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> SUPER HOT BREAKING INTEL: Bushfraud Diversion

24 September 2006, 15:31

There are a group of people who do not believe Henegen, Webb, Flocco & the Major. They are either disinformation agents or are being fed disinfo by their sources who might have been caught by the Bush cabal originally and used them to set these guys up. Their backgrounds and contacts are in fact good ones thus more dangerous to Bush and that could be why they decided to do this instead to attack their credibility. I never send anything by them out to my email list.

As for Ossama, his death in 2002 was all over the foreign press just not here. No wonder over seas has a 90% belief that 9-11 was done by bush and not bin laden since they all knew bin laden was dead while Bush was using him with bogus videos and audio tapes. LOL WE maybe ilolated here in the states but we are not completely shut down and I saw those reports back in 2002 and that has been what kept me believing bush did 9-11 ( along with other evidence of course).