US govt can literally get away with murder is because the corporate media has become a cowed, toothless, pathetic satire of itself..it broadcasts the official line and backs it up to middle America with idiots like O’Reilly, Coulter, Limbaugh - who, among other nonsensical nationalist garbage, all maintain some blatant lies about the "Liberal" media trying to destroy America! No wonder there are so many people like you who have no idea how America actually operates..
    You’ve lived a sheltered life, Monica. The fact that you’re so surprised by all the negative press just shows you’ve been in America, lapping up the lies and swallowing the superiority argument, for too long. You and millions of others.
    Just know that Empires always fall. Greece, Rome, Egypt, The Third Reich, the Mongols, the Soviets, the British Empire..and soon the US of Arrogance.


  • Why you ask? Are 100,000 plus dead innocents enough reasons? Are 1600 dead American Soldiers, and about 15,000 wounded enough? All for lies? There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction, there were no remote controlled drones ready to drop a Nookulur bomb on New York City.

    Is lie after uncounted lie sufficient to arouse your ire. Or do you regard lies where thousands of people die inconsequential? Do you regard Police State laws attacking the very fabric of our freedom, again propagated by lies, adequate to cause you to pause and think?

    Are Billions of dollars fed to cronies in no-bid "Cost Plus" Contracts enough to pique your interest?

    Does any of that connect, or are you so mired and credulously believing of the Propaganda and PsyOps shenanigans that you are no longer to perceive the form of the truth?

    Why do Europeans now detest this Country? Why, it is for many of the same reasons that Americans, many such as myself Veterans, detest this lying monster that infests our Nation’s Capital.

  • Monica is trying hard to become Ann Clotraus double.Notice Ann got exposed as a transvistteand phonie as a wooden nickel, and not a peep from he/she!
    you wonder if Moenica ever listens to other news instead of FOX or CNN.I bet she is jewish?Seems the diehards are jewish— all for Israel.This lady is loco,what she needs is to enlist and send her to BagDad.

  • It’ just to easy.....It’s too easy to "hate bush". For all the reasons above. He is a product of our times...MADE IN AMERICA. This is what happens when defective person is given power in a free country...surrounded by those without an american heart...and the media without the conscious of historical memory...let’s figure it out....Freedom+Heartlessness+Loss of Memory+No Consious+=SOCIOPATH.....so, I don’t see it JUST as bush hating...I am filled with the Terror of the Future, and Dread. And, I am very much Afraid...it’s too late to change the sociopathic tendencies that our world is now plunging into at an accelerated rate....No, I do not Hate bush...I am Terrorfied of him and his.

  • Maybe this will explain it, they are cloning Ann Coulter:

    When you are paid enough money to say the "right" things, the truth doesn’t matter.

    A perfect blend of knowledge, strong opinion and charm, Monica Crowley brings a new dynamism to 77WABC?s line-up. Monica began her career in radio on 77WABC as a frequent guest on the Batchelor and Alexander Show, where she captured the interest of 77WABC listeners and management alike. An intelligent, articulate woman, Crowley is a rare find in the talk radio world. When war with Iraq was imminent, she was given the 6-7pm time slot.

    Upon its launch in 1996, Crowley joined the Fox News Channel, where she continues to serve as a political and international affairs analyst. She holds two Masters degrees and a Ph.D. in international affairs from Columbia University. Crowley also worked as a Foreign Policy Assistant to former President Richard Nixon from 1990 until his death in 1994.

    Crowley’s experience with Nixon prompted her to write two best-selling books, Nixon off the Record: His Candid Commentary on People and Politics and Nixon in Winter. She has also written for The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Baltimore Sun and The New York Post.

    Crowley has been a guest on the major TV and cable news channels, including ABC, NBC, FOX and HBO and worked as a commentator on National Public Radio?s Morning Edition for 4 years. This broadcast luminary will be shining for a long time to come.

    My "help":

    Subject: Re : Help In Understanding Why The World Hates Bush
    Date: Friday, May 27, 2005 11:40 PM

    Dear Ms. Crowley:

    In you article "Re: Help In understanding why the world hates Bush" you seem to be confused that Americans and other citizens of the world despise Bush and his war policies.


