Home > The Catastrophic Success of the Republican Party

The Catastrophic Success of the Republican Party

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 4 September 2005

Parties USA Manuel Valenzuela

Taken from November 2004 archives at www.valenzuelasveritas.blogspot.com

Parts of this article say it all about the GOP.....

Republican Leadership, Corporatist Owned

In America’s case, it is the Republican leadership, those evildoers extraordinaire, exploiters of fear and insecurity, usurpers of patriotism, pilferers of freedoms and rights, enemies of free speech and assembly, those hypocrites espousing the cross yet holding the gun, preaching poverty yet seeking wealth, espousing compassion yet controlled by greed, praising Jesus while emulating Lucifer, warmongers and sadists, unscrupulous deceivers of truth and compulsive liars of fiction, the party of corporate elites, government oligarchs and fascist corporatists, that are best at delving inside the human mind, using, abusing and exploiting unenlightened and conservative environments of the rural and isolated persuasion, spawning the insecurities of ignorant, homophobic, xenophobic and macho WASP males cocooned in blind red, white and blue patriotism, and instilling the fear of the Almighty onto millions of bible-thumping, Armageddon-seeking, Confederate-clinging followers of false present-day prophets and believers of primitive fairy tales.

It is the Republican leadership that has defecated on American democracy by its utter malfeasance in November 2000 as well as its continued attempts to suppress a citizen’s right to vote. It is the Republican leadership that has terrorized security moms and NASCAR dads by brainwashing millions that Arab dark-skinned bogeymen hate us for who we are, not what we do, and are jealous of our freedom, not resentful of our foreign policy. They terrorize the populace so that complicit and acquiescent we become to the dictates of an invasive agenda set years before 9/11 that is designed to extinguish social programs, privatize government, instill their backwards conservative agenda, enrich corporations, make war perpetual, profit ceaseless and democracy obsolete.

The atrocities of 9/11 and its collection of raw emotions that have yet to be forgotten by the American people are a rather convenient method by which these vultures feeding on corporatist crumbs can control, manipulate and indoctrinate their masters’ plans into both society and our daily lives, transforming a once great nation into a splinter of its former self.

Using Arabs and the Islamic faith as scapegoats and our still seething yet ignorant thirst for vengeance as the catalyst for perpetual, preemptive and profit driven war, the Republican-corporatist leadership has given rise to a new era of fear and insecurity, much like those days long since gone of Cold War fears and Soviet Communist paranoia. With the once prosperously marketed evil of communism having achieved its purpose, for decades serving as the bogeyman that worked to condition and control Americans to the wishes of the ownership class, a new enemy of tantalizing potential had to be invented to continue the subjugation of the masses.

This new enemy would be marketed as an unseen ghost and an ambiguous goblin, lurking here, there and everywhere, invisible and hiding, coming out of closets dark and eerie, ready to slaughter Americans and destroy our way of life. They hate our freedoms and who we are, we are told. They are from a different civilization and religion, and they hate our Christian ways. With no tangible state sponsor, composed of borders and visible terrain, or an existent home that can be blown to dust these barbarians are said to spread throughout the world, thus becoming the catalyst - and the excuse - for American military - read military industrial complex - intervention in any land deemed a “haven for terrorists.”

The corporatist agenda to extend American tentacles to all lands vitally strategic, resource rich and geopolitically imperative for the continued expansion of the Pax Americana, and its corporate overlords in particular, can thus be implemented on a thoroughly conditioned, insecure and fearful American public through the mirage that is the “war on terror.” An economy based on fear, insecurity and paranoia suits the corporatists, capitalists and ownership class just fine, as war, death and violence will perpetuate without end, resulting in limitless profits, wealth and expanded power, the growing fusion of the corporate world to government - which will persist unobstructed to the great detriment of the masses - and the continued regression of the American people into comatose sheep unknowing, indifferent and easily led into lives unhappy and increasingly schizophrenic, more and more dependent on the fictitious escapism of consumerist television and the hypnotic control of hallucinatory pharmaceutical drugs.

The corporatist and ownership classes that control this nation thrive off of war, enriching and empowering themselves at the expense of the middle and working classes. Their many mechanisms are designed to control us, from the television we watch, the education we are conditioned with, the exponentially-growing hours we work and the system we live in and belong to. They thrive on division of classes, on hatred of differences, on the ignorance both caused and cursed by lack of education.

