by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 22 November 2005

Wars and conflicts International Governments USA Peter Fredson


By Peter Fredson

November 21, 2005

“Incongruity: strangeness, absurdity, inappropriateness”, according to my in-computer thesaurus, seems to reflect the puzzlement I feel when looking at the daily news about Iraq for the past four years.

I wonder what those young people in United States uniform, holding automatic weapons at the ready, dressed like Samurai warriors in full-field gear, are doing so far from home. Why are they not back home in
Sheboygan, Duluth, or Rochester? I look at the billions of dollars and tons of weapons, equipment, munitions, humvees, helicopters, assault planes, and gigantic tanks in a country where most of the people are dressed flimsily, in poor clothing, and trying to walk about their own streets to the market or hospital yet having loaded weapons constantly pointed at them.

I see our young people, far from home, breaking down doors and destroying other people’s homes while hollering like banshees, all the time pointing their weapons at people’s heads. I see destruction on roads, buildings, factories, schools, hospitals and practically any man-made structure. I wonder how Muslim people can live in this kind of Bush-produced hell (long before their time to die and be punished by either God or Allah) for the simple fact of existing. But the real incongruity is that Bush calls this “democracy” and “freedom.”

Surely any sane person can distinguish death and destruction from liberty and sovereignty.

But the Bush people insist that War is Peace, that killing does not bring revenge, that patriots are terrorists, that stupidity is military genius, that staying a failed course is good strategy, and that killing Muslims is good Christian practice.

I see “contractors” bearing heavy weaponry. I see mercenaries bearing heavy weaponry. I see “advisors” surrounded by people with heavy weaponry. I see our visiting politicians surrounded by immense security forces bearing heavy weaponry. Everywhere I see duress, imminent violence disguised as security, arrogance disguised as leadership, and incompetence disguised under flags and crosses.

I have seen the pictures from Abu Ghraib, and I have heard our irascible president say “we don’t torture.” Well, someone sure in hell is doing torture, and thinks it is standard procedure. Somehow people got the idea that their leaders approve of torture, abuse, destruction and death. Somehow we have constructed secret jails in which to hold people indefinitely without warrant or notice and hide under the assumption that a War President can do anything he desires. In fact, his attorneys told him, in effect, that with careful legal wording he is above the law. Both President and VP deny using torture while using every effort to deny investigators access to prisoners and building secret jail in foreign countries for the express purpose of torture and abuse. Incongruous? You bet!

Somehow practically no Republican has noticed that Bush lied our country into war, or that there IS torture (except for McCain) and abuse, and that the entire country of Iraq is more destroyed than reconstructed. They continue to issue cheery optimistic statements that everything is going smoothly as part of their strategy to suck the American public dry. Somehow no Republican has shown outrage that thousands of Muslims have been killed, made dead, murdered, who had absolute innocence but are lumped together under the pretext that we are at war with Iraq, when in fact it is Bush’s war.

Somehow very few Republicans see anything wrong with giving Millennium Corporation all the oil of Iraq, all of the army catering services, and that several billion dollars are “missing.” Anything incongruous there?

I heard our President, Vice-President, practically the entire Bush Cabinet on TV, radio and in every media declare that Saddam was an imminent danger to citizens of the United States. Evidently Crawford, Texas would be on the list of places destroyed by “mushroom clouds” brought by pilotless planes flying over oceans in endless streams to produce horror in every American home. Terror has been successfully produced by both Osama bin Laden and by George Bush, identically driven by ideology. I see little difference between them in the effects on the populace. Incongruous? Yes.

Now we find endless lies denying that anything occurred during the months of war dances and saber-rattling when the entire Bush cabinet went on the attack mode to talk the country into an unnecessary war. They even denied that there would be much blood-shed, unless from thorns of all the flowers strewn in the path of American invaders. Incongruous? You bet!

Today it is a parlor game for the Bush people to deny everything. In fact, deniability is one of the sought-for effects of their strategy. As an aid to their lies, deceit, and preemptive infamy the Bush people now generously try to share the blame with the entire country.

They also try to slander critics with imaginative reporters, Swiftboat tactics, and paid government advertising their own courage, honesty and efficiency. Their audiences are usually captive, highly selected, and their security is the tightest in history because Bush and his VP have become the most hated persons in our history, rivaling other leaders like Hitler, Mussolini, Idi Amin, Stalin and Pol Pot. Presidential speeches are cloned from tricksters like Karl Rove, in which every word must be scrutinized with care for its Newspeak meaning. We can expect no credibility from the most highly respected office in our nation. Incongruous? You bet!