    The British and European press can say whatever they want about us- but the truth is that without the United States, the world would be a far more dangerous place. Thanks to the leadership of the Bush administration, members of Al Qaeda are being hunted, captured and killed. 50 million people have been liberated in Afghanistan and Iraq..

    The Europeans suffer from superpower envy. Maybe it’s just a difference in political values and approach. But whatever the reason for their anti-Americanism, deep down they know that they would not want a world without the United States. Because if the Europeans were threatened in any way, the first call they would place would be to Washington.

    Ouch....., that sounds like a lukewarm speech for sorority pep week.

    Although I can’t fathom why you would be so public in your ignorance about the realities of this illegal war, I can help you stumble towards the truth.

    First, anyone with the ability to read, (and the more fortunate that have internet acess) have to fight to seek the truth.It certainly isn’t coming from likes of MSNBC or any of your competitiors.You see, repeating the mantras of Scott McCllelan and Karl Rove isn’t "reporting" or "investigating" it’s merely "repeating".

    Let’s begin at the beginning.

    Bush is a chronic liar.

    He lied about WMD’s, He lied when connecting Iraq to 911, and he lies when he says peace and freedom are being spread in Iraq.Read any good blogs lately? Try this one:


    You seem ( Is it genuine??) perplexed..but now we find that the greatest war hero story, that of Pat Tillman ,was also a contrived lie.Mr. and Mrs. Tillman are understandably upset that their son was used as a poster boy for the war on terrorism, while the Army lied about the circumstances of his death.


    One of the biggest lies is that the war wasn’t pre planned, the Downing Street memo proves that.


    Tony Blair and George Bush made a deal to invade Iraq, all that was needed was to cook the intelligence.

    While you were in London, you might have checked with the BBC (fortunately, I don’t have to be "stuck with" MSNBC with modern satellite programming) to get some background on this.

    You see, you look foolish "lecturing" about foreign policy when the majority of Britans are better informed than you.

    George Galloway made a fool out of Senator Norm Coleman, and it’s my guess that if Coleman had his facts straight before he made loose accusations, he would not have been decimated by Galloway.

    I know you must be experiencing cognitive dissonance, and I hate to burst your bubble, but you should get out more.

    I don’t have a high paying job with travel expenses, but somehow I find it ironic that I am more in touch than you are.

    Strange isn’t it ??

  • And you call yourself a reporter?

  • Hi Poor Child,

    The draft will begin soon! Enlist in the Marines honey..............PLEASE! Invite your friends and neighbors who feel like you do to also ENLIST!

    5 years, 8 months, and 11 days. I did it, I know you can too! Be a real American


  • come on now! don’t be so hard on her. It’s not HER fault if her mother is also her aunt and her father is also her uncle :o

    I mean, it’s not like her trailer park childhood PREPARED her for REALITY in this harsh world!

    lol :D

    OK, seriously, what is she smoking?

    fyi: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/ has posted a link to this along with a suggested letter to mail her with pertinent questions (including a copy of the downing street memo).

    enjoy and have fun!

  • Dear Monica

    I am not really one for posting comments, However....... , in this case I feel I cannot let this go.

    "The British and European press can say whatever they want about us- but the truth is that without the United States, the world would be a far more dangerous place. Thanks to the leadership of the Bush administration, members of Al Qaeda are being hunted, captured and killed. 50 million people have been liberated in Afghanistan and Iraq."

    50 million people have been ’liberated’ - er, I still see an occupying power in both countries ???? If ’liberated’ means the freedom to let your children die by a bomb, bullet, whatever, then yes the US has ’liberated’ these countries. Liberated them to the freedom of American torture camps, malnutrition, anarchy. Must be really great to be an ’American’ .....

    ’Maybe the Europeans suffer from superpower envy. Maybe it’s just a difference in political values and approach. But whatever the reason for their anti-Americanism, deep down they know that they would not want a world without the United States. Because if the Europeans were threatened in any way, the first call they would place would be to Washington.’

    I think we should fear Washington the most ......

    PS At least we get ’News’ ......

  • If brains were dynamite this woman would not have enough material to blow a rag off her head. Thanks to the blog sites we europeans know that many americans are intelligent, informed and concerned about their international image and reputation.

