Home > The government lied to us all. That is a fact. Are you going to do (...)

The government lied to us all. That is a fact. Are you going to do something about it?

by Open-Publishing - Monday 27 June 2005

Governments USA

The evidence for the US Government having deliberately lied to
the people of this nation to trick them into supporting a war of
conquest is now overwhelming.
The Downing Street Memos, the "Dodgy Dossier", the forged Nigerian
"Yellow Cake" papers, Colin Powell’s fraudulent presentation to the UN,
.etc .etc .etc
all establish a clear pattern of intentional deception.

The government lied to us all. The mainstream media helped them do it.
So did Israel.
Yes, all those necessary hundreds of people needed to promote the lie
did all conspire to do exactly that. That is a fact, and it is time to
accept it.

That lie, profitable for a few, has cost the rest of us a
great deal. Families have lost loved ones. The government says about
1800. But
we dare not trust that claim because we now know the government lies.
There are indications that the government has been
"fudging the books" by not counting as killed in action soldiers who
die in or on their way to the hospitals. During a recent MSNBC
interview of the
officer in charge of processing the personal items of dead soldiers, he
let slip that his unit alone had processed 3500 such sets of personal
Other reports from Germany suggest that the US has lost close to 10,000
young men and women in Iraq.

Then there are the wounded. Officially numbered as around
10,000, but like the KIA figures, most likely a lie. These are young
men and women whose lives
will forever be changed by the crippling injuries they have suffered.
Even those men and women who come home without any visible signs of
injury are
carrying with them depleted uranium contamination, which will give rise
to increased cancers and leukemia, and an epidemic of birth defects in
children not yet born.
These young men and women also carry with them the memory of deeds done
in support of a war they know was morally and legally wrong.

All of us, along with the moral burden of an illegal war of
conquest, carry the financial burden, already over $1000 for each and
every American, including babies.
That $1000 is borrowed money, so you are also paying the interest on
that loan, plus Congress continues to pour more money into Iraq and
Afghanistan, and gets ready to
follow the President (and Israel) into yet another war in yet another Mideast country.

Beyond the direct costs you will be forced to pay, the lies of
the government cost you in other ways. Fuel prices have skyrocketed.
The claim that Iraq’s oil would pay for the cost of the war has proven
as false as every other claim about Iraq. For each $150 million in oil
the US takes out of Iraq,
the US spends about $5 billion. Meanwhile, as the US continues to do Israel’s bidding, and attacks Israel enemies,
those enemies, who have the oil we need,
are less inclined to cut the US any special deals. Meanwhile, those
machines needed to wage war burn fuel at a profligate rate, reducing
supply and increasing demand.

Some of Iraq’s oil is being sent to Israel
so even less is available for your cars and trucks. So the price at the
pump goes up. And it is going up as a direct result of the US
Government lying to trick this nation into a war of conquest.

As the price of fuel goes up, so too does the price of
everything else. Electricity created by fuel-driven generators costs
more, which means
your home lighting and air conditioning bill goes up. So does the
cooling at the market, which means they have to raise prices on top of
the increase
they are already paying because it now costs more to truck products
into the market from the farms, which also use fuel to run their farm
equipment and
must increase their prices as well. Increase on top of increase on top
of increase on top of increase. And all of it trickling down to you.
That is the price YOU pay, every single day, for the lies that sent
this nation to war. So don’t pretend the lies don’t affect you, they
do. Every time you fill up your tank or
buy groceries or turn on a light, you are paying for the lies that
tricked this nation into war.

So, now that we know the government lies to the people, the
government can no longer claim the presumption of honesty. The
government’s credibility is shot.
And they will not soon get it back. The burden of proof has shifted. No
longer are critics required to prove that the government is lying, the
government must prove that it is telling the truth. The time has come
for the wise and prudent citizen is going to step back and examine what
other claims the government has made for accuracy and honesty. After
all, government is the single most expensive purchase
we are all forced to make and we have a right to be just as careful
that we are getting our money’s worth as if we were buying a used car
or a house.
We have a customer’s right to open the hood, kick the tires, and demand
proof that there are no termites!

