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> What were SPLA Rebels doing on 9/11 ?

25 January 2006, 22:22

I am really glad people are considering what exactly these journalists were doing that morning and who they really were and why they aren’t in Git Bay. I suspect a bunch of very dark skinned Africans would stand out a mile-ever seen Bush interviewed by an Afro American team?

Personally I doubt that is the identity and description if they were a hit squad,one would think they would want to blend in a bit more.

I do agree that a hit squad was sent to Bush that morning as I reckon Cheney was all set in his bunker to run ww3/4 himself that day,with imediate response to it all.That explains the lack of scripted bush actions at first as he was supposed to be part of the kill that day.
VP have often been targets of other power groups seeking control of the US arsenal and funds.This time I reckon it nearly worked.

If these were innocent journos then let them come forward and prove it.It would be nice to dismiss one uncertainty that one has to make analysis and conjecture about in order to make sense of the event.

Conjecture and analysis is needed to make sense of the official 911 version as it si so full of holes it wouldn’t float in a bathh tub.
