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29 May 2010, 22:08, by Allison

Monsanto does not allow any seeds, whatsoever to be saved. The farmer even has a contract with Monsanto saying that he promises Not to save seeds. Monsanto does want to be able to sell the farmer new seeds each year, and in fact is encouraging the farmer NOT to plow under any crops. The reason for this is: the plant is so very contaminated with pesticides and viruses , that stay in the plant, that plowing under the crop will put all that into the soil and really contaminate the water supply.

The GM seeds are in fact sterile Terminator seeds, BUT maybe could be planted the second time, BUT: they are so unstable genetically that when planted the second time, it is not for sure that the plant will be anything like the"parent plant". You don’t dnow what you will get in the second planting. Plus there is a good probability that, in planting the second time, the pesticide or herbicide could have mutated into something even more deadly!

Please look at the movie: FOOD INC., made in the USA, it does go into this plus there are many sites like: UCSUSA.org (Union of Concerned Scientists), who have studied this problem (independently). Go to this in the site: food_and_agriculture/Science_andImpacts. Very good on this site: a book called: Failure to Yield by Doug Gurian-Sherman that shows that GM crops DO NOT increase yield to "Save the world from hunger".

Please, we just must work together on this: "The future depends on what we do in the present" Ghandi...We must stand up for our rights to have food that nourishes us - and our future.
Stay Healthy!