by Open-Publishing - Monday 16 January 2006

Governments USA Peter Fredson

Puzzled to Death

By Peter Fredson

January 16, 2006

I’m puzzled. Perhaps I’m confused and do not see things clearly. I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play one anywhere. But the legality of the Bush administration actions really puzzles me.

For instance, if the President sends people out to destroy a village because he suspects one person in that village has bad intentions toward him, is that okay? I

f he does not succeed in killing any terrorist, but instead “accidentally” kills several dozen innocent people, peasants who all their lives earned their living by grubbing the earth and never did harm to anyone outside of their village, is that in any way “murder?”

When a president kills anyone, alleging they had “bad intentions” is he to be held responsible if his assessment was totally wrong?

If the President to kill one person alleged to be a “terrorist” actually kills several dozen other people who have nothing to do with terror, destroys their homes, lives, families, and resources, is he to be held to account by anyone, any court, or can he simply shrug his shoulders, smirk, and perhaps say , “OOPS” in full recompense?

Can a president legally send thugs into another country to kidnap anyone he designates, hold him indefinitely in a secret jail without warrants or records, and perhaps engage in some sadistic pleasure like shunting electricity through his genitals, then declare he is acting legally, morally, ethically and according to traditional American Values? Is anything wrong with that picture?

Can a president declare “bad intelligence” absolves him of all personal accounting, blame, or responsibility for inflicting death and destruction on whomever his whim designates as a living target?

Will waving a cross, referring to Jesus as his favorite philosopher, or standing in front of 20 fluttering flags, and uttering the phrase “9/11” then excuse him from all scrutiny, from all provisions of the Constitution he swore to uphold?

Can his officials scare the bejuzus out of the public by constant referrals to Weapons of Mass Destruction, Aluminum tubes, bacteriological laboratories, poison gas, anthrax, and mushroom clouds and not be accused of fomenting domestic terror?

Is it sufficient for a president to declare someone as “evil” and then proceed to act as though it were a legitimate claim for national action, warfare, and the consequent deaths of everyone living near the “evil’ person, and still be a competent ethical lawful person?

Is it sufficient for a president, after years of denial and obfuscation to declare he is “responsible” for thousands of deaths of innocent civilians, and thus by this “spiritual confession” strut or swagger his way scot-free to the next deception, without any legal action, any consequences, any reprimand, any protest from his supporters?

Is there no price to be paid for inflicting death and destruction on thousands of people who had nothing to do with fomenting terror or hatred?

Can a president by pretending to receive orders from the Supreme Creator of the Entire Universe declare war on any country he pleases? Is that sufficient for even Republican Senators to excuse all violence, all destruction, and all demonic action? Do they really believe that (and please excuse the expletive) crap?

Are Republicans really willing to choose party politics over all of the traditions of our country? Are legalities just to please suckers?

Can a president through deception and outright lies get an entire country to declare war against another, based on either faulty intelligence or malevolent twisting of the intelligence, and is not be held to any account?

If though lies and deception a country is invaded, its sovereignty destroyed, its people terrorized by invading and occupying forces.. if all this is illicit, illegal, immoral, unethical ..can a president simply swagger and say “I’m the War President and can do anything I want to do to anybody, anywhere in the world, and screw anyone who objects?”

Does such an invasion and occupation, even though based on deception, still stand? If Bush became a War President through lies, is the now a Lying War President?

If there was no terrorism in the occupied country to start with, and the president is directly responsible through violent aggression, death and destruction, of fomenting an endless chain of vengeance for the atrocities he committed, to be commended or praised?

Does a pretty color scheme provide sufficient protection against any actual terrorism, or is it an emotional, symbolic, spiritual and useless defense more suited to superstitious barbarians than to a supposedly civilized country?

Does the constant reiteration that prayer solves all the problems of the world by the president actually provide more than a placebo or binky for gullible fundamentalists? Is abstinence the cure for aids? And if abstinence is so powerful, why doesn’t the president abstain from committing felonies, death, destruction, lies and misinformation daily?

