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> Homeland Security To Confiscate Bank Safe Deposit Box Contents

28 January 2006, 05:27

Muppet #1026 here...

Yep some of us are jobless fools. Out of work because our jobs continue to disappear to cheaper labor sites around the world.

I want to say to all the people who think that your money and valuables are safe at the bank: Yes- you are absolutely correct. By all means, please, DO NOT pay attention to stories like this that are backed with absolutely no evidence. This is crazy conspiracy crap that doesn’t merit the bandwidth and space it takes on the ’net. Nothing more than evidence of how easy it is for a few crazies to stir people gullible people up. Without a doubt, this is all gibberish and isn’t even worth the time it takes to read. But thanks for sharing your comments with all the lost, crazy, insane, tin-hat wearing folk. I know for myself atleast, I really appreciate them. I want to encourage all of you to prove us idiots wrong. Continue to keep your assets in paper, in the control of the banks. Don’t change a thing.

For the rest of ya- keep your tin hats on. And get yourselves out of these systems quick like. Time truly is getting short.