by Open-Publishing - Friday 9 September 2005

Catastrophes USA Peter Fredson


By Peter Fredson

September 9, 2005

People reap what they have sown. Well, the Republicans have sown disaster and will now reap profit handsomely by the tragedy on the Gulf from Hurricane Katrina. All the poor people have been chased out of their homes and houses in Astrodomes, trailer parks, church basements and similar places well away from taking care of any property in New Orleans.

Now is the right time for Urban Development, for the real estaters, the investors, the high-stepping con men to move in and seize the properties from the defenseless poor. The Bush administration will not lift a finger to help people back into their homes because their corporate sponsors want to “eminent domain” the city and build monuments to their foresight. The poor, the blacks, the aged, not only have low priority in moving back to their city, but have NO PRIORITY. Good riddance to Trash is the Republican Motto. After all, it is God’s Will to keep some people poor.

But first the contractors, the people with heavy machinery and low-wage employees have to move in and clear the city. They will get the bulk of the “aid” for flood victims. Their trucks and cranes will roar and tear up the place and build a super-highway to the desireable properties so that Trent Lott and his buddies can rebuild their mansions. It will become a pleasant place for corporate executives. The reconstruction will give innumerable opportunities for graft and corruption, on a massive scale which will be so huge that even Bush will smirk. The tourist attractions will be rebuilt, twice as gaudy as before, most of it from taxpayer money. There will probably be even larger sports arenas, built with taxpayer money, so Bush partners can enjoy their leisure.

Oh, the harvest will be splendid. It’s going to take from 200 to 300 billion dollars of taxpayer money (maybe more), going into the pockets of friends of Bush to fix New Orleans. At least a dozen new billionaires will emerge to lord it over a slum with minimum wage labor slaves. And the contributions to the Republican party will also be splendid. For every dollar invested in a Republican politician the sponsor will receive the full blessings of the Lord, ten-fold.

And, if there is time, Bush will invade either Syria or Iran. John Bolton will help demolish the U.N. Maybe another tax break for millionaires is in order. But Bush will still be in Iraq, staying the course. And if another hurricane should wipe out some other American City, well, just send in troops with rifles at the ready to chase out the unfit residents and make way for the White Supremacists.

That’s the American Way!

Forum posts

  • If you don’t believe Peter has it right, go to this link:


    Seems like Allbaugh, Halliburton and all of his other clients are busy and planning on becoming busier and richer. Don’t forget, we, the taxpayer, will be paying the millionaires on the beach (Trent Lott comes to mind) $250,000 through the FEMA flood insurance plan to rebuild their mansions on the beach so they can be swept away again and rebuilt again and swept away, etc., etc., etc. and so forth................................... This is in addition to their regular insurance policies. And you can believe they are insured to the hilt. Bet those poor people in NOLA weren’t.

  • You’re a pathetic piece of trash from a failed country.

    • Who is a pathetic trash from a failed country? Maybe you’re refering to yourself. Anyway, Americans must start relying on their own ingenuity, their own sense of self-sufficiency once more. Cutting each other down, like this bozo does, like this ’pathetic piece of trash’ blog-head is doing is counter-productive, even if all he is doing is venting out his frustration. There are better ways to vent one’s frustration at our failing Federal Government, then calling each other names like spoiled children in a demolished school yard.

      Its our bloated, overly valued Federal Government that is a catastrophic failure, not our country, & not our people. We Americans are far too resilient a nation, far too creative a people to let the yahoos that have been running our country for far too long, the Democratic and Republican Parties, and the Globalists that they serve, dictate any longer what we can or cannot do as a peaceful society.

      100 years ago Americans like the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford &, Thomas Edison where all creating inventions that would contribute enormously to the well being of all humanity. And they did this without any kind of Federal subsidy or funding. I refuse to believe that modern day America no longer has the same kind of grit and genius that made that generation of Americans world famous. All it takes is a little will. First we start with an anti-conditioning program. A strong belief in one’s own abilities to survive and thrive, come hell and high water.

      The American mainstream media, the propaganda minsitry of our Federal Government, have conditioned most Americans to believe that nothing can be done without the Federal Government being involved in one capacity or other, that nothing can even get started without the Feds coming down to solve our most pressing problems.

      The mainstream media have done a superlative job in conditioning most Americans in believing that no new innovations are conceivable without someone in the Federal Government throwing billions of dollars at it.
      We must stop believing that all our problems can be solved simply by throwing money at fat cat contractors and corrupt politicians. We must start, once again, believing in our own selves, our own neighborhoods, our own flesh & blood, & not some faceless and godless almighty Big Brother who will save us all in the end. Katrina is clarion call to all Americans: we can no longer keep surrendering our will and our freedom to a Big Brother who very obviously cannot deliver on his ridiculous promises of safety and security for all.
      We must forge ahead and create a new Federal Government. A Federal Government that understands that its first priority is always, and always will be, the protection of the lives and property of the very people that without which it has no reason for existing. Katrina has revealed to all with eyes, ears and brains that this Federal Government’s N0.1 priority is anything but the defense of its people and their property. It cares for no one but its masters, who are definitely not of the people. It is a gargantuan monster who will never stop from growing more powerful, that will never stop from taking that which is ours, until we the people take action into our own hands and command this Leviathan to stop.
      We are the masters of our destiny. Let’s never forget that.

    • It is going to be hard considering that most U.S. citizens have very little education. Our engineering, IT, research, etc. jobs are now being filled by much more qualified people from foreign countries due to the lack of any meaningful education here. The schools have now been turned into day care facilities to do the parenting for the economic slave class which comprises most of the citizens in the U.S. Things like religion and its spawn Creationism are the focus in our new Taliban form of government, feel good propaganda takes the place of truth. Hatred and intolerence in the form of fear keeps the people from questioning what is going on.

      It is all fine and well to wish that Americans would suddenly wake up and start relying on their own ingenuity and self sufficiency, but that will never happen as long as people lack basic education. The dumbing-down of Americans has been so successful that most people do not think for themselves here. Kids no longer read books, they get some instant input from 2 or 3 sources and t.v. nutralizes any free thought or imagination that might have developed without it.

      The most tragic part is that Americans are so indoctrinated by religion from such a young age that it stunts any possibility of intelligence which is mostly replaced with fantasy and fables from the "Book". In order to believe the fantastic religious nonsense, the human child learns to filter out obvious facts in order to accommodate the unbelievable fiction being drilled into them by teachers and parents who they look up to and try to please. Added to this is the constant mind control tactics like the pledge of allegience to the flag and praying in school and you have the perfect receipe for stupidity and patriotic fervor. The amazing part is that countries like North Korea, China, Russia, Afghanistan, etc. also do this and the United States points fingers at them and holds them up for stark ridicule and condemnation. But the blinded people here do not recognize that this is also the method being used here, and it is harming our country more than all of the Bin Ladens and Saddams because it is slipped to us all sugar coated and properly disguised.