  • Dear Ms. Unreal

    The key to your cluelessness may be the Brittany Spears (not the brightest bulb in the ceiling) local beauty queen motif. I’m not sure if you are a journalist. It used to be that journalists did research. I’m guessing that, given a choice between breaking a nail on some recalcitrant file and getting your news from some Aipac sponsored news manufacturing outlet that you are going to opt for the latter.

    The incredible absurdity of this; a journalist being confused as to why a lying, murdering, sociopathic, demagogue might be feared and disliked at home and abroad- is more than a tad ironic. I’m thinking you need to get that resume in to News Corp. NewsMax or… nah… no kidding? You’ve been at that for awhile? Go figure…

    I left the country because of how very clear it all was. You might be surprised to know that most of the people I talk to in Europe are convinced that bush was complicit in the 9/11 attacks. In fact, if you were any kind of journalist you would know that too. The evidence is overwhelming. But you haven’t even looked have you?

    While here in Europe I encountered an expatriate singer/songwriter called Les Visible. He released an entire CD on bush, the bush family and 9/11. It’s getting wide play over here and is only one example of the kind of free and incisive information available in the ’free world’. It is one of the most brilliant pieces of revolutionary art I have ever seen. Given your assumed attention span and two-dimensional persona I would suggest you use it to get some idea of why the world hates bush. In under 45 minutes you can consider yourself informed. The music is available for free streaming and download here-


    I worked for twenty years in the Foreign Service sector of the government and I am not one to be fooled by media manipulation, misdirection and obfuscation. I’ve seen it all. No one that I have observed in all my years of public service has been simultaneously as stupid and evil as bush. If you cannot see the ongoing nature of his intent and the intent of his handlers then you should just continue on being giddy and breathless and wide-eyed; keeping in mind that, of course, every man desires you because you’re just so… so… perky and cute. I don’t even have to look to know that you’ve got a set of white sneakers with those pink fuzzy balls on the back heels. You do, don’t you?


    Zachary Abrams

    Oh yeah, and when you grow up you may get to be Ann Coulter with just the right touch of Paris Hilton. Maybe you’ll be preserved in lasting lucite at MOMA after your Bodisattva duties here are done.

    By they way, I just have to ask; spit or swallow?

  • Dear Ms. Unreal

    The key to your cluelessness may be the Brittany Spears (not the brightest bulb in the ceiling) local beauty queen motif. I’m not sure if you are a journalist. It used to be that journalists did research. I’m guessing that, given a choice between breaking a nail on some recalcitrant file and getting your news from some Aipac sponsored news manufacturing outlet that you are going to opt for the latter.

    The incredible absurdity of this; a journalist being confused as to why a lying, murdering, sociopathic, demagogue might be feared and disliked at home and abroad- is more than a tad ironic. I’m thinking you need to get that resume in to News Corp. NewsMax or… nah… no kidding? You’ve been at that for awhile? Go figure…

    I left the country because of how very clear it all was. You might be surprised to know that most of the people I talk to in Europe are convinced that bush was complicit in the 9/11 attacks. In fact, if you were any kind of journalist you would know that too. The evidence is overwhelming. But you haven’t even looked have you?

    While here in Europe I encountered an expatriate singer/songwriter called Les Visible. He released an entire CD on bush, the bush family and 9/11. It’s getting wide play over here and is only one example of the kind of free and incisive information available in the ’free world’. It is one of the most brilliant pieces of revolutionary art I have ever seen. Given your assumed attention span and two-dimensional persona I would suggest you use it to get some idea of why the world hates bush. In under 45 minutes you can consider yourself informed. The music is available for free streaming and download here-


    I worked for twenty years in the Foreign Service sector of the government and I am not one to be fooled by media manipulation, misdirection and obfuscation. I’ve seen it all. No one that I have observed in all my years of public service has been simultaneously as stupid and evil as bush. If you cannot see the ongoing nature of his intent and the intent of his handlers then you should just continue on being giddy and breathless and wide-eyed; keeping in mind that, of course, every man desires you because you’re just so… so… perky and cute. I don’t even have to look to know that you’ve got a set of white sneakers with those pink fuzzy balls on the back heels. You do, don’t you?


    Zachary Abrams

    Oh yeah, and when you grow up you may get to be Ann Coulter with just the right touch of Paris Hilton. Maybe you’ll be preserved in lasting lucite at MOMA after your Bodisattva duties here are done.

