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> The true Judas

16 June 2006, 03:15

Good question. If I remember correctly, there was a Jewish historian named Josephus who mentioned Jesus and his execution in a historical, as opposed to a religious context. Josephus was not a follower, so he did not have any reason to mention this if it were not factual. It is known that Pilate ruled Judea (his image is on old coins from the region), and that Caiphas, the priest most responsible for the execution of Jesus, lived out his days on his farm. Also, there is evidence of Jesus’ family (brothers and sisters), who are largely ignored in the New Testament. Jesus great-nephews and nieces were said to have lived during the time many of these Gnostic writings occurred. But whether or not these figures were real, Hoffman’s point is still valid. Many so-called Christians, like George W. Bush, are worse than Judas. Bush betrayed a nation with his lies. Yet he continues to hold a position of power, showing absolutely no remorse for the lives his lies have taken.