I wonder if our President told his young warriors that they were going to steal the oil of Iraq for his cronies? I wonder if Bush told our soldiers that they were perhaps going to die to construct several large military bases in a country whose sovereignty he contemptuously manipulates with special emissaries, envoys, ambassadors, to produce puppet exiles which will give him indemnity for any death or destruction he causes. His regard for diplomacy is exemplified by “Ambassador” Bolton, who would very much like to see the demise of the institution to which he was appointed as a “diplomat.” Can anything be more incongruous?

I wonder if Bush told the country that he was planning to invade Syria and Iran. Certainly Condi Rice, Rumsfeld and Cheney know all that because they lecture the countries in question daily about “democracy” and “liberty.” In actuality they seek pretexts to demolish those regimes, while pretending to be on missions of peace and friendship. Stealth, deceit and preemption are the tools of the Bush administration that proudly proclaims its moral virtues, long and loud.

Can anything be more incongruous for what should be a democratic country appointing a fascist theocrat as Attorney-General?

Is it not incongruous to condemn people taking pictures of torture and abuse, of flag-draped coffins, of maimed veterans, but do nothing about the root causes of death and destruction?

I see more incongruity than I have space here to document. But finally polls of Presidential honesty and efficiency are coming out that reflect what I am feeling. In my opinion, Bush is the worst President this country has ever had.

I will go farther and say he is the most dangerous President for the existence of law, liberty and democracy that this country has ever suffered. He and his followers may actually believe that God commanded him to invade Iraq. Frankly, I don’t.

Do we have an incongruous administration? Yes, very strange.

Forum posts

  • Well, the belief that the President and those around him can easily balance the belief of all the other anti-war people. Because the collective anti-war belief is so weak. This is the reason the war is happening and peace is not happenning.

    The anti-war folks can only sit and endlessly complain about the war or once in a while get out and protest. Big Deal. Their hearts and minds are not in stopping the war. And their faith in themselves and faith in their abilities are weak, it is easily countered by the pro-war people. EASILY.

    It is too be admired that the leadership clan can bring into focus their thoughts and realize to bring the instrinsic hate that Americans hold for Muslims and Arabs and conduct this war effortlessly.

    • I’m not so sure that it is an *intrinsic* hatred of Muslims; I believe is a learned and conditioned one. If you watch young children at play, not matter what their religious backgrounds, or even race and colour, they play happily together. It is only when the grow older and are conditioned, that the hatred for another skin colour, race or religion becomes established. My personal hatred (or rather, disgust) goes towards those who forment injustice, racial and religious hatred, etc.

    • Actually:

      The majority of The World wants the U.S. out or Iraq.
      The majority of Americans want the U.S. out of Iraq.
      And the majority of Iraqis want the U.S. out of Iraq.

      So who does that leave that wants the U.S. to remain?

      The Bush Nazis and the military industrialist KILLERS and Torturers that are plundering the treasury to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands upon thousands of wasted lives of American soldiers and tens if not hundreds of dead civilian non combatant women and children.

      It took awhile for the German people to realize they had been duped too by Hitler’s Nazis. The Americans are starting to wake up, let’s hope it doesn’t take an attack like ’Dresden’ to ’shock and awe’ the American public to stop believing the Trash propaganda spewing out of Washington and their cheering corporate state-run media whores.

      BRing em HOME now and not in body bags!

      The forces for PEACE are just warming up and they see Corporate America as the Fascist designers of this war and it’s most active cheerleaders. I predict if this war continues and the numbers of dead keep rising you are going to see ECONOMIC action— coodinated boycotts of any and all corporate promoters of murder and terror---and Wall Street is going to realize the error of their ways in promoting murder for profit.

    • To 4.57. You admire a leadership that can so easily focus Americans’ intrinsic hatred of the Muslims and their world and thus conduct this war so effortlessly. You are very much declaring to the whole world your intrinsic fascism.
      I do agree with your assessment of Americans. There is a very large percentage of Americans, not quite the majority, but large enough to influence Congress, who are and will always be racists. Racists are a boon for demagogues and snake oil salesmen. Their stupidity makes them far more malleable to the ruling classes than than those honest folks who actually understood the Gospel’s message as children. Oh, Mr. Fascist, you do know the Gospel, don’t you?
      And by the way, we’re not so weak as you think. We’re just gearing up. We will soon see who is really weak, Mr. Mussolini lover. Very soon, indeed.
      And by the way, all you Pro-War shitheads do is sit around and complain about the ’loony’ left, usually after a 5 hour session of ’Medal of Honor’ virtual violence. If you care so much about defending bullshit, why aren’t you in Baghdad or Mosul now, with an M-16? I can’t think of anyone as weak as a hypocrite, who talks so much bloody bullshit about ’defending our freedom’, but secretly prefers to have some rural, ignorant and poor youth do all this aggression for him, since he really doesn’t have the balls to do it himself. Talk about being weak.