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WAR is a insturment of the RICH.... for the RICH.. played out on the uninformed via psychological operations

26 May 2006, 02:20

Only the poor and uniformed die in wars. The banks of Switzerland have existed in Europe for hundreds of years and amazingly NO ONE has attacked them for their secret role in the investment policies of millions of dead and hundreds of WARS! WHY? Because they serve the RICH! Money is the POWER of the RICH.. and the POWER over the POOR. Understand what that means and how to change that and you will all be free. DECIDE to stop supporting IT!
Make a Conscientious Objection to your slave masters power over your life.. OBJECT to MONEY RULE and DECEPTIONS!

Thank God Monica Benderman and her husband believe in PEACE. They believe in another type of world, WITHOUT war. That World is rapidly approaching and the heartless rich, capitalistic pigs that feed at the trough of other peoples blood for the sake of their greedy hidden profit agendas. Taking from others through confusion and misguidance because of their illegitamite seat of power. They days are numbered and their end is at hand.

It is from a desire to NOT KILL and NOT CONQUER and NOT LIE that the truth and peace can establish itself. From here it is Conscientious Objection that leads the way to the light of a better world. WE ALL NEED TO BE Conscientious Objectors to the ENTIRE system of corruption and stop supporting the disgusting apathetic pretend I give a damn fake leadership of false pretend I’m a Christian or whatever... That only hide behide the cloak of the cloth to part take in the devils meal of blood and greed.

Lets all follow the Bendermans and BOYCOTT the entire leadership of our corrupt system of false promises, degenerate leadership, fake economic hopes, and the real disgusting opium of the system... leadership that continually promises hope and change generation after generation delivering only more wars, lies, fear, and military weapons than EVER BEFORE! Thank about that! We are supposed to be the most free nation, but now we have the most deceptively desguised government of money following puppets without a heart than has been seen by any nation or in any time in histoy before..

Time for all of us to make a Conscientious Objection to the idiocy of this administration. Time to abandon the system of lies and build a person to person real democracy based on self led people rooted in a desire and ablity to NOT cow down to their fear DOGMA!

Every time we Stand up, we crack their system a little more - be a Conscientious Objector --- BE FREE