Home > Dear Congress Weinies

Dear Congress Weinies

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 11 August 2005

Wars and conflicts Governments USA

Dear Elected Officials,

When are you all going to take back your constitutional authority from the maniac in the White House?
If you all won’t protect us, who willl?

We are seriously screwed and you all sit back and let the administrative branch take away our freedoms and foist criminals on us: people with no humanity or regard for our American Constitution or humanity. People like Alberto Gonzales and John Negroponte and most recently, John Bolton...torturers and murderers, to name a few. You in fact are complicit in stealing our freedoms by extending the un-Constitutional and un-Patriotic Patriot Act. Have you all lost your minds?

Please protect us. President John F. Kennedy said (1962): Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. I travel the country and I see a revolution coming...it won’t be violent, it will be a peaceful revolution.

We don’t want to lower ourselves to the level of our government. People are sick and tired of what’s going on in America today. We are wondering where we really live.

We have no checks and balances in this government. We don’t even have a media to tell us the truth. Please tell me what recourse do We the People have? May we impeach George and Dick and all of the lying cabinet? You all don’t follow the Constitution, why should we?

Take back your Constitutional power. Come back rested from your vacations and ready to do your jobs. Earn the obscene amount of money you make. Remember who you work for:
your constituents, not the lobbyists, or George Bush.

Cindy Sheehan

Forum posts

  • Cindy: I appreciate and laud your efforts. But you are spitting into the wind. The Republican Senators are all tied up completely as sycophants to Bush. They have the correct idea that if they don’t hang together, that they will hang separately. They will keep a united front, even if it destroys our democracy, our balance of powers. At present, as you know, the Republican senate is a branch of the Bush White House, and they are now working on making the Supreme Court and rubber stamp to the Bush pretensions to become ruler of the world. So your plea "If you all won’t protect us, who will?" fall on deaf ears, blind eyes, fat butts and profitable bank accounts.

    Yes, we are seriously screwed.

    Congress and the Courts will not protect us. The police, riot squads, secret agents, CIA, and all the administration spies will oppose us. But perhaps United Action could do the job. WE need to respond to the Declaration of Cultural War of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. We need civil dissent desperately. We need MASSES of Americans, sick and tired of Bush death, destruction and incompetence to get rid of the rascals. Impeachment is the first legitimate way to try. Civil War will not be as easy as the geographical division of this country during the slavery issue. But we must respond to the provocations, the impositions, the misinformation, and the imperial pretensions of a few fat-faced weasels like Karl Rove and his jolly crew of pirates in the White House. Perhaps the scoundrels will collapse like a pack of cards on edge if push comes to shove. We hope they will ultimately react as the cowardly warhawks that they appear to be and run for cover.

    So more power to you. Keep up the pressure. Let the public know what dastardly people are ruining our democracy and how they are imposing their fascist agenda upon this nation.

  • Hi Cindy,

    I have forwarded your letter to our state Senator Dick Durbin. I have been trying to write the exact same thing all morning, but I couldn’t seem to get the words right. I hope that you don’t mind.

    All 0ur love and prayers,

    Rebecca Ballard

  • Say the "I" word Cindy. Hell, the stakes are higher than high, say the "J" word already. I know you know what’s up. Go ahead and say it. Bush is a lying, murdering, pedophile, drug addicted simpleton, but he is just the patsy in all of this. You’re doing just what the real perpetrators want. Go after the folks who really sent your son to Iraq. Of course, maybe you shouldn’t, since they are liable to shoot you in the skull, as they do, and we like having you around.
    All the good people are behind you and love you. Remember, the only thing worse than evil people are indifferent good people.
    God Bless you Cindy.

  • I sincerely admire Cindy very much, and I feel for her just as much, for her terrible life-shattering loss. I really admire what she is doing in Texas. She’s got guts!

    But I do not think, judging from what she wrote above, that she understands what is going on, both here in the USA and in the world in general.

    1. All centers of power (media, publishing, ALL branches and elements of government, schools from grade 1 through graduate and professional training, banks, police, military, commerce, churches, the medical profession, science, technology, research, weaponry, etc.) have been gradually brought under the contol of a hidden corporate/banking elite - BIG money. It is in their interest to collude in structuring the world to suit their interests, and that is what they have done for decades (at least) and are doing now.

    2. They have agendas. Their primary long-range goal is the establishment of monopolistic control of the planet’s wealth and sources of wealth and, to secure that monopoly, the creation and control of a WORLD MONOPOLY GOVERNMENT (and thus exclusive/monopolistic control of government’s enormous powers, conferred by its extensive infrastructure, its taxing powers, and its monopoly on the legal use of force).

    3.The NWO is planned to be a semi-socialistic fascist police state. Fascism is what we now have - big business essentially owning and controlling government.
    The easiest way to rule is through the many uses of terror. Today’s terrorism, all kinds, like the vast preponderance of terroristic acts/events through out history, is state-sponsored. Ruling by terror is easier if the citizens have no weapons. They do want our guns. They want us powerless as a trussed duck.

    4. Planetary sources of wealth are two - natural resources, and labor. Without the labor of the masses, there would be no wealth - only potential wealth.