For them power remains in their grip the more we fight, bicker, struggle and divide amongst ourselves. It is when we are transfixed with each other as enemies, as we so commonly are, and not united against the real degrader of our lives and happiness, that they prosper and gain yet more control and dominion over us. It is when we are divided against one another that they eliminate our rights and freedoms, erode our education and happiness, intoxicate our environment and health. When we pay little attention to their growing grip over government our lives are made to suffer; when we acquiesce to the corporate-friendly votes their blood-sucking leeches cast in the Congress our future progeny becomes condemned; when we transform knowledge into ignorance and scrutiny into conformity our taxes are wantonly raped and loved ones sacrificed, under the rubric of profit and greed driven warfare, to the dictates of the corporate and ownership elite further enriching itself at the expense of our blood, sweat, tears and life energies of loved ones.

The corporatist, capitalist and ownership classes seek division of labor, division of social class and division of races. They seek to divide and conquer, purposefully constructing a system whereby perpetual castes will linger in rural and urban centers of inescapable fates, destined with indigence, lack of opportunity and a heavy shackle of entrapment from where capitalism’s dark shadow can forever hide the sunshine of talent or ability. They debilitate our educational systems, each decade succeeding more in dumbing down America’s children through regressing and degenerative mechanisms disguised as sound public policy. The corporatist cocktail of degradation acts to deny millions of our young the freedom and power that comes with knowledge, making extinct immense talents that only need the nutrients of both a worthy education and opportunity to blossom. Instead, talent is gutted, opportunity is destroyed, promise becomes ignorance, futures are predestined and millions upon millions are conditioned from birth to become the slave labor force of the ownership class.

This system, this way of existing is what the Republican leadership stands proud to sponsor and strive to attain. The exploiters and the subjugators, the greed-infested and the money-addicted, those that choose profit over people, poverty over well-being, the wealth of the few over the benefit of the many, these are the individuals who most gain from having the Republican Party in control of the halls of power. Yet the surprising thing is that it is exactly those who stand more to lose, those who are the exploited and those whose lives are made worse that help appoint and retain these vermin in office.

Lack of education and ignorance go hand in hand; unenlightened minds usually result in blind religious conviction. Is it any wonder, then, why the Republican leadership and the ownership class strive so ardently to eliminate any semblance of knowledge and education in American schools and why they push Christian fundamentalism in society? Is it any wonder why the continued dumbing down of America must persist? Why do you think our educational system is being gutted, under-funded and, more and more, being transformed into the brainwashing instrument of corporations, the government and the ownership class?

Ignorance is their base, the bastion of success from which the fountain of subjugation flows, that is why. Unthinking sheep are their constituency, their keys to the continued reign of power; subservient, easily manipulated and dumbed down individuals thus become their unquestioning army voting against their own interests; religion, with its control of an individual’s knowledge or lack thereof, its ability to arrest societal progress and its successful conditioning methodologies that brainwash from birth, has become their saving grace, the ultimate trump card that delivers millions of votes. In our unenlightened and unwise minds the Republican leadership finds its greatest weapon from which to harvest the continued war against the American people.

Conservatives: Exploited, Used and Abused

Fear has become the Republican leadership’s only re-election platform, the only policy their administration has successfully implemented in the four years since their usurpation of power, hoping its hypnotic strangulation over increasingly paranoid citizens imprisons our analytical and reasoning minds away from realizing the decimation of America’s future created by Bush and his administration. Fear has become the new Republican Party recruiter and best friend to the corporatist leadership. Real fear, however, should arise if they are given another four years in office because the hell they will unleash might very well condemn 290 million Americans to an implosion that will not be easily experienced.

Taking advantage of good, decent American citizens still captured by the enveloping demons of 9/11 and the incessant horrors that no society had ever been overexposed to thanks to the repetitious and perpetual bombardment of psychologically penetrating images shown on television, the Republican leadership has preyed on the still-fragile emotions of millions whose entire psychology was altered on that most fateful of days.

Honorable, decent conservatives from all walks of life, seeking security and happiness, leading good lives, are included in this group. The leadership of your party is using you for votes, capital and blind support of its corrosive policies. You are being used and manipulated to maintain them in power, to further enrich the wealthy and the capitalist elites that exploit every muscle and bead of sweat you excrete working for them.

