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> Israel Lobby Dictates U.S. Policy, Study Charges by Emad Mekay

7 April 2006, 23:24

Yet again the mainstream media completely ignores this paper as if it was never published. Kinda like how the whole AIPAC things has gotten barely any mention. Now substitue some Arab or Muslim Lobby for AIPAC and I can bet the farm that the media would have blown off the handle about how these sinister muslims/arabs are controlling our Congress. I fail to see how otherwise knowledgeable people refuse to look at the force that the Israeli Lobby has played in igniting the Iraq War. This war was fought for Israel and at its behest. Our judicial and our executive are completely beholden to the Zionist Lobby when it comes to foreign policy, especially the Middle East. Now we have these dumb Christian Zionists who want to start a war between the West and Islam so that the world would end and they can be raptured by Christ. Worse, these guys actually elect officials who represent their nutty views and guide our foreign policy (ie. Delay, Armey, etc etc)
In the end, it’s the people who elect these nutjobs and it never ceases to amaze me how dumb the typical voters are. They fail to see any cause and effect between Zionism and conflict in the world.
Mad kudos to these two authors for coming out with this paper. As usual, the pro-Zionist minions are busy smearing these two guys. Instead of attacking the content, they attack the writers...typical response. What a ridiculous world we live in...