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> Remember the two british commandos who were caught in a car full of explosives and dressed as Arabs?

26 February 2006, 01:50

Of course it was the Americans or Israelis who blew up the Mosque in Samarra, in hopes of igniting civil disturbance. It all feels like deja vu. Falluja was set up for destruction in the same way.

I am pleased that the Iraqi’s are handling the situation so well, resisting the obvious incitement to civil war. They are actually pulling together on this one. This is the only way they can combat the evil forces which are directed at the dismantling of their country. Never mind the media still trying to drum up a story of civil war and internecine strife, the truth on the ground is that this little false flag psyop attack, has actually backfired against the warmongering imperial invaders. Reduced their standing in the country and the eyes of the world, because most of the rest of the world can also figure out who did this. Reduced the co-operation they are going to get from even relatively friendly Iraqis and helped to unify the Iraqis once again.

The begginning of the end of the US empire is upon us. As it has become the most evil and gross empire, the most murderously destructive empire of all time, it’s fall will be correspondingly horrific.

Your time is coming Americans. You are hastening the day and scale of your own end.

There will be few tears shed for the loss by the time you are history.

How many cried for the end of Nazi Germany?