In truth, they care not an ounce for you. You are simply a machine born to work, sweat and bleed for their true constituents, meant to be exploited, underpaid and robbed of valuable wages. At every turn, be it in healthcare, education, worker rights, social security, prescription drugs, the environment, women rights, labor laws, the coming draft of your children and the future outsourcing of your job, the Republican/corporatist leadership will place the interests of the corporate world way ahead of yours. It is not even close.

You are but a serf in a system designed to milk you for every breath of air you have, while your feudal lords feed and enrich themselves off the production and consumption pattern they have hard wired into your daily existence, yet you think they serve your purpose, and that, by voting for them, they will look after you and your family. This is but an illusion.

You are being used by a leadership that manipulates your fears, emotions and passions into voting for them, even when the only voices they hear are those of their pimps in the corporate halls of governance. You are but a soldier ant and worker bee, born to work and breed, forming part in the great assembly line of subjugated, middle and working class laborers called human procreation. You are only useful for the energy you possess, becoming the battery that runs the capitalist machinery, pushing the buttons on keyboards, driving the trucks of commerce, manufacturing parts in monotonous assembly lines, taking care of the fields that once belonged to you, running conveyor belts and meat grinders that injure you, forever chained to the division of labor and conditioned to become the voracious consumer your entire life has taught you to be, fulfilling your role as one more anonymous and oppressed cog in a capitalist system that imprisons your body and tortures your mind, exploiting you through prolonged working hours, deficient wages, ever-decreasing benefits, eroded labor rights and exponentially-growing frustrations.

The Republican Party leadership, that perceived model of conservative thought, a group of corrupt and unscrupulous men living off the laurels of family wealth and never having experienced the harsh life you have always known, for years in bed with corporate and elite interests, seeks the impotence of the many at the great benefit of the corporatist/capitalist/ownership few, thriving off the further polarization of the social classes and the continued and growing gap between the wealthy and the working masses. This is your party, and your blind vote to keep them in power assures the continuation of the time honored tradition whereby your ancestors forever remained stagnant and trapped in a destiny predetermined for them, where you are prevented from advancing forward, conforming to the dictates of corporate rule, and where your descendants will have to bear the brunt of the devastating policies, enacted thanks to your vote, that are and will continue to wreak havoc on our planet and society.

You are being used and abused in principles contrary to your beliefs. The party you subscribe to exploits your hereditary conditioning, your insecurities and fears, your bigotry and ignorance, your religious beliefs and conservative ideals, attaching itself to your values and exploiting your noble concerns. They seek only your vote, and once they have it, they obliterate the mirage of concern and compassion they once pretended to share with you, instead whoring themselves to the corporate and capitalist interests they serve. Your interests are abandoned for those of the corporate Leviathan, and soon you find your wages frozen or lowered, your job outsourced or threatened, your environment raped and your debts exploding, your rights and freedoms vanishing, your son or father conscripted into the hell of war, your parents’ healthcare costs soaring and the education of your children nonexistent.

This reality is manifested through your vote to the corporatist/Republican Party.

The Terrorist and Malignant Party

Knowing that the population still suffers from unyielding memories of falling towers, crashing planes and cloud-filled avalanches of debris, that a collective post-traumatic stress has yet to dissipate and that the emotions of fear, hatred, vengeance, sorrow and mental anguish still fester, Republican-corporatist leaders continue to unscrupulously exploit to their advantage both our fragile egos and the bursting of the security/fantasy bubble that for too long protected us from the horrors that befall hundreds of millions of fellow humans throughout the world.

You see, the Corporatist/Republican Party creates and exacerbates the illusory threat of Arab bogeyman terror to better able to control and oppress us. With an enemy that grows thanks to our own ignorance of the world outside our borders the corporatists can continue waging war against us. They terrorize and use fear to silence patriotic dissent and necessary debate, using terror to brainwash the emotionally fragile and ignorantly bred. Monopolizing the power of the American flag in times of uncertainty and insecurity and using it to squash protest and dissent, they have released upon our lives the most devastating annihilation of environmental laws and regulations in decades, sending us back thirty years. They have, thanks to Florida 2000 and the aftereffects of 9/11, commandeered the government straight into the pockets of the corporate Leviathan, creating a nefarious trail of corporate-friendly laws, regulations and appropriations and a revolving door of corporate executives, lobbyists and lawyers that now infest and control policy making decisions in Washington that have put the rights and lives of the American people in the backburner, now coming after the interests of the corporations they serve and protect.

