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> JPost.com » International » ArticleJul. 16, 2006 0:04Putin: Israel has goals other than troops

16 July 2006, 11:45

No question about it: Israel has other goals than just returning the IDF men. We are being dragged into the biggest mess the world will ever have seen, and all because Israel does not ever intend to relinquish the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The American People are gradually AIPAC, but by the time the damage has been done to our country and what was a democracy, it will perhaps be too late.
Even if Iran does acquire nuclear know-how and makes one, they are not so stupid to attack Israel or any other country because they know fully well what would happen to them.
Israel needs to come to an immediate cessation of what it is now doing, and that is the decimation of innocent human beings. Enough of this madness.