    By they way, I just have to ask; spit or swallow?

  • Dear Ms. Unreal

    The key to your cluelessness may be the Brittany Spears (not the brightest bulb in the ceiling) local beauty queen motif. I’m not sure if you are a journalist. It used to be that journalists did research. I’m guessing that, given a choice between breaking a nail on some recalcitrant file and getting your news from some Aipac sponsored news manufacturing outlet that you are going to opt for the latter.

    The incredible absurdity of this; a journalist being confused as to why a lying, murdering, sociopathic, demagogue might be feared and disliked at home and abroad- is more than a tad ironic. I’m thinking you need to get that resume in to News Corp. NewsMax or… nah… no kidding? You’ve been at that for awhile? Go figure…

    I left the country because of how very clear it all was. You might be surprised to know that most of the people I talk to in Europe are convinced that bush was complicit in the 9/11 attacks. In fact, if you were any kind of journalist you would know that too. The evidence is overwhelming. But you haven’t even looked have you?

    While here in Europe I encountered an expatriate singer/songwriter called Les Visible. He released an entire CD on bush, the bush family and 9/11. It’s getting wide play over here and is only one example of the kind of free and incisive information available in the ’free world’. It is one of the most brilliant pieces of revolutionary art I have ever seen. Given your assumed attention span and two-dimensional persona I would suggest you use it to get some idea of why the world hates bush. In under 45 minutes you can consider yourself informed. The music is available for free streaming and download here- I guess they won’t take websites here because the piece won’t show up. I suggest a search of ’Les Visible, 911 was an Inside Job’

    I worked for twenty years in the Foreign Service sector of the government and I am not one to be fooled by media manipulation, misdirection and obfuscation. I’ve seen it all. No one that I have observed in all my years of public service has been simultaneously as stupid and evil as bush. If you cannot see the ongoing nature of his intent and the intent of his handlers then you should just continue on being giddy and breathless and wide-eyed; keeping in mind that, of course, every man desires you because you’re just so… so… perky and cute. I don’t even have to look to know that you’ve got a set of white sneakers with those pink fuzzy balls on the back heels. You do, don’t you?


    Zachary Abrams

    Oh yeah, and when you grow up you may get to be Ann Coulter with just the right touch of Paris Hilton. Maybe you’ll be preserved in lasting lucite at MOMA after your Bodisattva duties here are done.

    By they way, I just have to ask; spit or swallow?

  • Monica should study history.

    The last time Europeans needed help was WWII.

    it was the Canadians who responded first from the North American continent, not the Americans.

    And they did it four years before the Americans: a sly little fact the American networks glossed over at the D-Day celebrations last year by keeping their cameras off the telling and historically correct exhibits.

    The Canadians lost 1/10th of their population in that war.

    I may be American but that does not mean I can’t learn the truth. Crowley should learn the same.

    She is tediously jingoistic. A female version of Sean Hannity, the ex-house painter with a six-million-dollar salaried reason to maintain the status quo.

  • What a joke - notice how the artice sneakily twists legitimate criticism of Bush’s policies into "Anti Americanism". I don’t like Mugabe, do we call that "Anti-Zimbabweanism"?

  • Dear Monica, I am an Englishman who does not hate Americans (well, only a few powerful and evil ones whom I could count on the figures of two hands), but can understand, very clearly why a great many other people do. What’s my secret? I open my eyes Monica. It’s really simple - try it! Take a look at what’s happening to the ’liberated’ people of Iraq for a start. This might be enough to give you a flavour. If that doesn’t work, try looking at the treatment of millions of Palestinians, who are having the life crushed out of them (both literally and metaphorically) by the US supported and condoned policies of Israel. Instead of condemning the ’Anti Americanism’ of the British press, try investigating the points that they raise yourself. You have a brain and two eyes Monica, use them. That’s all it takes.

  • Bush is a international bully who only acts to protect his own interest. Look at countries like Zimbabwe and ask where is Bush, not there because it is not in his own interest to invade a third world country WITHOUT OIL. Why does the world hate america, mostly for your arrogance and ignorance.

  • Quit calling NBC/ABC/CBS Reporters/Journalists... They are just toolpuppets of Americorwellian propoganda. The days of Woodward and Bernstien are over.

