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> State Department Memo: "16 Words" Were False

20 May 2006, 16:33

Does defending your friends legitimize DU poisoned Iraqui children and their civilian parents coming down with multiple forms of cancer in droves? Does defending your friends legitimize your soldiers returning home permanently disabled or developing cancer and having children being born with birth defects because their DNA has been contaminated by the same DU that’s being used in American artillery? I believe US soldiers are patriots, fighting for noble reasons, but perhaps they are being used as fodder, and perhaps the administration behind them and its so-called friends don’t really give a damn about them. Maybe if you read the article "Depleted Uranium: Far Worse than 9-11," you’ll see things differently: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=20060503&articleId=2374