The Republican Party is the party of the corporate Leviathan and the military-industrial complex. It is the party of the wealthy and the elite that comprise the ownership class. It is the party of self-described royalty, of silver-spoon fed juniors like George W. Bush who grow up thinking themselves endowed with the powers of wealth and immune to the troubles of reality. It is the party of lunatics such as Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, the American Taliban and Christian fundamentalists who strive to divide, segregate, stir hatreds and impede the natural flow of human progress through their regressive ideology of bigotry and ignorance and literal belief in primitive myth.

It is the Republican leadership who hungers for war and violence, wasting land and humans for the profit of their masters. It is they who send our loved ones to die for absolutely nothing but corporate interests, resulting in the maiming of thousands in both body and mind and forever fating us to the energies of karma and blowback. Wars for profit, slave labor and natural resources are commenced not for saving freedom and democracy but for instituting corporatist capitalism and market colonialism onto other peoples and their lands, transforming our loved ones into the mercenary army of the corporate Leviathan.

The Republican Party is the party of book burnings and censorship, of homogenous boringness and ethnic superiority, of bigotry and selfishness, and of the overall attempt at regression of an ever more pluralistic society. It is the party of socio-economic segregation and racial oppression, of long gone slavery, apartheid and present day feudalism. It is right wing Republicans in power who hate dissent and protest, free thought and equal education to all. Ignorance is their succulent nutrition, knowledge their devastating kryptonite. They cringe at the prospect of equal pay for women, equal benefits and rights for gays and equitable selection and hiring of minorities to help make right centuries of hardship and lost opportunity. They fight against the wonders of diversity, the benefits of equality and rights of individual freedom.

It is the Republican Party that does more to maintain the status quo in inner cities, cementing poverty and hopelessness, destroying any semblance of education and employment, preventing those who live there from ever seeing the light of day. It is they who have decimated small farms through their marriage to agri-business; they who have contributed to the death of thousands through their long-lasting flirtation with and stalwart support of the pharmaceutical industry, trying everything in their power to prevent cheaper importation of drugs, preferring the death of Americans than the lower profit margins of their masters. They are the party of profit over people, the Almighty Dollar over the American citizen, the benefit of the few over the greatness of the many. Their constituents are Halliburton and General Electric, Ford and Monsanto, AOL and the Carlyle Group, the pharmaceutical industry, the defense industry and Big Oil. They are the Party of Enron and of all other CEOs making hundreds of times what their blue collar workers make.

They despise the environment and the planet we inhabit, granting big business the power to pollute our skies, waterways, soils, oceans and cities. They ignore science and its realities, preferring instead to bask in the glow of ignorance and delusion. Casting aside the imminent and catastrophic danger of global warming, a threat more dangerous to humanity than that of terrorism, they subsidize the purchase of SUVs and oil exploration instead, every year making it easier for carbon dioxide emitters to release more heat into our atmosphere. They are the party that without remorse allows the poisoning of our bodies through the toxins spewed by their contributors who pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink and the foods we ingest. Hundreds of thousands of people die every year as a result of lax laws and regulations enacted by those in power, as corporations lace our foods with chemicals, additives, preservatives, hormones, toxins, poisons, artificial flavors and a plethora of cancer causing pathogens that now linger inside our bodies, our breast milk and within the bodies of our little ones.

It is the Republican Party leadership that terrorizes our nation, using fear as an election gimmick and a controlling instrument of paralysis, manipulating and playing with our emotions and insecurities for its personal gain. It is the Republican Party that stands as a malignant cancer upon our nation. They are the Party of liars and of greed, of corruption and dishonor, of smear and intimidation. They are the Party of corporate welfare, giving hundreds of billions of dollars ($180 billion this coming year) in tax relief to their patrons. It is the party of the military industrial complex, presenting it with a $450 billion annual defense budget and an already wasted $140 billion more in Iraq so that it may continue building instruments of destruction through the pillage of our wages. It is the Terrorist Party, harborer of fictional fears and threats, home of the corporate Leviathan and the Corporatist oligarchs, home of toxic indifference and poisonous arrogance, neither compassionate nor caring, a tyrannical leadership devoid of humanity, a malignant tumor onto the nation that continues to exploit the emotions of millions for the benefit of a few.

