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> LIVE FREE OR DIE - Perhaps in New Hampshire

11 February 2006, 18:06

Good article. I like the overall tone and agree with the idea. In fact, I joined something called the First 1000. It is a Pledge Bank pledge to move to New Hampshire by the end of 2008 if 999 other people also agree to the pledge. More info on it, http://www.pledgebank.com/first1000

However, I did notice a few points in your article that may not be correct. It may be that various organizations gather data differently, because we are looking at data from different years, or some other reason. NH has the 2nd lowest taxes in the nation (only AK is better) but it also has the lowest poverty rate in America. Several states guarantee the right to revolution.

Here are a few more NH ‘cool factors’:
Most taxes are town-based, if you want to pay very little taxes, just live in a low tax town
A candidate for political office may represent more than 1 political party on the ballot
Elected 5 member Executive Council shares power with Governor
No Seatbelts, Motorcycle Helmets, Auto Insurance Required

Also, I have met most of the FSP leadership and I can guarantee that it is not a government ploy to round up the world’s best freedom activists into one small state.