Home > Corporations Seeking Domination of Global Social Interactions Through Fear (...)

Corporations Seeking Domination of Global Social Interactions Through Fear based Mind Control

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 9 October 2005

Media-Network Movement Wars and conflicts USA

To all People,

In order to complete the NeoCon-Corporate take over of the World by the psychologically ill and mentally depraved Military Industrial Complex an attack of a particular nature, type, and geographical structure will be carried out with a simultaneous attack in possible Northern Ireland and Europe to paralyze any social political opposition to military take over and the creation of a world military slave system run by corporations making children into worker slaves with no families, and corporations psycho social indoctrination systems for training slave children and eliminating social education and freedom of thinking or expression outside the parameters of human social healthy interaction. Using psycho control drugs, propaganda, and the elimination of a human parent figure the corporation can create the next generation worker slave which will "work for food", and "a lack of punishment", and "on going drug-pleasure self-slavery".

This child will not know a human famility and will be a task oriented slave with a short life expentancy to increase long term profit and to effect more profitable short term psychological mind control for children using fear and drugs. This is obviously the plan since corporate use of slave child labor in most of the world is on the rise and use of more educated, aware, adult labor is falling as is the support systems with most governments to address the needs of educated humans with logic and reading skills.

To effect this and gain a level of social acceptance for such a plan it would be important that attacking the educated adult socially aware population could not be a direct military take over or attack and would need to look like "something else" so that social blame could be eliminated and psychologcial need for counter attack would be eliminated through the use of a so-called "flu virus" attack which would give the needed pretext to use martial law to quarantine the people and since such a flu virus would have no cure people would have to be eliminated in order to protect the uninfected and the living. Thus they would be sent to so called quarantine camps (actually death concentration camps) to take special medicines or treatments which would be innefective and thus require physical termination (like poultry) in order to stop the spread and complete physical destruction like burning or something to assure no bio active tissue remains for transmission.

In this way a target specific area could be affected, cleared of humans, and the land leveled and perhaps burned to assure toxic free building sites for reconstruction for investment corporated backed agendas. Some level of young children will be spared and used as a test population in parent free indoctrination process to corporate mind and body slavery assigned them to appropriate tasks and providing only minimal subsistance living conditions to assure easy manipulated child-workers for maximum pleasure and profit.

During the current tracking of bloggers and internet users these wil be attacked first since it will break down the primary form of information sharing and will create the needed social isolation to assure target manipulation with only disinformation. Notice the censorship by media giants of inforwars.com, prisonplanet.tv, and others. This is an indication that the information on these sites is counter productive to the mainstrean propaganda mind control systems.

From the current propaganda it can be seen that most likely the attacks will focus on the destruction of educated people like teachers, health care workers, Information Technology workers, University students, and "truth oriented" artists and performers to minimize the spread of factual information and to maximize the psychological manipulation by the mind control of the propaganda matrix established by the global unification of the media systems as a global mouth piece of dis information and "Newspeak" rendering the children helpless and the uneducated easily manipulated and enslaved.

It is urged that to undue these potential human disasters that an mass movement evolutionary step of global agreement to not participate in the corporate death dealing agendas by NOT using the slave money systems and to enforce global exchange based on need. TO effect this we must NOT listen or internalize the propaganda. DO NOT WATCH CORPORATE TV. DO NOT LISTEN TO CORPORATE RADIO. DO NOT PURCHASE CORPORATE MIND CONTROL MOVIES OR MEDIA. SPEAK truth based on your needs-TO EACH OTHER. FORM A HUMAN COLLAITION of a GLOBAL FAMILY and FREE YOURSELVES from their mind control death agenda. Listen to the truth of Independent Voice free from financial mind slave entrapment, that is ADVERTISING FREE. DO NOT SUPPORT the slave masters MONEY SYSTEM. STOP using the financial-psychlogical enslavement system.


peace and self determination to destroy the LIES of Corporate Mind Enslavement - VIIBee

Forum posts

  • The already calculate the value of a human being on the consumption. Sooner or later they will get rid of those, who are not of value!

  • After reading this article three times I sat a tried to make some sense out of it...My mind drifted back to a website that was my favorite MWO (Media Whores On Line )...Yes back then this site did indeed bring to light the horror of the brainwashing technique of the corporate media...Since then we have been bombarded with these downright lies and Americans have been lead by a noose in their noses to believe these lies..Even now when we see the PEOPLE finally realizing what is happening to them and their country it seems that the lies and PR brainwashing is very difficult to undo...Just as if we were under the spell of an evil CULT......Sooooo I conclude we had better beware and realize that these fear and war mongers have in mind an even greater plan to have us all driven as ZOMBIES over the Cliff and into the MUDDY... A humble suggertion is for all Americans is to eliminate these people who are out to destroy our country is to get out and VOTE....... VOTE for people who will be the voice for what we the people want and deserve....A decent life as we journey from birth to eternity........Humble submitted by .......Mary.....PS FIRST WE HAVE TO CLEAN UP THE RIGGED VOTING SYSTEM

    • To cast an informed vote one needs trustworthy information. However the information channels (TV) are maintained for corporate profit. (Al Gore had a lucid piece about that on Kos recently, explaining how this forces lawmakers to spend most of their time raising money and moneyed/corporate lobbyists to be all powerful). So what to do? I just try to keep my own mental house clean. That is difficult enough. Hopefully, after armageddon, there is a need for somebody with my outlook.

  • I am writing for the sole purpose of giving you support and assurance that you are not alone in your perception. It seems almost inescapable; and as a Jew, and a citizen, I fear for my future and that of my family. The speed with which this is occurring is nothing less than terrifying. And you are correct---this is not a national issue; these people have absolutely no allegiances whatever. This is so hard for Americans to understand. All of my European friends know this only too well. A citizen of Poland, who is now a naturalized US citizen made an interesting observation: He said that the reason the revolution in Poland was plausable and successful was that the people were starving, had nothing, and nothing to lose; whereas Americans are into debt up to their eyeballs, with mortgages, credit cards and house payments, and so they are terrified of not working. It made a lot of sense to me. Please do a google search for my name, as signed, and an article entitled "The Skin of Our Teeth," also "The High Cabal," which perhaps is more to the point. Keep up the good fight. Don’t lose heaert! "Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose." —Moss David Posner, M.D.