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> Homeland Security To Confiscate Bank Safe Deposit Box Contents

24 January 2006, 12:53

How were my statements wrong? How were they defamatory or abusive?

I read of some of the other posters and they were far worse. It is true that Bush called the Minutemen "Vigalantes."

It is true that I sent people Frosty Woolridge articles and also articles about the Ford Foundation funding some of these groups such as LULAC, Mecha, MALDEF, Voc de Aztlan and La Raza (means the race) and their plan of "Reconquista’’ and that the recipients never replied and never discussed it and sent me jokes instead.

It is true that our borders are wide open and yet the Bush Administration continually harps about Terrorism, Homeland Security and 9/11 while simultaneously leaving open. That to me is a red flag.
