Home > WOMBLES - G8 Scotland Edition

WOMBLES - G8 Scotland Edition

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 5 July 2005

Movement G7 - G8... UK

WOMBLES was started in the autumn of 2000 by a group of anarchists who were radicalised from the J18, N30, Mayday and Prague actions. Many of the ideas which had difficulty being articulated in the ready existing radical anarchist/Reclaim the Streets movement in London formed the basis of what gave birth to the WOMBLES.

As many of us met each other during the demonstrations against the IMF/World Bank summit in Prague, we wanted to recreate the experiences we all had shared, the emotions, the politics, and the passion through a movement called WOMBLES. Our name was part piss-take, part inspiration from what we had heard/seen from the white overalls movement in Italy and Prague.

What we saw in the White Overalls was an innovation, a militancy and organisation that sought to go beyond the perceptions of what it meant to struggle against capitalism. Considering our individual involvement in previous action/riots in London at the turn of the century, we saw that something similar was needed.

So on Mayday 2001, WOMBLES had its first big outing, responding with defiance to the changing strategies of the police and repression on the growing anti-capitalist demos. Our main weapons were our bodies, minds and crash helmets. WOMBLES therefore began, we had a clean slate ready to develop a politics that we thought had something to offer. We had this mentality that anything was possible, that anything could happen, and we could be one part of that.
11 September 2001

Since the days we wore white overalls (which ended by 2002), WOMBLES have developed into being a collective of anarchists, anti-authoritarians and libertarians. The ideas that we espouse continue to be those we wish to live by - self-organisation, autonomy and solidarity.

Forum posts

  • Well I have thought about and would like to start such a movement in the states, but GravefillingWarboy and MindControlDICK, along with their British SideKick and top Psy Ops man Tony-B-liar working for the G8 dominated london banks which are the basis of the main holding corporation accounts linking the moneys of the dominate world mind control operated slave trading wage economies operated for the exclusive pleasure of the death dealing elitists who love to get everybody up in a frizzle over this or that and start a good quality economic depression followed by a profit cycle war for personal greed reasons, using whatever mind control TV based propaganda they can dream up using their DREAM TEAM of PROFFESSIONAL liars and psycho linguistic advertisers placing the value of FEAR and UNCERTATINTY at the forefront of their mind control system of dominating and make the masses in all their prison wage states of the world into cannon foder just for FUN and PROFIT. They love the smell of BLOOD money, and like to keep some fresh around to assure their coked out brain vomit sounds like a good line from a buLLshIT propagation medium which originates with the hot stale stinking air exhaled from their little mouths spitting lies at you daily on your favorite channel. And remember its all about love, and spreading democracy and freedom around the world. Please ignore the dead bodies, destroyed cultures, humilated peoples, and the torture, gang rape, assasination, religious harlotry, and good old plain lies, it only seems that way when your not on your government prescribed social mind control medication, which by the way is in the florine water and toothpaste you use.

    peace - Reboot your Brain with your own IDEAS and feelings. Don’t let bigBROTHER infect you with the MINDCONTROL-matrix.

    • Wombles are one of the best organised resistance movements.

      Organised agitation against organised privilege, warmongers, enforced poverty, genocide, and corporate destruction of the planet. They will go down in history with the Luddites, Greenpeace etc.

      History shows that state reform is the most potent vehicle as a change for the good re ordinary people, however civil disobedience, and violent disorder has also been of tremendous value.

      Civil rights in the USA were granted after a literal fight, The Poll Tax abolished in the UK after massive civil disobedience and riots -which also brought down Thatcher. Ha Ha. A reform of racist British police, and better conditions for black people only came about after inner city riots in the eighties.

      Why should just the authorities have a monopoly over violence when they use it to kill the poor ??

    • Is this the Arena?

    • What ? Not with you.