So, what else have we been lied to about?

We now know that earlier Presidents have tricked us into wars. FDR not only knew the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor but that he had intentionally
goaded them into it
, to get the US into the war against Hitler. LBJ lied about the Gulf of Tonkin. McKinley lied about the USS Maine.

Most Americans are now aware that the Warren Report lied about the "crazed lone gunman" theory.
The House Select Committee on Assassinations
proved (and subsequent advances in technology have confirmed) that
there was more than one gunman shooting at John F. Kennedy in Dealey
Plaza. Likewise the Robert Kennedy
assassination, in which the government still clings to the official
story that Sirhan Sirhan fired 11 shots from an 8 shot weapon. More
recently, the official story that Vincent Foster committed suicide
unraveled rather quickly at the hands of blogs like this one.

So, what else have we been lied to about?

Is the economy improving? It’s hard to accept this claim when
one looks at the crumbling infrastructure, closed emergency rooms, and
impoverished public schools in our nation. Of the world’s 30 top
industrialized nations, the US comes in 29th in the issue of child
Only Mexico has more children living in poverty than the US.

In the 12 years of Reagan/Bush-1, the US went from the
world’s largest creditor nation to the world’s largest debtor nation,
all to pay for a gigantic
hoax called the Strategic Defense Initiative. The US Government is now
so mired in debt that all the income tax collected from all the
citizens cannot even keep up with the interest payments. Their
solution? Raise taxes, cut services, keep on borrowing and stick the
next generation with the payments.

Over the last thirty years, as business leaders dropped
product development in favor of "financial instruments" as the path to
success, manufacturing
and manufacturing jobs have steadily moved to the more
business-friendly climates in other nations. Products invented in the
US are now imported into the US
and the net result is a billion and a half a DAY trade deficit which is
prevented from sinking the dollar only through yet more borrowing.

Americans are now aware that there never was a budget surplus
under Clinton. He simply looted the Social Security trust fund and
spent the
money as if it were general funds. The Social Security system is full
of government IOUs,
which can be redeemed ONLY through more taxation of the people. Bush is
trying to "Privatize" Social Security to conceal the looting, in the
hopes that if the money gets shifted around in circles fast enough,
most Americans won’t realize how much of it is already gone.

Are federal income taxes even legal? In two recent landmark
cases, defendants who refused to file federal income tax were acquitted
when the US Government was unable to cite an actual law compelling
citizens to pay an income tax. For years questions have been raised
regarding the ratification of the 16th amendment, followed by years of
avoidance of the issue by the government. Did they lie about
ratification of the tax amendment?
Only a fool would assume the government was any more truthful back then
than they have demonstrated to be today.

As election after election rolls by, the evidence of massive vote fraud in this country becomes more obvious,
and equally obvious is the role of the mainstream media, the supposed
watchdog of government abuse, in dismissing and trivializing the issue.
This should come as no surprise, since it is the media which owns the
company that tallies the votes in the national elections.

What have they lied to us about?
It would seem that it’s pretty much everything. Americans are the most lied-to people on the face of the Earth.

In the end, the issue facing the American people goes beyond
any one lie. The Constitution does not authorize the government to lie
to the people. The Tenth amendment forbids the government from
arrogating that right to itself. Therefore, when the government lies,
it acts illegally and unconstitutionally. A government that lies to the
people breaks faith with the people,
and loses the moral and legal right to rule. A government that lies to
the people delegitimizes itself.

There is no legal argument that can be put forward that We The
People are obligated to obey or pay taxes to a government that
has, by virtue of their lies, rendered itself illegitimate. The moment
the US Government lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, We
The People were
freed of any promise or covenant to obey, support, or defend that

Because Bush lied to the Congress in his letter of March 18,
the Congressional authorization for the use of force in Iraq is not
legally in effect. Therefore, no serviceman or servicewoman is legally
obligated to serve
in Iraq one more day.

