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> Why Do We Hate Them?

6 September 2006, 13:10

I would argue there are many who have no ill feeling towards Muslims at all. I cannot say the same about America.
Whilst not wanting to tar all Americans with the same brush the image and opinions of Americans throughout Europe and Asia is not good. America is widely seen as the israels loyal lap dog - and let’s face it that is exactly what America is. Americans are widely seen as stupid - let’s face it, her tax payers fund an illegal terrorist state to the tune of billions of dollars a year, while the victims of hurricanes are left to rot. SOme country. Does it make you feel proud? If an entire American popluation can sit idly by while their tax dollars are diverted to fund a foreign facist illegal state then the evidence is there to suggest that a majority if American’s are indeed stupid. Blind patriotism is not noble or gallant. Americans are being taken for suckers - the rest of the world can see it. I do not dislke the Muslims. I dislike America - a country that has attacked more than 70 countries in modern history. America has used nuclear weapons, tortured, stole other countries resources, raped and pillaged. Bringing freedom to Iraq? Do you think the world is as stupid as americans? If that is what you call freedem and democrary KEEP IT! Revel in your ignorance and stay the hell out foreign lands. You are not wanted and you are not liked. I acknowledge the good Americans out there who are not sucked in by the ’empire’ and challenge their corrupt govt. I hope you can turn the tide of your sorry state of a county. May I add there is nothing more despicable than so called’Christians’ who engage in the infantile debate ’our bible is better than theirs’. Really pathetic and indicative of the level of intelligence we are dealing with here.