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Homeland Security To Confiscate Bank Safe Deposit Box Contents

1 July 2010, 06:33, by Star Cruiser

I have attempted to find out from bank employees as well as other sources what bank policy is concerning safe deposit boxes. In my questioning I used bank failure and resulting closing of the doors as my reason for concern. In most cases, employees are extremely ignorant that failure of their bank is even possible. When pushed however, they seem to be completely unaware of what their banks policy is under those circumstances. I`ve checked with 4 different banks regarding this exact question. I believe that most of these employees are truly ignorant of policy and not trying to hide something they are aware of. Most I spoke with are officers of the bank and not tellers. One told me that he believed that even if the doors were closed, box holders would be allowed to access their box for 72 hrs or so after the doors closed. Regardless of the policy the truth remains that the international monetary system is done. With multi-trillions of dollars in toxic derivatives in the system, no amount of bailouts in the world will save it. Soon most governments will follow Greece with sovereign defaults. The ECU and the Obama administration will attempt to force Fascist and Extreme Draconian austerity measures on their respective populations. This attempt to stabilise the dead system will result in ever increasing civil unrest worldwide. Only an immediate return to Glass/Steagall banking regulations and putting the Federal Reserve through bankruptcy proceedings will begin the process of recovery. The entire world monetary system is in the same boat. All nations will need to enact some form of regulations to separate the toxic waste from the legitimate banking assets. The people need to be protected from the vultures in the Financial cartels and their lackeys on Wall street. Time is running out.