Home > Bush ITV interview, pre-G8 summit - You can see how uncomfortable he is: (...)

Bush ITV interview, pre-G8 summit - You can see how uncomfortable he is: Video/Text

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 6 July 2005

Wars and conflicts International G7 - G8... Governments USA

This is the part of the interview on Iraq, and the last throes. You can see how uncomfortable he is without being in his cocoon...

James Wolcott (http://jameswolcott.com/archives/20...) writes exactly what I was thinking. What the hell was with all that blinking? (song lyrics?)


Wolcott: But was more fascinating that Bush’s imperial tone was the fact that during these answers, he was blinking furiously. There’s nothing like a tight camera shot to reveal an eyeblink storm in all its telltale signaling. Signaling what? Rapid blinking is usually ascribed to nervousness or prevarication (or both), and Bush, not being in his usual bubble, may have felt the stress, and his inability to confront the truth has become first nature for him....read on


Also notice how much he cackles throughout...(I’ll have the second part on the enviornment up later)

Here’s the full text of the interview from our earlier post called Actual Journalism (http://www.crooksandliars.com/2005/...)
