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> Tolerating Intolerance by In the name of security, but not for its sake

24 September 2006, 16:29

Mr Ka’nazi’ you are not naive enough to know the world is ruled by violence and $$$$. Its so easy to blame the super powers blame comes with the territory. Divorce yourself from religious mysticisms and look at it methodically,if I had a stick and you a gun who would prevail if I had a nuclear weapon and you an RPG who would prevail, if you were oppressed and trumped my nuclear weapon with religion who would prevail?????? This is the argument of using religion for geopolitical agendas. The Muslim’s of the 14th century gather around this and ravaged northern Afica the middle east and central asia convert or be slain! not much different from the theocratic papal agendas of the time. The only difference is today we have separated church and state while reactionary Muslims continue the archaic thought process of theocracy and arming themselves with suicidal directives for a Muslim world order. Its so easy to unite around religion when the majority of the masses are poor yet the leaders controll oil wealth beyond our imagination so much for a muslim brotherhood....help your people and do not blame the west , you envy our way of life our cultural achievements our technolgy the beauty of our weapons coca cola movie stars and everything american! your middle class loves the life in the west and we in the name of free speech allow you to blast us. Christanity of today is an all loving compasionate and forgiving religion I wonder what it would of been like under Islam in the height of their power or even today say something controversial and your tongue is cut-off. Lets for the sake of the human race be more progressive and stop living in the past stop using god as a crutch!