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> Flashback: Many Iraqis believe ’suicide’ bombings done by US to start a civil war

27 February 2006, 15:35

PAX ROMANA/PAX AMERICANA- "same difference"
Same concept, same brutalities, different times, different players.

We must IMPOSE D-E-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y. No questions asked!
This is nothing but masked Imperialism despite their transparent modus operandi.
Hey and if we don’t like free democaratically elections, i.e. HAMAS, we must do something about that too.

Make no bones about it. America IS an Empire, whether you like it or not-agree with it or not!
Invasion, occupation, (idealistic/philosophical) justification.

Naysayers, just keep watching America’s Idol, Desperate Housewives and the rest of the ilk.
Just as the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars and the Protocols of the Learned elders of Zion prescribe.

I’ll pass on the popcorn and beer.