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1 February 2006, 05:11

I Like the one about the name of the flight typed in wingdings.These coincidences are so cute.

Seriously,people are so keen to can the alternative hypotheses to the government conspiracy story BECAUSE it is so full of holes and worms.

I challenge anyone to explain all the discrepencies and show where the data is available for the basic background invstigations,such as the short selling and why the Israelis were there filming the FIRST plane hitting and HIGHFIVING and Joking with cig lighters imitating the inferno.
And the collapse details,thus involving the security of the buildings and the leasees,who also happened to be away that morning.

The fact that (???Rendon) had already organised a huge supply of American flags to be available immeidately in NewYork.

Love the official version,it is so full of crap it would never have stood a day on the internet as a guess version.

Love the shillers who try to defend it,they tell so much about themselves don’t they?

Michael Rivero has attacked lies and sought truth.There are those out there who don;t want that.

cheers Bandikoot