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11 September 2006, 16:38

To 209.235: Are you saying that 152.100’s blistering comment [BLA, BLA, HAHAHAHHAHABLA, SPIT, BLA, SPIT, SECRETIONS, HAHAHA, BLA, HABLA DE MIERDA, ETC] was the only one with some ’validity’? Such depth, such insight, you have 209.235!!
We must all bow down to you and your cohort 152.100’s obvious intellectual superiority!!
I have attempted to capture 152.100’s crisp and concise prose style, but somehow I come up short. BLA, HHHHAAAAHAHAHA, WINDBAG, HAA, is all I can do. But this is a mere empty copy to the near religious experience of the original, ’BLA, HAHAH’.
Surely 152.100 has more truths to tell the world, more perceptive thoughts to tell us. This extraordinary comment that I cannot besmirch must be the tip of the iceberg to 152.100’s opus magnus of prescient blatherings. May I be so presumptous as to give you a working title for your epic volume, 152.100? Here’s some titles for you : "The Secretions and Blatherings of an American Intellectual", or "The World is of Shit, and so is the Mind of the American Intellectual" or
"BLA, HA, HA!: The Secret Interior Life of a Lazy American Thinker".