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> A Ruse to Save Blair’s Political Ass?

12 August 2006, 21:08

No mate, I have Pakistani friends who are Muslim and they all feel to different degrees a sense of injustice as to whats going on in the Middle East.

Its not a question of being psychic, just common sense. I posted this on a thread on this site after the July 2005 bombs in London, when this Wayne Madsen who wrote the piece above said ludicrously that the bombs were set of by Government/Secret Service. A Chicago based, incidentally Bush supporting Professor of Politics, in an exhaustive study of suicide bombers, has found 98% cite foreign troops on Arabian Peninsular soil as their prime motivation.

It’s prudent for our governments to label the backlash to invasion and maiming as ’extremism’ or, as Bush described as ’Islamo-Fascists’. Otherwise its akin to them saying ’ Oh we fucked up’.

It’s expedient for them to call it a ’War on Terror’ rather than the ’terror’ being an act of revenge for bombing Muslim people.

We probably agree on the concept of Islam. People who run this entity would like nothing more than it to be an Islamic world. Madness. A backward step for humanity and reason, as is any religion or concept that is invasive and simplistic. but you don’t educate them away from blinkeredness, or explain other philosophies of life by bombing the fuck out of them.....unless you want to steal the natural resources and inflame a minority as a by product in the process. What you find with these entities, be it Capitalism, Communism, Islam, or Christianity is that the people at the top couldn’t give a fuck, but use them as tools, sell them to us.

sorry gone on a bit there:-)