    5. Throughout modern history, there has been competition/conflict between Capital and Labor concerning the profits of production. Historically, Capital has managed much of the time to keep the lion’s share of said profits and to bilk the workers, Labor. The goal of the NWO crowd is what the goal of Capital has always been - to keep the profits of production for themselves, leaving the bare minimum for Labor. Look at the Third World to get an idea of what they regard as a desirable divvying up of the profits of production. [btw do not infer from my use of the terms Capital and Labor that I am socialist/communist - those ’isms’ in fact are the creations and tools of the elites I am now discussing].

    6. We are Labor and they want to control us in order to exploit us, to capture for themselves the fruits of our labor. Their goals are 100% oriented around their needs and agendas.

    7. Their plan for us the masses is to work long and hard all our lives (and not live to ripe old ages after retirement as ’useless eaters’) and in exchange to live at or near the bare subsistance level, in high density corridors, not owning our own homes, not owning much, in fact, confusing having a few toys like computers and TVs with having wealth, being monitored and watched all our lives, living cheaply, not having authority or control over our own children, having no pre-existing inalienable rights but only govt- granted privileges. Extra wealth and extra time are power. They want us powerless.

    8. Morality has no place in their world view, their plans, or their actions. To destroy us, to ruin our lives, to keep us and our posterity in de facto slavery, individually and en masse, to them is no problem and no loss. They regard us as a farmer regards his livestock. The elites have contempt for us (we are so stupid, so easy to fool, so childlike, so cowardly, etc.). Seeing us die means nothing to them. In fact one of their unofficial goals is a significant reduction in world population.

    9. With few exceptions, people who are not willing to follow the orders of this hidden aristocracy of wealth do not have successful political careers. If Cindy expects our (sic) elected (sic - elections are a sham and a farce at this point) officials to serve us and not their ’corporate masters,’ she is in for a great big disillusionment and disappointment. That is like expecting the fox to do a good job of guarding the hen house, like expecting the Mafia to have a heart and use their power for the greater good.

    10. We all need to wake up and smell the coffee and soon. No one (except us) is going to protect our rights, our lives, our standard of living, our children’s futures.

    11. These elites play a mean game of hardball.

    12. They fear us because of our sheer number (look at all the trouble and expense they go to to keep us brainwashed and clueless). Therein lies our might, our power. We the people are the Sleeping Giant. It is way past time for the Sleeping Giant to (1.) wake up and (2.) get some guts, (3.) work together across barriers of age, gender, color, sexual preference, religion, nationality, political party, etc., and (4.) understand enough of the above - even though it is scary and does take us out of our beloved ’comfort zone’ - that we can fulfill our obligations, our sacred trust, to our posterity and not be so effectively duped and fooled in the future, whether or not things do or do not come down to conflict/civil war/revolution.

  • Yes, millions of American families in "the know," know full well of the attrocities being committed here and abroad by a scoundrelous and a OUT OF ORDER CABAL, over stomping OUR BOUNDS and destroying any sense of common reason and dignity.

    When I see Sheehan’s spiritual body language I am reminded of the terrible toll the NEO-CON CABAL is still attempting to charge us for their BLOOD-GAMES. No more! They can take their GREED and AVARICE and shove it. The neg. 000 blood which runs through the veins of these "dim-witts" has not Light nor bearing, on the True and Divine Soul of our nation.

    Any attorneys around... I mean, with over one million here on America, one would think that the Rule Of Law is abundant as the milk & honey this nation Is supposed to have inherited, but figures show otherwise. Oh... I forgot... attorneys are part of the BLOOD-GAMES! Who knows, many our "fearless leaders" might want to use attorneys as some kind of biological WMD’s over there - DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH THO!

  • Congress should try to remember that they are supposed to protect us against abuses by the Executive Branch.... not bow down to them and let the abuse continue. I am a nurse and if I didn’t report suspected abuses I could lose my job, I say fire them all!

  • Right on Cindy, you have said it well, I ask myself these same questions each day about our government. We the people electect them into office, do a job for all and to be fair, honest and all we get is blind faith that we have put forward in our vote.

    Trust, Truth, Depend, Honest government, all we get is LIES, COVER UPS. Pass the buck on to each part of the big layer of government that they have formed to be a cushion for the fall. For those who are on top of the chain will not take the blame, they give the orders, approve and hide the truth.

    In the meantime they get rich each day, they move thru the congress, senate, house, all the government order of command. All I see and hear are lies.

    Lies about Sept. 11, cover ups memos that lied about Sept. 11, Rice, Rumsfeldt,cheney, Ashcroft, Rove, Powell,
    Clark, Tenet, Boren, then we have the Gannon running thru the white house doing his number oh yes we have a honest trustworthy government, it only serves it self and their rich friends. They used Sept. 11 to Invade Iraq. We are at war yes, because we invaded Iraq. We are no better off then the day we invaded Iraq, we are in worse danger thank you to mr. bush who lied and led us to hell for months to come.

    My vote did not go for this adminstration I shall never consider
    bush our president, It was all fraud
    and lies.

