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You Say Everything Phil simply Reported(really) about the great Obfuscatator - was a lie?

8 June 2004, 08:59

OK . There will never be an answer to this one -because Plutocratic Reagan-supporters are such Pathological liars( they have to be to support such a regular liar as Reagan) - Well here it is, child: WHICH exactly of Phil’s statements about Reagan was a ***lie***? ?

Can’t answer that one Ay? Well try this one on for size also: "Ronald Reagan left the United States after his term of 8 years sleeping at meetings ’in office’ - with the Biggest Fiscal DEFICIT that any US president had ever EVER saddled the people of this country with." Reagan’s DECICIT on leaving office was the Largest debt the country was EVER left by ANY president. Clinton left the US with a nearly Billion dollar SURPLUS in funds. OK you can’t answer that one ... So now Change the Subject - since you can’t refer us to any data or facts to refute this - and tell us how ...

..."Well umm .....Reagan’s ’Moral’ effect on the country was far better than Clinton’s and THAT was the important thing." OH ? So supporting the DEATH SQUADS of the Nicaraguan Contras who burned people alive and SKINNED people alive - was That also proof Reagan’s ’moral’ character ?? Get some Facts man. SOME FACTS before you Embarrass your self anymore on here. As I understand it this posting board is for Adults who understand Fact from administration propaganda. Get a civics teacher or someone who KNOWS something to educate you. Try it - You’ll like it!