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5 March 2006, 23:54

Imagine my shock at discovering that Dickie and Georgie are attacking another freedom in this country. There exsists a war driven by terror in this country. The only thing is that with double speak and a hand picked agenda friendly media most of Americas lemmings fail to see that the terrorist are the republicans and democrats in congress.

The war of terror comes out of 900 Pennsylvannia Avenue in Washington, D. C. To prove this one only has to ask how destroying the U. S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and every treaty ever signed in the history of this White American Invasion Machine protects any of us from terror? Who benefits from the Patriot act? Only those who wish to destroy the American social structure and enslave all of the lowly American morons who were simple minded enough to think they were ever free.

Wake up America! It is time for you all to discover the articles of law that allow for political power and use this knowledge to stop the real 9/11 terrorists before they complete their subversion of this countrys republic soveriegnty. The current administtration is banking on the effectiveness of the American education system to have achieved its goal of dumbing down entire generations of Americans so that the not so subtle transition from faux freedom to enslaved laborers can proceed with out any of you cathcing on to your ultimate loss of identity, property, possessions, family, etc.

This article points once again to your new world order. Remember that in the new world order your new world will order you to perform like a circus chimp and any refusal will find you imprisioned in the thought crimes retraining camps or possible you might just go straight to the dissapearing camp where even the memory of you ever exsisting is made to disappear. If you doubt any of this simply ask any Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, Afghanni, Iraqi, African, Asian, etc. The people who are still alive in those places have all been touched by personal examples of the American, Israeli, Mousaad, Cia, M16, etc. colusion in making their new world order a reality. While they make people disappear their reality comes closer and your reality is changing for the worse with their success’.

The clock is ticking and the calendar is running thin America. Cleanse your minds now of their lies you’ve been inundated with and seek your own education. You might be able still to make a difference.