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> A Ruse to Save Blair’s Political Ass?

13 August 2006, 04:35

The news in America on CNN and MSNBC are now reporting that there was no immenent threat, and that this entire situation is highly suspect.

They are saying that it’s likely the suspects may not even have enough to hold them. Are you kidding me?

Mr. Bush went up 10 or 11 points in his poll numbers since the initial report of this. (Of course, when you’re as low as he is in the polls, that’s not a huge bump)

And now Americans are hearing that the whole thing was likely another bogus set up by losers Bush and Blair, likely with the assistance of the ever-so-sneaky Karl Rove.

Bush and Cheney are ensuring that Americans are terrified, regardless of what they have to do. If Democrats take control of Congress in November (which is what most Americans want), Bush will be heaved out on his ass. No one in the history of this planet has LIED so much as George W. Bush.