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> Root Causes of HadithaRoot Causes of HadithaRoot Causes of HadithaRoot Causes of Haditha

14 June 2006, 00:50

The general is the one who is wrong. What the general and all those who say that the war in Iraq is a failure are wrong.

What is happenning in and to Iraq and it’s peoples is going according to plan, if fact, it is going better than the plan. It is as though there is a divine hand in the implementation of the plans.

The U.S. holds all of the winning hands, you might say, it holds all of the cards and there is not a single one in it that is a losing card.

Look around you, listen what the Americans say about Arabs and Muslims. Do you think that they want to stop the killing?

The handful few who are on this and other blogs like this are the only ones who appear to have some limited ability to see the destruction. But they are again mistaken if they think that what is happening is a result of failure or is a failure.