As long as we tolerate lies in government we will live under a
government that lies to us. And because of those lies, we can never
know the truth of the world we live in, whether taxes are legal, wars
are just, our economy as good as it can be. On the day We The People
have the strength to make the cost of a lie outweigh the gain, on the
day We The People drag the liars from office and hurl them into the
streets in the most humiliating manner possible, then and only then
will we have a government that is truthful.

And we will not have it one day before.

We have caught the government lying to us. What will you do about it?


Forum posts

  • Yes we the people of the world have been living in an expanding architecture of subtle mind control and psychologcial manipulation techniques. It started with the legal and religious of ancient Babylon with their indoctrination into the human psyche the laws and punishments of their religious dogma. Their creation of false temples of spiritual worship filled with paid prostitutes of pleasure to lure believers and agricultural workers to support their temple profit schemes. They built the first city state systems which grew into the modern cultures centered around these money collecting, structure building, army backed money oriented theocracies of false religions. As soon as the world understands that these systems are all interelated forms of psychic domination and mind control is when the action of doing something about it will occur. The mind needs to be deprogramed before it can be reprogramed with truth or as this regime well knows it will NOT act if it is trapped in a psychic wedge between self interests, survival, and the alignment of mental beliefs as they can be tollerated by the sub concious and the active mind. This is why propagnda use is now directly aligned with these false mutant believers of nothing but FEAR. That is why they seek control they lack a believe in the self and the obtainment of truth and knowledge and from that stems the entire fraud upon which the world was and is being decieved.

    Success my friends is going to depend on your ablity to start working with facts and believing in yourself and stop believing in the convience structures of false religion, false economic system, false governments, and false stories of how terrorist are trying to take down America. The only thing trying to take down American is its own deluded beliefs in money, the stock market, and their own lies that they exhale when they speak them out of their mouths to the people putting their food on their table, shelter over their heads, and clothing on their backs, and the sucking the life out of the earth to promote their psychi beliefs that things like depleted uranium are actually going to help them succeed in destroying the earth and humanity to increase the number of digits to the left of their decimal point. The point of no return.

    peace out 7b

  • Conspiracy involving hundreds of news organizations? Mind control? Psychic domination?

    Wow. For a government so many describe as inept, I must say, if they really achieved what you claim, then they must be pretty brilliant group after all, especially the grand mastermind George W. Bush!

    I don’t mind that the US supports Israel…

    Israel itself may be considered a model of peaceful, heterogeneous society, where Jews, Christians and Muslims can live together peacefully while respecting each others’ right to worship, etc. After all, there are more than one million Arab-Israeli citizens who enjoy greater freedom, better social services and higher per-capita income than many of their counterparts living in neighboring countries. Further, Arab men and women living within Israel have a longer life-expectancy than those living in Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan and Libya. The three official languages of Israel are Hebrew, Arabic and English, as evidenced by the writing on its road signs and postage stamps.


    • Equalizer, you really are an A1 jerk

    • Oh yes the grandmaster is a person that is so smart and brilliant that he himself has brought
      himself so much BLOOD-money and important political connections that he is probably the most useful
      puppet LIE dispenser that the insane-mutants in banking elite class has ever foisted upon the actual
      loving human beings being decieved by the lying class of moneyworshiping idiots that can’t wait to
      salivate over their private pharma program which is funded by death, corporate mind rape, and weapons
      of mass destruction... Yes these are SO INTELLIGENT - don’t you think??? peace out 7-on-B
      I tell you this - MONEY IS A FAILED SYSTEM. and it IS ON THE WAY OUT! I tell you the truth!

  • There is a small but growing weekly protest in Philadelphia, PA. It takes place every Wednesday, 4-6pm, on the south side of Market St., between 6th & 7th Sts. This is right across from the Federal Courthouse.

    Anyone who will be in the Philly area is welcome to join us.

    There is also an ongoing anti-war protest taking place at the same time across the street.

    If you can’t be there, please consider organizing your own protest in your area. The more visible we make ourselves, the faster we can push public opinion to the tipping point.

    You can find more information at www.uprootbush.us
