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6 February 2006, 21:47

The fact that anyone buys the Government version of events shows how ignorant people are of the facts. The collapsing of the towers simply defies physics and would mean ALL such towers are dangerous. The fact that the 911 OMISSION Report was focused so narrowly as to hide or ignore crucial information shows a deliberate and willfull intention of hiding the truth. To have the people believe the most powerful (and expensive) military in the history of the world could be caught with its pants down defies all logic. The fact that George sat ther reading to kids AFTER being told of the disaster and the Secret Service LET him is proof that there was an expectation of the event. The look on the Presidents face when told was a ’so it has begun’ kind of look. The fact that so many careers (military, intelligence and political) have been ruined because people question the official story PROVES they will go to ANY extreme to quash dissent that could be dangerous. All of the above points to official allowance of 911 and the deaths of thousands of Americans. This is treason of the worst sort and should be punished by public execution via firing squad. It is not about right or wrong, or even about religion or ’freedom’- it is simply about POWER and CONTROL and the use of FEAR to maintain it.