  • Dear Cindy,
    God Bless you !
    I concur with whole-heartedly with your statements regarding the alleged congress. Of course what most Americans haven’t fully understood yet ..is WHY this chaos in America..as well as the rest of the world, is taking place. It IS called the "New World Order".

    The Constitution IS America! Take the Constitution away.. trash it.. and America CEASES to exist!
    It will be just another land mass.. under the directives of the United Nations. Which the TRAITOR Harry Truman KNEW when he signed the United Nation Participation Act. He did it deliberately. Americans don’t seem to understand this. Most of them think their Rights come from the Constitution... when in FACT.. our RIGHTS come from God...The Constitution PROTECTS and Guarantees those Rights are not violated & subjugated by those WE put into office for OUR benefit.. and America’s posterity. Our Founders KNEW this. They were a collective body of genuses. Article IV, Section IV states we are GUARANTEED a republican form of government.

    So why do ALL the elected officials constantly state & refer to America as a ’democracy’? The word "democracy" is nothing more then a ’code word’ for socialism. In fact, according to V.I. Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik revolution, he stated; " Democracy is indispensable to socialism". He also stated... as well as Karl Marx... " Socialism is the road to communism". Can Americans NOW see this happening right before their very eye’s yet?

    This subjugation of our Inherent God-Given Rights has been going on for decades upon decades. But because Americans do not know history.. let alone their own Supreme Law of the Land, they, by their apathy, complacency and down-right stupidity have condoned all the treason, sedition and the TRAITORS who have perpetrated it upon "We The People". Tyranny abounds!! America NOW..is in more danger..than it was back at it’s inception.

    Congress is spine-less.. but they sure know how to vote themselves a raise.. and a raise that totals what many Americans actually ’live on’ as their subsistence for a year. The courts legislate from the bench and intimidate juries.. when in fact juries are to weigh the facts and even decide if laws are Constitutional. Juries have more power than the judge, congress & president. But again, because most people do not even understand how their own government is supposed to operate, they have all become hood-winked. And all anyone with an once of intelligence and understanding of what America is really all about can recognize this.

    America was founded for one reason and one reason only... FREEDOM. And we are loosing that FREEDOM at a rapid pace. Why do these people we put into office feel that by stealing our Rights from us.. that it will protect us from terrorists? Why in God’s name.. are our borders being over-run with illegals... when these elected officials are so concerned with terrorists? The media.. mainstream media that is, is ’bought and paid for’ and owned-operated by the "elite" who want this ’new world order’.. this agenda of theirs called.."Globalism". And because these elected officials are in the pocket of these ’elite’.. they do their bidding, and so we do not see on the 6 o’clock news the illegals pouring into America from Mexico and elsewhere. It’s just another added ingredient to the orchestrated chaos that the ’elite’ plan to arrive at their agenda... their ’order’.
    Which by the way includes a merging of Canada & Mexico with the U.S. What do you think GATT.. and later, NAFTA was/is really all about?

    Study America’s history... study the Constitution. Educate yourself concerning the court system the way our Founders designed it and HOW it came to be the socialist system today. Understand that NO legislation-law ..can be made and put into practice if it is NOT in harmony with the Constitution. It is that simple. In fact the Constitution even states this ! And these alleged laws are null and void... they are NOT to be obeyed. Yet Americans allow it by their ignorance.

    While these ’elite’ fatten themselves from our labors and the stealing of our wealth, they are also bringing us world government. And a socialist-communist world government at that. Read the U.N. Charter.. it’s ’online’, so it isn’t hard to find. You will see that it does not have any similarities with our Constitution. In fact, the U.N. Charter does not recognize ANY religion...save their own, which is secular humanism. So what do you think would happen with the faith of your choice if the world was run by the U.N.? huh? Take a look at the Council of Churches...ever notice how they are working to merge all religions of the world together? It is suttle, but becoming more aggressive. One of the beauties of America is we all have the Freedom to worship on the altar of our choice.

    More and more Americans do feel something is wrong, but they can’t put their finger on it. More and more Americans are being affected by the lose of Freedom and subjugation of their personal Liberties because with every un-Constitutional law made and put into effect.. there is now made a new class of criminal which never existed before. And many law-abiding Americans have become these alleged criminals. And until it lands on the individual Americans door-step.. he/she cares not. But eventually it WILL land on theirs, yours and mine door-step.

    Read the Communist Manifesto.. do you see any similarities in it compared to what is going on in America. For example.. the Supreme Courts ruling on the confiscation of Americans property. That is in the Communist Manifesto. I mean for Gods sakes already.. when will America wake-up?We have ALL been duped, lied to and taught half-truths in school. School boards cry for more federal assistance.. which means that they will fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government.. which is operationg in a socialist, un-Constitutional manner. It’s a form of blackmail. The extra money is supposed to make the children smarter. Oh really? Or does it just fatten the wallets and purses of the school board members as they make it appear that they are doing something to benefit real learning?

    The States formed the federal government for thier benefit.. not the other way around. But AGAIN, Americans don’t know how their own government is supposed to function.. let alone not knowing the difference bewtween a ’democracy’ and a ’republic’. And that is shamefull !!!

    God Bless You All,