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Homeland Security To Confiscate Bank Safe Deposit Box Contents

22 January 2011, 22:44, by Dan G.

Only a fool would keep anything of value in a bank. If people lose their belongings it’s what they deserve for being sheep.

We are in this position with an out of control government due to the lack of participation from the citizens of the collective States.

Our servant has become our master and the only way to take back control of our government is to take action as so clearly stated in the Declaration of Independence...the right to alter or abolish!

Speaking to the world concerning what steps to take is not anti government or subversive, it’s what our founding fathers called true patriotism. If it takes steps of force to gain back control of our rouge servants, than so be it. We are the bosses not them and it’s our duty to keep them in line not them keeping us in line.

You must free your mind before you can free your body. It’s the mind they have captured and the evidence is in the way people refuse to speak the truth out of fear!

When Patrick Henry declared "give me liberty or give me death", he was dedicated to living as a free man or dieing while attempting it. Many gave their lives for what we so carelessly take for granted. Freedom in not free and it never has been...just study history and get your heads out of the sand!