Does the president not know that his actions, appointments, and statements are leading us straight into fascist corporate theocracy? Or, and this is a horrible thought, was this part of the New World Order conspiracy to dominate the world by aggressive pitiless action?

Lastly, can a president say that the Constitution is just a gdddmm piece of paper and should not be waved at him without even one Republican Senator commenting on this interpretation of what should be our most sacred document? Are they that “pussy-whipped?” Will no action of Bush prove to be too atrocious to overlook? Is Bush The Law? Does it even apply to him as War President, even though he started the War with lies?

Has Bush now consolidated all three branches of government into his Oval Office? Has the Oval Office now become an adjunct of his church organization? Is our Constitution now hopelessly outdated and to be discarded by a petulant, irritable, irresponsible, pitiless, and Machiavellian person who was born into privilege? Is this why he smirks?

Forum posts

  • yes, yes, yes and yes. No matter what you say, americans are still sitting on their hands saying, "please tell me it isn’t so!" They’re still defending the "official" story about 9/11.
    Please don’t insult women by calling our elected representatives "pussy whipped". How about "bushwhacked" instead.

    • Yes, you are right. That was a sexist remark. YOur "Bushwhacked" is more appropriate. Incidentally, this noon I listened to a remarkable speech by Al Gore, on Martin Luther King Day to a DAR Convention audience. I was going to write a blog about it, but on reviewing blogs I find that the bloggers were way ahead of me, evidently doing live blogs, with the entire speech, discussion, and the whole ball of wax. Gore brought up some of the same points I made in my article, and many more. In effect he charged Bush with erecting a sort of police state, of fomenting terror, of violating the constitution at many opportunities, and with assuming a dictatorial role which will change the entire structure of our nation. It is a very good speech and I recommend you find a copy and read it, even if FOX NEWS will not carry it or will trivialize it to death. I can hardly wait to hear what Jon Stewart of COMEDY CENTRAL has to say about it.

    • I see a larger problem here - you cannot convince me that people like Clinton and Gore and politicians on both sides of the aisle are unaware that 9/11 was an ’inside job’. Good as some of Gore’s words sounded today, I fear them to be more of a smoke screen to get people to side with one party or another, instead of seeing the whole government as in on it, which I believe to be the truth. To watch these politicians dance around the 9/11 issue, or blame no weapons of mass destruction on why we shouldn’t be in Iraq, when the whole concept of terrorism as it is presented is a sham...is disturbing to say the least. Until the truth of what really happened on 9/11 finally emerges, we are merely dancing around in circles.

    • I am very interested in your remark about knowing the Truth about 9/11 and the presentation of the concept of terrorism. I hope you know that I would very much like to know what went on in those days before and after 9/11. Yes, I know about partisan politics, and placing party above country, but please tell me what is your account of the concept of terrorism being a sham. If you believe you know what is behind the curtain, please tell me here what is the real story.
      Peter Fredson

    • Peter good writing excellent points.
      Thirty five years age I read "Escape from Freedom" by Eric Fromm. He clearly lays out how one of the most highly educated and cultured of countries gradually relinquished their freedom to Mr. Hitler and his crew.
      As a foreigner observing your two right wing political parties squabbling over the trivia which is fully enhanced by meaningless print, TV and media commentators I wonder how long before America reaches the tipping point.
      The GWOT raises this question for me , how do you define victory over a tactic , or am I missing something important here.
      Reviewing US Elites, Corporations, Pentagon etc I take comfort in my definition of this GWOT as the Global War Against Termites which are eating you out of house home health care education and the usual social benefits that Western nations have come to expect.
      Time you guys got out some bug spray.

      cheers, jt

    • Terrific piece, Peter. The moral indignation shines through. Keep them coming. On your question to the poster about 911 - if he told you, he’d have to kill you.