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4 May 2006, 23:24

Your article could be more pithy and less cute. Don’t use ... so frequently, when what you leave out clarifies the point. Give harder source documentation: Not "Rove said..." but according to x source on y date, "Rove said,,,"

This is TOO IMPORTANT to treat this casually. Bush went into the classroom at 9:03 by reliable reports. The SECOND PLANE struckm WTC 2 some seconds before... We know from numerous photos of Bush taken later at the school that a TV monitor was there and on. Could Bush have seen the 2nd attack live BEFORE he entered the classroom??? IF SO, THAT IS VERY DAMNING. Card coming in 3 mins later is then just a charde. And how is it that Ari Fleicher holds up instructions for Bush "Don’t say anything yet"? You don’t flesh your pc out enough.

Thank you, though, for raising the topic. VERY important!