This is the Republican Party, silencing elected moderates who speak wise and true, hijacking tens of millions of good and honest conservatives, using their own beliefs and ideologies as bait, exploiting votes and support, later to devastate lives and discard promises made but never meant to be delivered. George W. Bush, while a miscreant and an embarrassment, is not the true problem. Sure, his administration must be made extinct, yet his disappearance will not hinder the corporatist/Republican leadership that has hijacked an entire Party and the millions of good people it once served.

George W. Bush is the symptom, not the disease.

Taking the Fight to Them

The interests of the Corporate Leviathan in maintaining power are enormous, and so the Party that serves its interests will undoubtedly grow in wealth and power. It is for this reason that the Party serving the interests of the corporate world must be destroyed. Bush is but a puppet whose strings are attached to the hands of the corporatist elite, running the nation like a corporation diagnosed as a psychopathic entity. As long as the corporatist and ownership class control the buildings of government through their legion of vultures and parasites, the peoples’ interests will not be served. Rather, we might soon find that corporations and their masters will possess even more dominion over our lives, and on the road to perdition we will find ourselves marching on, becoming a subservient, exploited and oppressed people whose existence we suddenly find to be reminiscent of the serfs of centuries long since past.

The Democratic Party is headed in much the same direction, though certainly a lesser of two evils, yet the truth remains that it is the Republican Party leadership, or its present mutated form, that has transformed itself into a conduit for big business and the capitalist elite that comprise the ownership class. In the last few years its agenda has been a ‘catastrophic success,’ and we are much worse off as a result. Four more years of the same will no doubt lead to a nation bordering on implosion, a citizenry on the verge of borderline paranoia and depression, and a form of governance dictated by a corporate Leviathan whose insatiable appetite for profit and power could further devastate our environment, society and the lives of 290 million people.

Whether we take back a nation now in the hands of corporatists and corporations will be decided in a couple of weeks. The perilous manifestation of our failure to act accordingly will be hard to contemplate. In most ominous times do we find ourselves living in, ensnared in a war being waged against us as we continue to lose battle after battle, retreating further into trenches of defeat and surrender. Whether we finally decide to fight back or not remains to be seen.

The uphill struggle will not be easy, but it must be climbed relentlessly and without cowardice, with conquest and victory as the only viable option, for to allow ourselves to capitulate to the powers of the corporate Leviathan, its corporatist masters and Republican henchmen would be devastating for the present course of human events and the future freedom of those that have yet to come.

Forum posts

  • You are right on. I accidentally found your website, looking for something else. I am impressed with your knowledge and your vocabulary....but have to interject that your "caution" although understandable is really hypocritical. Please forgive my spelling. But you definitely see the light. Now, our job is to enlighten others or we will lose our country. I am involved in a small community where we are starting a alternative media center, and our goal is to reach and inform those who haven’t been enlightened. We use informative movies, newspaper articles, alternative magazine articles, etc.

    I really would like to know where you get some of your sources. Maybe there some that are new to us.

    my email is krisgps@GRANTSPASS.COM I would appreaciate any info you could pass on.

    Thank You,

    Kris Strohl

    • Manny, can’t you even write something original? This is the 3rd or 4th reposting of your lame, long stories in the past week. You are nothing but a shameless self-promoter using Katrina as an excuse to get yourself some recognition. I truly feel sorry for you because you are so lame and helpless.



      ESPEICALLY ANNOYING IS that you know people won’t bother to read and/or comment if they see the articles are written by you so you resort to faux posters (poseurs) like this: The Catastrophic Success of the Republican Party
      Sunday 4th September-17:11
      by : Chris P.

      There is no Chris P. and you know it is you posting. You more belong with the Bush people who lie and cheat, rather than here with progressives who really work for change, writing NEW stories as events warrant.

      Please, bellaciao admins, send this jerk a warning and make him stop. He is abusing your system.

      Every time I see an article by him - and lately they have all be reposts - I want to puke and I will continue to complain until you ban his IP from posting.

  • I suspect that you lose a considerable amount of sleep at night in twisting, fist clenching wide-awake dreams of hate and suspicion. You are sick. You definitely need psychiatric help. You probably do not have an important position in your little life or have respect in the eyes of your family. Look around you, are you alone or a closely knit group of hate mongers. Strangely enough, it is people like you that make the American political parties stronger. I suggest you read history books. You will find that the world progresses positively with a necessary role to be played bby people like you. Thank you for living. You are furthering the progress of democracy and freedom by your obvious lack of good judgement.

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis