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> Flashback: Cars stolen in US used in suicide attacks

24 February 2006, 16:18

To: 24/145

How long have you lived in America?

By all means question my usage of "Whitey America" to describe the White race; at least it will make you think a lttle outside of your narrow daily experience. But I stand by my assertions.

And if not spooked then what do you call Whitey Americans who partake lunch in the cafeteria away from while Blacks and non-Whites tables, at places of work and study? Grown men and women these are. If not spooked then why is Whitey afraid of visiting the music scene in the "ghetto" that he and his societial system has created. If not spooked then why does Whitey buy into the fear of the Arabs or Muslim and the lies that Whitey’s rules say. If not spooked why does Whitey detests and isolates himself from non-Whites in social settings? If not spooked why does Whitey live along side non-White Americans? If not spooked why are there so many Whitey "Gated Communities"?

I happen to be White and I am quite familar with what Whitey says when non-Whites are not around. It is all from being spooked. I know how Whitey holds his tongue when Jewish or Muslims are present. But God forbid, as soon as he is amongst his own kind he spews the venom of race superiority. He has to, it the only thing he has that will a platform of thinking that has no foundation. Whitey is spooked. He has no confidence in front of non-Whites. He lashes out at them before he has time to see non-Whites as humans. Whitey reasoning comes from being spooked.

Read again what I wrote above and let it be with you when you are at a party and see yourself and see others at the function. Look at their faces and skin colors and realize the absense, or limited presense of non-Whites at the gathering. Let it be your Church and see. Let it be your place of work and see, and realize quitting time means you go to your place of dwelling and the non-White goes to his. Perhaps, a little thinking along lines of reality will show you the delusions that you live in come from being spooked.