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> TRAILER CASH: US paying $3,300/month to lease trailers for Katrina victims

29 January 2006, 17:06

In an ideal world, direct cash to those people would be better. In reality, it would result in worse waste.
This was proven with the relatively lowball 2 grand debit cards, quite a bit of it went to alcohol, etc.

I wish there was an easy answer to the NOLA disaster, but there isn’t. The best is to give it up, it is inherently an unsafe city, and it is not necessary to rebuild the entire thing. It should be rebuilt only to the point that the port facilities are functional. High tech, low occupation. We don’t need to drop billions of taxpayers dollars on what is in essence, drunk and stoner city. Not for the rich, not for the middle class, not for the poor. It’s Pompeii, give it up. Mardi Gras is not worth 200 billion dollars, and associated long term costs. It’s going to get hit again, then again, with hurricanes of increasing strength. We’ll see large areas of now inhabited coastal lands be abandoned from this. The money is better spent elsewhere. Millions of illegals manage to come to the US to find better lives, and find work. The displaced NOLA residents have an advantage right off the bat, they speask the language.

Anyway, we’ll see. A few more major coastal cities nailed by super hurricanes, the nation will realise that there is no effective way to economically insure those areas, not with the current construction techniques and costs. The large carriers are seeking some way to bail out, and it’s not fair to ask the rest of the nation to subsidise a relatively few people so they can live in tourist trap cities.