    Next time you see and talk to one of them, interupt them and say " sorry I thought you were a reporter, My mistake.... "

  • Hello - we just dont like liars. There were not weapons. Bush lied to congress. He lied to the people. A war based on such lies is illegal. And how about covering up 911 and preventing a real inquiry. Instead another Warren Commisson. According to a zogby poll half of New Yorkers believe the govnernment was in on the attack http://www.thinkandask.com/news/911polls.html
    Bush = Liar

  • The funny thing is that whenever I see videos or pictures of these "evil" Muslim dictators preaching in front of crowds, they ain’t behind no bullet-proof limo or have 50+ CIA agents there to protect them. Even with a crowd full of gun-toting "insurgents"....can you say that about american presidents? Isreali and american policy can kiss my freedom, liberty, and justice-seeking behind.

  • Golly Monica, the world is just darn hard to figure out isn’t it? To understand why the world hates George Bush, let’s just go back to the ’justification’ for the Iraq war. It was a lie. Our troops are over in Iraq slaughtering those people and getting slaughtered by those people because the Bush Administration ’fixed the evidence around the policy’. In case that quote isn’t familiar to you, it was from a recently leaked memo from a high level meeting of British officials. It hasn’t been covered by the American media because they are gatekeepers of information. The American Media is Pravda USA. They’ve been infiltrated by government operatives who hire valley girls like you to do stories on the Jackson case and coming attractions on Reality TV.

    We really didn’t need the memo to know about the lies, we’ve known about them for a long time now - at least those of us who read knew about them. How American citizens feel about Bush should be of more concern than how Europeans feel about Bush. The last approval rating I saw was that he had about a 40% approval rating. I suspect that might be a little high.

    Of the 60% or so who ’disapprove’ of Bush, probably 30% of those have a visceral hatred for the man. Put me in that category. I’m praying for the day when we see Nuremberg Trials for the American War Criminals - George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Alberto Gonzales are on the short list.

    George Bush is a destroyer. Everything he touches he destroys.

    1. His administration facilitated the Enron extortion of California electric consumers.
    2. The Hegelian Dialectic of 9-11 followed by the 11-9 attack on our economy (see below)
    3. The failure of his administration to protect our borders.
    4. His betrayal of American Citizens by facilitating corporate importation of foreign labor to replace American Citizens in the labor market.
    5. The ’free trade’ agreements that favor foreign imports and foreign countries over domestic production for increased profits of the multinationals who are American in name only.
    6. The implementation of a police state system of monitoring and controls on the American people.
    7. The attempt to steal the social security of money to prop up the financial markets after he torpedoed our economy with the India Trade Agreement, Singapore-Chile trade agreements, the on-going decimation caused by trade with China, etc.
    8. Facilitation of the war profiteering of Halliburton, Bechtel and all the other corporations in Iraq.
    9. The attempt to break up the public schools with the fraud of ’Leave No Child Behind’ - a better name for which would be ’Leave No Public School Operating’.

    This list could go on for pages so we’ll just wrap it up with -

    10. Using the high minded principles of our founders regarding freedom and democratic principles as a cover for the biggest criminal operation in the history of the world.

    I imagine that you probably missed most everything on my list when it happened - but don’t worry your pretty blond head about it. It isn’t your job to think. Your job is to giggle and flip your hair and I’m sure you excel at it.

  • Dear Monica

    I think you are somewhat confused. I am English and i am not anti American at all. In fact i love America been there several times and love the place. However when it comes to the Bush adminstration i see something less than appealling.

    The corruption in this goverment is plain to see by anyone who cares to sive through the tidal wave of propaganda that is aired daily by the mainstream media to justify current events.

    To begin i think you need to look at the fact that history has a terrible habit of repeating itself. Emperor Nero burned his own city to incite the people into accepting a police state and justify the attack of his enemies. Hitler did the same with the Reichstag to incite people against the Jews. The promise is always the same. Give up your freedom and we will save you from the terror.

    The truth is always the same you get more and more terror and the regime gets stronger and the people suffer greatly. The twin towers were Hitlers Reichstag.

