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12 February 2006, 03:22

Apollonian: I am a tad bit confused, is this thread simply for people in the know of history and politics? If not, please be so kind as to cite, or give references to your sources, i.e. the Hamilton and Jefferson Debate, The Constitution, etc. I am extremely interested in the views of this site and others but find it extremely difficult to relate when I do not know the source of the information. In order to be informed and intelligent citizens, we must have documented information to refer to. Do not get me wrong, the conscience can clearly detect when something is wrong but we need substantial evidence to support our emotions and logic in order to make educated decisions and comments. Do you agree? Please respond to me with your citations at christopherd1975@msn.com. I appreciate your patriotism.

P.S. I am often scared and confused by some folks who support ant-bush sites. It seems to me that sometimes the posts are just as extreme as the measures this government takes. I have all too often read material in support of white supremacists and the like. i.e. the support of What Really Happened.Com of Ernst and his hate-mongering wife. To truly be the voice of the people, all biases of race, religion, and the like must be eschewed. Another case in point is Alex Jones’ "Prison Planet" where he openly criticizes homosexuals. To be for the people needs to suggest that all people need to be protected by the extremism of this government, this includes the Jews, Homosexuals, Blacks, etc.

I hope my ranting made sense.