Home > By July 2005, about 10,000 American troops have died from the war in Iraq

By July 2005, about 10,000 American troops have died from the war in Iraq

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 23 July 2005

Wars and conflicts International USA

American Dead and Dying

by Hank Roth

By July 2005, about 10,000 American troops have died from the war in Iraq.
The number given by the Bush administration is bogus. They say officially
over 1,800 now dead and about 12,000 wounded. Those numbers are horrific
but they are also a lie. When has this administration ever told the truth?

U.S. Military Personnel who died in German hospitals or en route to
German hospitals have not previously been counted. They total about 6,210
as of 1 January, 2005. The ongoing, underreporting of the dead in Iraq, is
not accurate.

The DoD is deliberately reducing the figures. A review of many foreign
news sites show that actual deaths are far higher than the newly reduced
ones. Iraqi civilian casualties are never reported but International Red
Cross, Red Crescent and UN figures indicate that as of 1 January 2005, the
numbers are just under 100,000. (Brian Harring, Domestic Intelligence
Reporter - TBRnews - http://tbrnews.org/Archives/a1682.htm)

Brians conclusion is that DOD is intentionally and by design significantly
under-reporting the numbers of killed and wounded in Iraq. He reports that
the shipping manifest from the Military Air Transport System which
transports the dead to Dover Air Force Base indicate that there have been
more bodies shipped to Dover than officially reported by the Department of
Defense. There is no surprise there. When has this administration ever
told the truth?

Brian additionally writes:

The government gets away with these huge lies because they claim,
falsely, that only soldiers actually killed on the ground in Iraq are
reported. The dying and critically wounded are listed as en route to
military hospitals outside of the country and not reported on the daily
postings. Anyone who dies just as the transport takes off from the Baghdad
airport is not listed and neither are those who die in the US military
hospitals. Their families are certainly notified that their son, husband,
brother or lover was dead and the bodies, or what is left of them
(refrigeration is very bad in Iraq what with constant power outages) are
shipped home, to Dover AFB. You ought to realize that President Bush
personally ordered that no pictures be taken of the coffined and
flag-draped dead under any circumstances. He claims that this is to
comfort the bereaved relatives but is designed to keep the huge number of
arriving bodies secret. Any civilian, or military personnel, taking
pictures will be jailed at once and prosecuted.

The TBR News estimate when their story was written is that out of about
160,000 sent to Iraq, 26,000 military personnel have either deserted, been
seriously wounded, or died.

Based on current estimates which are predicated on numbers of bodies
shipped to Dover and DOD statements issued to date, the informed
assumption must be that at least 10,000 are dead from the war in Iraq and
about 25,000 seriously wounded as of July 2005. Also counted should be
those returning soldiers who died as a result of their service in Iraq.
Not counted also are the tens of thousands who will die prematurely from
cancer from their exposure to depleted uranium and chemicals used in the

In addition to which there are soaring numbers of suicides, which are
higher than previous wars, and the forced hospitalization for drugs plus
crime of murder of Iraqi civilians and other soldiers, and such things as
rapes, and behavior problems leading to Court Martial, etc.

Progressive News and Views

Forum posts

  • The Pentagon is refusing a judge’s orders to release the other photos and videos of the abuse in Abu Garib, the reason given was to "protect the prisoners from embarrassment" that these photos would cause them....ya right....like the photos of the coffins and body bags (transfer tubes) not being allowed to be made public to "protect" the families of the dead soldiers from embarrassment and distress of having their tragedy aired in public.

    They really need to get some new liars in the white house, their same old excuses have no imagination and lack originality.

    • Bush and his Neoconservative buddies don’t really care how many of our soldiers must die for their plans of world conquest. Bush says "It’s worth it!" He would accept many more deaths in order to seize air bases in Iraq, start spreading out in the Middle East, get control of oil for his corporations, and begin to dominate the world. That’s why Bush doesn’t even count the number of Iraqi dead. He couldn’t care less. Those deaths are simply collaterals, part of Shock and Awe, designed to give him control of world areas and have his buddies make fortunes on war materiel. Abu Gharib eminated from the top of the chain...with Bush tacitly giving approval to torture and abuse those prisoners for whatever bits of information they might give him...regardless of any stupid Geneva Convention, regardless of Constitutional laws regarding treatment of prisoners, regardless of any legalities regarding trials.
      We really need Regime Change right here in the U.S.A. Now we know who is "evil" and will send people to their death in order to make maximum profit, or bask in reflected glory from his "conquests" by stealth, deception, and lies. Our soldiers did not die for their country....they died for Bush and his Cabinet lies, just cannon fodder for the cowardly leaders.

    • I am sorry to SEEM to have stolen your material in a way, for my piece "It was worth it" I only ready your response here AFTER I wrote what I did. I don’t mean to step on your toes. You are dead right!


  • Some proof would be nice. This is a wild accusation.

    • Who needs proof when you’re a left wing nut job?

    • Proof? What would bush supporters know about ’proof’?

    • Who needs proof that Saddam had WMD’s before we bomb their asses for it? Not the US. Who was supposed to provide proof that Osama had ANY links to 9-11? Bush and Condoleeza. Who has yet to substantiate ANY CLAIMS made to justify this war.....none other than president Bush and his cronies. Next time you want to talk proof, ask your president.