    This i am very sad to say was an inside job. No way did the planes bring down those buildings. Instead a controlled explosion that Bush and his croanies new in advance about was ready. Bin laden is a new Lee Harvey Oswald. And what of the plane that hit the pentagon.... another lie. See the evidence for yourself on Wing Tv.com it was a missile pure and simple.

    There is more to this then you can possible imagine. Take away the terror aspect and the patriot act (which is possible the worst piece of legislation i have ever read) Lets say for the sake of argument all of it was done in good faith and i am wrong.

    What about IRAQ. Back in 2000 Saddam wanted to barter for Euros not Dollars. This would have destroyed the US economy if he had suceeded as other OPEC countries would have followed suit and the dollar would have faced a massive crash. The US had been looking for a reason to attack Saddam to get him under control and get the oil. Us Brits went along like a puppy dog like all british leaders do when america calls. Please research this yourself and open your eyes. There is so much to this that i am only scratching a tiny part of the surface. The terrorists do not exist they are made up a figment of the bush admin imagination. Just a tool to get you all to give up your liberty and submit to their slave state. Wake up before it is too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    When the goverment fears the people you have liberty
    when the people fear the goevernment you have tyranny

    Which do you think is true of the states at the moment?????

    Danny from england

    • thanks Danny ... well done ! and accurate !

    • Oh danny boy the pipes are playing---I like that song—but not the war part.Seems reading the secret let’s invade memo that England has the same problem as USA.
      Many folks would not admit that they have an infestation-roaches,rats ,mice to visitors but the evidence is obvious.It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what infestation in America we have.The evidence is glaring everywhere.
      We got Hitler’s problem.
      What is this statement from danny boy—" Hitler did the same with the Reichstag to incite people against the Jews. The promise is always the same. Give up your freedom".
      Hay!, Danny Boy,have you wondered way Hitler took action againist the Jews?9/11 was done for Israel by Jews.Now if it is proven-wouldn’t it be proper to round up all of them? Just imagine what killings have occured for the Jews to have a homeland,as if USA and England is not enough.

  • Dear Ms. Crowley,

    It appears to me, as an American living abroud, that you have not lived in another country for any extended period of time? this is eveidenced by your typically ecocentric comments and general fear of European, or any non-American, opinion as to the US’ current foreign and for that matter, domestic policies.

    the current administration has endangered all of us who hold the most expensive passport on Earth, and embarrass us daily with their narrow-minded and ridiculously narrow-minded views of the world and the US’ place in it. in addition, it is single-handedly endangering the economies of the entire world with its wrecklessness with respect to monetary and fiscal policies.

    Perhaps the age-old expression one usually says to one’s children would apply to this administration and all Americans who have never left their homeland, yet have such a strong and seemingly intimate knowlwdge of other lands and peoples?

    It goes like this, while pointing first to one’s ears and then one’s mouth. "This is the reason God gave you two of these and one of these".

    Perhaps if Americans got to ther countries more often, learned to speak other languages and actually learned a few things about other peoples from those peoples by listening more and preaching less (and no offense intended) and not from the US "news" machine (i have to laugh as I write that one) they could speak intelligently about somewhere other than their homeland.

    Warmest regards from a patriotic American.

  • Bimbo is not a word I use lightly or often, but it fits this girl perfectly.

    I’ve just e-mailed her to tell her she’s full of crap. "I was stuck watching the BBC, with its nightly onslaught against the U.S."

    I watch the BBC too, and, like so many of her ilk, she’s simply lying. Some other poster mentioned her being a clone of Ann Coulter, and that’s probably not far from the truth.

  • This is short but to the point: We are pretty damn independent sorts and the political duopoly just turns us off. Being infected with Pero-tinitis from 1992 forward, the tragic and dangerous figures being foisted on the aware electorate is disalusioning. Since our first vote for president in 1964 for Barry Goldwater, bad election cycles have come and gone, but 2000 and 2004 are the two worst in memory. We cannot objectively think of one major or minor issue with which we agree with Jorge [pronounced Whore-hay] Boosh. Social Security, broken borders, exporting America, pandering to illegal aliens, screwing the average citizen-taxpayer vs. hobnobbing with fellow rich and infamous types. Bring on Lou Dobbs, Ike, Tom Tancredo, Sen. Robert Byrd, Gov. Richard Lamm, Ross Perot, et al.