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> American Apathy: Ethics be hanged!

5 May 2006, 21:00

The problem is that you are part of the problem: you were the one watching and believing something you heard on CNN! If CNN says 4%, it must be true. Right?
Just like the other day when a guy standing in line ahead of me informed me that the American economy was "good". Where do you think he got that information? He sure as hell didn’t get it from the internet.
Americans don’t care BECAUSE they watch TV. They believe what their televisions tell them and act accordingly. "National News" doesn’t offer anything that can be believed anymore simply because of what they don’t report. How can the american public have any outrage when they’re not getting the information they need to get outraged? "Local News" is all about fresh disaster murder and mayhem, hourly reminders that all is not well with the world. The reaction to all the bad news? "I don’t want to think about it!" "Entertain me!" "Make me forget what’s really going on."
What DO Americans care about? Try: how much more money they can make and how good they look. How else can deliberately making the decision to buy a Hummer be explained? I suspect that the people who do the most good and who DO care are the ones who don’t have time for TV. My cure for apathy? Turn off the TV. Period! I’ve only had mine off for a month, and it was hard at first but I never get caught believing the lies anymore. And there’s a new sense of freedom too.